Awa nursery plants We grow 85% of what we sell which enables us to offer the Stunning New Arrivals in store Now There are some fresh new plants in the nursery today. White flowers are prolific for many months from spring and are much loved by bees. Great place with a large selection of native Our Plants; Price List Click on the thumbnail below to view, print or download our latest price list: We would often be informed that these such plants were only used for demonstration purposes. [pullquote_right]Awa Nursery is a working nursery open to the public, including landscapers and developers 7 days a week from 9am to 5pm. [pullquote_right]Awa Nursery is a working Ajuga Jungle Beauty This Ajuga produces glossy green leaves with purple margins. [pullquote_right]Awa Nursery is a working Lonicera nitida Box Honeysuckle This is an excellent fast growing substitute for the box hedge. [pullquote_right]Awa Nursery is a working Our Plants; Price List Click on the thumbnail below to view, print or download our latest price list: We would often be informed that these such plants were only used for demonstration purposes. If you are landscaping, be it large or small, we welcome your visit! We have plants and trees big and Awa Nursery is amazing. 30am to 5pm. [pullquote_right]Awa Nursery is a working Lomandra longifolia Tanika Ozbreed (PVR) LM300 Tanika® Lomandra has been performing in landscapes across Australia for over a decade. [pullquote_right]Awa Nursery is a working . [pullquote_right]Awa Nursery is a working Our Plants; Price List Click on the thumbnail below to view, print or download our latest price list: We would often be informed that these such plants were only used for demonstration Howea forsteriana Kentia Palm The Kentia is an upright palm with beautiful, arching, dark green leaves. [pullquote_right]Awa Nursery is a working One of the most attractive native specimens available. The prices are the best thing. Quality plants at excellent prices. So much cheaper The Nursery evolved initially from a personal need to be able to purchase a selection of good quality specimen trees from one location. Also the desire to buy every plant that was Loads of plants and trees for a competitive price and friendly, knowledgeable and helpful staff. We have all been admiring the large grade stunning Acer Senkaki. Flowers are produced year round followed by red fruit Our Plants; Price List Click on the thumbnail below to view, print or download our latest price list: We would often be informed that these such plants were only used for demonstration purposes. At Awa Nursery we pride ourselves in the standard and quality of all our plants. With its glossy dark green leaves, and growing with a rounded spreading canopy, Puriri is an excellent shade or specimen tree. The foliage is finer than other box hedging options with an intense deep green. It's very well laid out, tidy and the plants are really healthy. [pullquote_right]Awa Nursery is a working Leptospermum scoparium Manuka Tea Tree Narrow, dark green leaves are sharply pointed with fresh growth being a bright green. Can be grown as a container plant indoors as they will tolerate low light levels, but will also grow well in a bright, indirect morning Our Plants; Price List Click on the thumbnail below to view, print or download our latest price list: We would often be informed that these such plants were only used for demonstration purposes. An excellent plant for small hedges and topiery work. A great tree for Our Plants; Price List Click on the thumbnail below to view, print or download our latest price list: We would often be informed that these such plants were only used for demonstration purposes. [pullquote_right]Awa Nursery is a working Our Plants; Price List Click on the thumbnail below to view, print or download our latest price list: We would often be informed that these such plants were only used for demonstration Our Plants; Price List Click on the thumbnail below to view, print or download our latest price list: We would often be informed that these such plants were only used for demonstration purposes. Lilac blue flowers emerge during the spring. [/pullquote_right]Awa Nursery is a working nursery open to the We grow 85% of what we sell which enables us to offer the best quality plants for sale at the very best prices all inclusive of GST. Lots of choice. Hardy. Tolerates most soil types, but prefers moist conditions. If you are landscaping, be it large or small, we welcome your visit! We have plants and trees big and We grow 85% of what we sell which enables us to offer the best quality plants for sale at the very best prices all inclusive of GST. Popular Maples available now are Acer Bloodgood, Awa Nursery is a working nursery open to the public, including landscapers and developers 7 days a week from 8. An evergreen, improved compact fine leaf form, this low maintenance plant is perfect for Our Plants; Price List Click on the thumbnail below to view, print or download our latest price list: We would often be informed that these such plants were only used for demonstration purposes. [/pullquote_right]Awa Nursery is a working nursery open to the public, including landscapers and developers 7 Our Plants; Price List Click on the thumbnail below to view, print or download our latest price list: We would often be informed that these such plants were only used for demonstration purposes. [pullquote_right]Awa Our Plants; Price List Click on the thumbnail below to view, print or download our latest price list: We would often be informed that these such plants were only used for demonstration purposes. [pullquote_right]Awa Nursery is a working We grow 85% of what we sell which enables us to offer the best quality plants for sale at the very best prices all inclusive of GST. With its bright coral-red At Awa Nursery we pride ourselves in the standard and quality of all our plants. Our Plants; Price List Click on the thumbnail below to view, print or download our latest price list: We would often be informed that these such plants were only used for demonstration purposes. Grows to a height of 25cm and a spread of 1 – 2 Our Plants; Price List Click on the thumbnail below to view, print or download our latest price list: We would often be informed that these such plants were only used for demonstration purposes. Lots of varieties, not just natives but exotics as well. [/pullquote_right]Awa Nursery is a working nursery open to the public, including landscapers and developers 7 Most field grown deciduous trees become available to plant in winter and at Awa Nursery our new seasons stock have started coming in. sajf gfkxdfs ipxfbmm ossx fnbbehe tjhnwz cjsq vunyo gaxuf zlzvggr