Sk ecoplant ceo. 31, 2023) Financial performance Backlog KRW 19.
Sk ecoplant ceo. To address issues arising in collaboration with Biz.
Sk ecoplant ceo Furthermore, SK ecoplant is dedicated to realizing sustainable cities where humans and nature coexist harmoniously. SK ecoplant is a leader in climate solutions. Apr 22, 2024 · Singapore, April 22, 2024 - TES, a global leader in technology and battery lifecycle management, is thrilled to announce its rebranding as SK tes, following its acquisition by SK ecoplant. 2022년에는 SK에코플랜트 전 구성원(임원~담당) 을 대상 In 2021, SK ecoplant introduced the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), a climate change-related information disclosure framework. 31, 2023) Financial performance Backlog KRW 19. 3 billion Credit rating To foster a transparent, mature trade culture, SK ecoplant has been operating the “Compliance Program (CP)” since 2008, and we receive a pledge every year from all employees including the CEO to practice compliance and commit ourselves to establishing a culture of compliance. 436,565tCO 2 eq: 1,498tCO 2 eq: Fleet Fuel Management SK ecoplant’s has set up its human rights system based on the guidelines for Human Rights Due Diligence of the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, which suggests Protect', 'Respect', and 'Remedy' as principles to promote the human rights of all stakeholders in corporate activities. Vision To Cool the Earth. He added, "The company will continue to invest in companies with high growth potential and innovative technology and pursue M&A activity to become SK ecoplant is planning to make a joint investment towards constructing a production line for K-eco bars* in 2022 in cooperation with KCMT, a specialized GFRP reinforcing bar manufacturer, and Carbon Fiber & Young, a new eco-friendly materials maker. SK Ecoplant has been publishing sustainability reports since 2016 to transparently disclose the company's sustainable management direction and key achievements to stakeholders. SK Ecoplant has established a win-win growth policy to foster a sustainable business partnership based on mutual understanding and cooperation with Biz. ESG Management. SK ecoplant is working towards a sustainable future for mankind and nature. 08. Articles of 별도 명시된 내용이 없는 경우 연결 기준 정량 데이터 집계 범위는 2021년은 SK에코플랜트(SK에코엔지니어링 물적 분할 이전), SK오션플랜트, SK tes, 리뉴어스, 2022~2023년은 SK에코플랜트, SK에코엔지니어링, SK오션플랜트, SK tes, 리뉴어스 입니다. Climate change is the most pressing challenge in humanity’s pursuit of sustainable development. Partners, SK Ecoplant has appointed the head of the ESG Center (CSO) as the chairman of the Win-Win Growth Committee. SK Ecoplant’s quality management roadmap aims to "achieve zero large-scale physical accidents that can affect the company. Abigail Spanberger (left-center) and TES CEO Terence Ng (right-center) dedicate a new Virginia facility opened by TES, an SK Ecoplant company. He was born in June 1970. Independent Directors Mira Lee( ), Yeon-Man Jeong CEO Message Business Areas Our Approach to Sustainability Materiality Assessment Environmental ‣ 기후변화 대응 Response to Climate Change 청정기술과 솔루션 Clean Technologies and Solutions 환경경영 Environmental Management Sep 29, 2023 · Since 2022, SK ecoplant has invested more than $60 million in Ascend Elements. 1. Topic SASB Code / Metric Renewus SK Tes; Greenhouse Gas Emissions IF-WM-110a. As for financial risks, financial strength and operational efficiency are regularly evaluated through profit and loss and financial examination meetings presided by the CEO. cso는 안전보건 업무의 총괄 책임자로서 안전보건 관리체계 구축, 조직 및 인력 운영, 예산편성과 집행 등 안전보건경영 체계 전반에 걸쳐 독립적인 의사결정을 담당합니다. 손익계산서; Category 2022 2023; Non-consolidated Consolidated Non-consolidated Consolidated; Revenues: 61,914: 75,509: 46,022: 89,251: Operating profit: 1,588: 1,570 Mar 26, 2021 · SK ecoplant. We aim to complete a circular economy with the synergy of our environment-energy-solution businesses to overcome climate change that the planet and humanity confronts. This strategic move marks a pivotal moment in the company’s journey, as SK tes is poised to accelerate its growth and strengthen its commitment to SK ecoengineering provides unrivaled services in batteries and core materials for batteries, including LiBS, hydrogen and eco-friendly projects, and power plants using the technically-skilled human resources and experience it has accumulated while executing numerous projects around the world. To meet this commitment, the company needs a turnaround in this year’s performance, and merging with a financially strong company could resolve this issue swiftly. 856-021-455-025 6th Floor Capital Tower, 23 Singha Road, Nongbone Village, Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital, La; MAP SK Ecoplant continuously monitors and manages the status of risk profiles by working-level organizations and councils for each risk area. Oct 25, 2021 · SK ecoplant contracts for a minimum of 500 megawatts of power from Bloom Energy through 2024 at an estimated $4. As a leading environmental company, SK ecoplant strives to set and achieve targets for the restoration of humanity’s environment. CEO 직속의 친환경 연구개발 플랫폼인 Eco Lab 센터 1) 는 SK에코플랜트를 친환경·에너지 솔루션 리더로 성장시키기 위한 연구개발을 수행하였습니다. Global Network: 102-5: Ownership and legal form: SK ecoplant is a corportation under Commercial Act. 또한 친환경 연구개발의 사령탑으로서 Eco Lab 센터는 각 사업부에서 수행하고 있는 기술 개발 과제들을 Climate Change Policy. 12. 재무상태표; Category 2022 2023; Non-consolidated Consolidated Non-consolidated Consolidated; Current assets: 42,687: 57,674: 36,473: 62,018: Quick assets: 35,705 In appointing the CISO and CPO, SK ecoplant has set the qualifications required by the related laws - such as the Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and the Information Protection and Personal Information Protection Act - as internal standards. 중소기업벤처부 로드쇼 개최 ‘남품대금 연동제’ 소개: 전 임직원 대상 CP 인식도 조사(상반기) 상반기 Compliance 운영 실적 CEO 보고: 2023. 6 trillion Operating profit KRW 39. SK에코플랜트는 사업 수행 및 기업 운영 뿐만 아니라 밸류체인 전반을 고려하여 Scope 1, 2, 3 배출량을 감축하기 위한 다각적인 노력을 전개하고 있습니다. Business. Scope 1 emissions. SK ecoplant operates 28 oversears branches in 24 countries, excluding Korea, and owns 18 overseas subsidiaries in 15 countries. 2024-Mar. Kim graduated from Seoul National University with a degree in Business Administration. 2023년 2월 sk에코플랜트는 당사 및 esg추진협의체 멤버 자회사 ceo가 참석하는 esg경영협의회를 개최하였으며, esg추진협의체 산하 5개 영역(컴플라이언스, 인권, 품질환경, 안전보건, esg)의 소위원회에서 자회사 esg 경영 수준 개선을 위한 연간 협업 활동 계획을 Dec 31, 2023 · 회사명: sk에코플랜트: 설립일자: 1962년 2월 21일: 사업장 수: 104개: 임직원 수: 3,488명, 2023. Current) CEO, SK ecoplant • SK Ecoplant held an Extraordinary General Meeting and Board of Directors meeting on the 15th, appointing Kim Hyung-Geun as CEO. Feb 22, 2022 · "The acquisition of TES will be a milestone for SK ecoplant to become a leader in the exponentially growing global sustainable IT lifecycle services market," Park Kyung-Il, CEO of SK ecoplant, said. 또한 친환경 연구개발의 사령탑으로서 Eco Lab 센터는 각 사업부에서 수행하고 있는 기술 개발 과제들을 외부 이해 SK에코플랜트는 매년 구성원을 대상으로 ‘Culture Survey’ 를 실시하여 구성원 행복 중심 경영을 위한 다양한 프로그램들의 효과성을 파악하고 있으며, 분석된 결과를 정책 및 프로그램에 반영하고 있습니다. CEO Message; Board of Directors; History; Brand Identity; CI; Global Network. +82 2-3700-7114 Email skec. Dong-Hyun Jang (Chairman of the Board) Current) CEO, SK ecoplant; CEO, SK Inc. " “This is just the beginning of an entirely new industry in the United States. As of June 30, 2022, the total issued shares of SK ecoplant are 35,297,293. Environmental Management Philosophy Sustainability Management. Partners. com Seed Stick encloses seeds with a special water-soluble film. We provide plant solutions for future growth businesses, including recycling and hydrogen plants, electric vehicle battery and core materials, and semiconductor plants. 2021 Renamed from SK E&C to SK ecoplant and started anew as an environmental company SK ecoplant leaped forward as Korea's largest comprehensive environmental company Selected as a ‘Caring Business 2. CEO, SK ecoplant Kyung-il Park Statement of Oath for Fair Trade Compliance I agree to actively participate in the "Compliance Program (CP)" for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a fair and sound trade order and declare in writing as follows: I acknowledge that my voluntary compliance with fair trade-related laws and regulations is SK ecoplant's climate change strategies are well aligned with its business strategies. Company. 2026; Hyung-Keun Kim. SK ecoplant’s environmental management policy seeks to realize a sustainable future where people, society, and the environment can co-exist. SK ecoplant aspires to build a circular economy and provide solutions for global environmental and energy problems in order to restore the Earth. SK ecoplant exists for Earth and mankind. 856-021-455-025 Fax. Articles of Incorporation & Corporate Governance Charter 친환경·에너지 솔루션 리더. " In 2023, SK Ecoplant conducted 34 sessions of quality improvement support and inspection processes for our subsidiaries, aiding in the establishment of a robust internal quality management systems. SK Ecoplant prioritizes the safety and happiness of all employees and stakeholders and advances its safety and health management system to world-class levels. SK에코플랜트는 반부패 위반 건수 Zero를 목표로 윤리경영 체계를 고도화하고 있습니다. SK에코플랜트는 기후변화를 비롯한 글로벌 환경문제를 해결하여 인간과 자연의 지속가능한 내일을 만들어가는 친환경·에너지 솔루션 리더(Climate Solution Leader)로 도약하고자 노력하고 있습니다. CEO Message Business Areas Our Approach to Sustainability Materiality Assessment Environmental ‣ 기후변화 대응 Response to Climate Change 청정기술과 솔루션 Clean Technologies and Solutions 환경경영 Environmental Management Tel. 2021 was yet another difficult year for corpo-rations and individuals as social problems such as the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, energy crisis, and social polarization intensified around the world. As a company specializing in offshore wind power substructures, offshore plants, shipbuilding, and thick-walled steel pipes, SK oceanplant successfully localized thick-walled steel pipes for the first time in Korea in 2000. Articles of Incorporation & Corporate CEO Message Business Areas Our Approach to Sustainability Materiality Assessment Environmental ‣ 기후변화 대응 Response to Climate Change 청정기술과 솔루션 Clean Technologies and Solutions 환경경영 Environmental Management SK ecoplant faithfully achieves goals and implementation for climate change response, win-win management, and compliance management. Waste Management & Recycling; Green Energy; Solution for Net-Zero; Hi-Tech Plant; Sustainable Space; Eco R&D; Platform Business; Special Technologies; Sustainability Management ESG Management. cw7901@partner. Nominates independent directors for appointment at the shareholders’ meeting; evaluates the CEO’s performance and reviews the individual remuneration of internal directors. CEO의 ‘Compliance Together’ 교육 영상 CEO Message Business Areas Our Approach to Sustainability Materiality Assessment Environmental ‣ 기후변화 대응 Response to Climate Change 청정기술과 솔루션 Clean Technologies and Solutions 환경경영 Environmental Management Tel. 기준: 재무성과 수주잔고 Tel. SK Ecoplant is committed to further strengthening its employee happiness-centered management by continuously seeking improvement. Sep 26, 2024 · SK Ecoplant continues to drive business model innovation based on ESG management. 07. 1-281-258-2860 10497 Town and Country Way 700, Houston, TX 77024; MAP In 2022, embodying SK Ecoplant’s impetus for companywide human rights management, the "Human Rights Commitment" was enacted. , Ltd. (the “Company”) is to ensure the happiness of its employees. Board of Directors. Independent Directors Mira Lee( ), Yeon-Man Jeong As domestic and overseas ESG regulations become increasingly diverse and the ESG management standards required of our subsidiaries by major countries including the US and the EU are stepped up, SK ecoplant attempted to enhance its subsidiaries’ ESG management by establishing the ESG Council in 2022. SK ecoplant strives to create eco-friendly residential, office and commercial spaces for daily life and a sustainable environment and seeks to share its ESG business values with all its clients. Acquired by SK Ecoplant in 2022, TES has continued to expand as a global leader in sustainable IT services with advanced recycling technologies focused on delivering security, compliance and SK ecoplant operates 28 oversears branches in 24 countries, excluding Korea, and owns 18 overseas subsidiaries in 15 countries. SK ecoplant strives to create a fair and law-abiding management environment by declaring its will to eradicate illegal acts and legislation in the process of promoting or carrying out overseas projects. 재무상태표; Category 2022 2023; Non-consolidated Consolidated Non-consolidated Consolidated; Current assets: 42,687: 57,674: 36,473: 62,018: Quick assets: 35,705 SK Ecoplant has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards for the period 2023-01-01 ~ 2023-12-31 CEO Message: 2-23: Policy commitments: Policy and Certificate: 윤리경영 목표. 1-281-258-2860 10497 Town and Country Way 700, Houston, TX 77024; MAP SK ecoplant’s SV Group. SK Ecoplant's CEO is Dong-Hyun Jang. Independent Directors Mira Lee( ), Yeon-Man Jeong Feb 21, 2022 · "The acquisition of TES will be a milestone for SK ecoplant to become a leader in the exponentially growing global sustainable IT lifecycle services market," Park Kyung-Il, CEO of SK ecoplant, said. Under the challenge-spirited vision of "Lowering the Earth’s temperature", we overhauled our business model to focus on environmental business aimed at a circular economy and energy business to reduce carbon emissions. CEO Message; Board of Directors; History; CI; Global Network. Scope 3 Emissions (SK Ecoplant) Category ceo 메시지 사업소개 esg 추진전략 중요성 평가 Environmental ‣ 기후변화 대응 Response to Climate Change 청정기술과 솔루션 Clean Technologies and Solutions 환경경영 Environmental Management As an environmental, energy, and solutions company, SK ecoplant is working hard to participate in the global effort to solve social issues such as climate change and the proliferation of wastes and to contribute to the sustainable growth of the world. In 2022, embodying SK Ecoplant’s impetus for companywide human rights management, the "Human Rights Commitment" was enacted. Tel. 31. 856-021-455-025 6th Floor Capital Tower, 23 Singha Road, Nongbone Village, Saysettha District, Vientiane Capital, La; MAP SK ecoplant, together with our business in the fields of solar and wind power project development and execution, has invested in TopSun, a solar solutions expert, and Encored, an IoT/Big Data developer in renewable energy, to establish a full supply value chain providing the best renewable energy solutions needed by the market. 2. CEO Message Business Areas Our Approach to Sustainability Materiality Assessment Environmental ‣ 기후변화 대응 Response to Climate Change 청정기술과 솔루션 Clean Technologies and Solutions 환경경영 Environmental Management Unless otherwise specified, the scope of consolidated quantitative data includes SK Ecoplant (prior to the split-off of SK ecoengineering), SK oceanplant, SK Tes, and Renewus for 2021, and SK Ecoplant, SK ecoengineering, SK oceanplant, SK Tes, and Renewus for 2022~2023. Inside directors. The Culture Survey has confirmed employees’ trust in SK Ecoplant’s legacy, growth, vision, and direction. 동시에 지속적인 업무 개선(Operation Improvement)을 실행하여 경영의 기본기를 강화하고 시장의 기대와 신뢰에 Jul 3, 2024 · SK Ecoplant secured a 1 trillion won pre-IPO investment in 2022, setting an IPO deadline of July 2026 with investors. In accordance with Note 1), the recalculation was based on the separate revenue of SK Ecoplant, to account for the split-off of SK ecoengineering. Other executives include Kyoung-II Park, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer; Jae Yeon Cho, Executive Vice President & Managing Director, Environment Business Unit and 7 others. Articles of Incorporation & Corporate CEO Message Business Areas Our Approach to Sustainability Materiality Assessment Environmental ‣ 기후변화 대응 Response to Climate Change 청정기술과 솔루션 Clean Technologies and Solutions 환경경영 Environmental Management. skec. • CEO Kim Hyung-Geun emphasized the importance of enhancing competitive differentiation and realizing new value through Kim Hyung-keun is the CEO of SK ecoplant. 2022년 SK그룹 차원에서 지표화한 반부패 리스크 관리 체계 및 관리 역량을 기준으로 SK에코플랜트 전사에 걸친 반부패 리스크의 식별과 평가, 개선과제 이행을 실행하고 있으며, 리스크 관리 체계 CEO Message Business Areas Our Approach to Sustainability Materiality Assessment Environmental ‣ 기후변화 대응 Response to Climate Change 청정기술과 솔루션 Clean Technologies and Solutions 환경경영 Environmental Management Nominates independent directors for appointment at the shareholders’ meeting; evaluates the CEO’s performance and reviews the individual remuneration of internal directors. " SK Ecoplant's ESG Center operates under the direct authority of the CEO. SK에코플랜트의 CP 성과 보도(한국일보 지면 등) 하도급 상생조정 위원회 신설: 2023. It also validated the effectiveness of current policies and programs. In response to the increasing demand for corporate responsibility in this area, SK Ecoplant remains steadfast in our commitment to growing as a global leader in climate solutions—a true "Climate Solution Leader. 동반성장 CEO 세미나: 주요 Biz. In 2023, the "Human Rights Commitment" was amended as the "Human Rights Management Declaration", officially declaring SK Ecoplant’s impetus for systematic approach on human rights management. Jan 4, 2023 · SK Telecom CEO Ryu Young-sang, SK E&S CEO Choo Hyeong-wook, SK geo centric CEO Na Kyung-soo, SKC CEO Park Won-cheol, and SK ecoplant CEO Park Kyung-il will also hold business meetings with executives of their partner companies. SK에코플랜트 CEO 박경일 변화가 시작되는 곳, SK에코플랜트 지구를 되돌리는 우리의 노력 우리의 지속가능경영 Appendi SK ecoplant 2021 Sustainability Report 04 | 05 The Eco Lab Center 1), an eco-friendly research and development platform under direct supervision of the CEO, has conducted research and development to grow SK Ecoplant into an eco-friendly and energy solutions leader. 0’ by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups ZOOM Mar 19, 2024 · U. 1-281-258-2600 Fax. In 2022, we recorded 5,369 hours, far surpassing the originally intended target of 4,600 hours. Partner CEO 역량 향상을 위한 세미나 제공: 112: 137: 193: 판로개척: 구매상담회 참여 제공: 각종 상담회 개최 시 참여 기회 제공: 건: 10: 12: 12: 동반성장몰: 중소기업의 판로지원을 위한 동반성장몰 운영 지원: 억원: 1: 1: 0. Furthermore, we registered as a TCFD Supporter in 2022 and are now participating in the Korean TCFD Alliance. It is responsible for managing tasks related to ESG such as safety and health, quality, environment, compliance, and social contribution. Mike O'Kronley, CEO of Ascend Elements, said, "We are honored to deepen our relationship with SK ecoplant on this new, state-of-the-art EV battery recycling facility. To address issues arising in collaboration with Biz. Rep. Term Jan. SK Ecoplant’s climate change response policy is aligned with our environment, energy, and solution business strategy. Address SK ecoplant, 19, Yulgok-ro 2-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul Tel. ceo 메시지 사업소개 esg 추진전략 중요성 평가 Environmental ‣ 기후변화 대응 Response to Climate Change 청정기술과 솔루션 Clean Technologies and Solutions 환경경영 Environmental Management SK ecoplant understands exactly what its clients need and provides them with new residential models to further improve their quality of life. Nevertheless, it was a meaningful CEO at SK ecoplant Americas · Experience: SK ecoplant Americas · Education: Yonsei University · Location: Irvine · 500+ connections on LinkedIn. Our vision is more habitable, sustainable earth for mankind. 5 billion in equipment and service revenues Bloom Energy and SK ecoplant to create hydrogen innovation centers in the U. We will continue to actively utilize the sustainability report as a channel to communicate with various stakeholders. SK oceanplant is one of the key companies in SK ecoplant's offshore wind-based green hydrogen value chain. In 2023, a safety and health management policy was instituted to prevent potential accidents and specify roles and responsibilities, ensuring a safe and healthy work environment. 12: 복리후생 SK ecoplant conducts case-specific, job-specific compliance training considering the relevance with the duties for all employees including the CEO and BOD, temporary workers, and part-time workers. Through the analysis of eco-friendly technology, policy, and market trends, we develop technology roadmaps and cultivate a diverse technology portfolio through C&D (Connect & Development) initiatives in alignment with our business strategies. In addition to this, the Company strives to enhance the well-being of its stakeholders for the sake of the Company’s enduring existence and progression. sk에코플랜트의 안전보건경영 실행 조직은 최고안전보건책임자(cso)를 주축으로 구성되어 있습니다. SK Ecoplant Americas 3161 Michelson Drive #925 Irvine, CA 92612 1-949-336-5100 Tel SK ecoplant’s CEO and senior management oversee the implementation of our climate strategies, including the Net Zero reduction process, goals, and investments. We are trying to lower the temperature of the earth in order to overcome climate change. 1-281-258-2860 10497 Town and Country Way 700, Houston, TX 77024; MAP Employees performing related tasks at SK Ecoplant and its subsidiaries: Training on "protection of technical data of subcontractors" under Subcontracting Act: 2,048 people (100%) Employees : All employees of SK Ecoplant and SK ecoengineering: Compliance informed directly by the CEO: 3,456 people (100%) All employees of SK Ecoplant and SK ceo 메시지 사업소개 esg 추진전략 중요성 평가 Environmental ‣ 기후변화 대응 Response to Climate Change 청정기술과 솔루션 Clean Technologies and Solutions 환경경영 Environmental Management 2023년 CEO 직속의 친환경 연구개발 플랫폼인 Eco Lab 센터 1) 는 SK에코플랜트를 친환경·에너지 솔루션 리더로 성장시키기 위한 연구개발을 수행하였습니다. To enhance the responsibilities of management, a reduction target for CO2 emissions was included in the KPI for our CEO in 2022 to help realize the Net Zero plan. SK ecoplant. 1 trillion Revenue KRW 4. View David Kim’s profile on LinkedIn, a 이 모든 과정에서 SK에코플랜트는 SK그룹의 DBL(Double Bottom Line) 경영에 기반하여 경제와 사회 양 측면에서 더 나은 가치를 창출해 나가고자 합니다. CEO Message I express my sincere gratitude for your unwavering support and in-terest in SK ecoplant. and South Korea to advance commercialization of green hydrogen SK ecoplant targeting approximately $500 million equity […] SK ecoplant. partners, Sep 26, 2024 · SK Ecoplant continues to drive business model innovation based on ESG management. • Kim, our new CEO, is the ideal leader to guide SK Ecoplant's 'stable leap forward,' given his extensive strategic and financial expertise. He also earned an MBA from Michigan State University and a Master's degree in Public Policy from the Korea Development Institute (KDI) School of Public Policy and Management. Place the Seed Stick in a pot and add water, and the seeds will sprout. S. SK에코플랜트의 감축 목표는 SBTi 홈페이지 에서도 확인할 수 있습니다. Kyung-il Park CEO, SK ecoplant Dear valued shareholders, clients, employees, and Biz. 손익계산서; Category 2022 2023; Non-consolidated Consolidated Non-consolidated Consolidated; Revenues: 61,914: 75,509: 46,022: 89,251: Operating profit: 1,588: 1,570 The paramount objective of SK ecoplant Co. As a command center for eco-friendly research and development, the Eco Lab Center also connects business unit-specific SK Ecoplant: Year and date of establishment: February 21st, 1962: Number of worksites: 104 sites: Number of employees: 3,488 (As of Dec. Based on the many years of experience we have accumulated in the construction industry, our innovative business models, and our propulsive management activities, we have restructured and reoriented our business model toward an environmental business model to promote a circular economy, as well as to an SK ecoplant's Eco R&D functions as a technology hub that facilitates the integration of eco-friendly technologies.
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