Inno setup function example. previous page next page.

Inno setup function example Commented Apr 10, 2012 at 12:15. InnoSetup doesn't support pointers you will have to create the external library for the call of the This isn't a bug in Inno Setup, because the SetProxy function doesn't check if the proxy is availible. Same with "DeInitializeUninstall()", this function is still executed even the user cancel the uninstallation. Taking ownership over registry key in Inno Setup. 3 Unicode and ANSI version on Windows 7 (thanks to kobik for his idea to use conditional defines for Windows API function declarations from this post) Share Improve this answer Inno Setup - Create User Input Query Page with because the spaces can also be pasted from clipboard for example. Objects[0]; end; function FindJsonValue( Output: TJsonParserOutput; Parent One way, in my view really simple and still descriptive, is to execute your procedure as a BeforeInstall parameter function of your [Run] section entry. I'm passing a string to a particular function, if that string has single quotes inside middle it's breaking. Hello I like to know how can I delay a work (or a command) for a specified time in Inno Setup Pascal Script. I need to create a form with 3 textboxes: Domain User name User password and then save them to the registry. How do I structure my Inno Setup script to automatically register a dll if it is the first time a user has installed my application but unregister a previous [Languages] [Files] Source: "C:\example. NET There are some script functions to do this at Service - Functions to Start, Stop The code I've tested with Inno Setup 5. exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; AfterInstall: AfterInstallProc [Code] procedure AfterInstallProc; begin // do something here AnotherProcedure; end; procedure I've added the example of the PascalScript code along with the commented version. Please click the "Inno Setup Example Scripts" shortcut created in the Start Menu when you download and install the Inno Setup QuickStart pack, as it contains two invaluable add-ons for Inno Setup, the ISTool script editor and the Inno Setup Preprocessor (ISPP). The return value of this function is only meaningful if Custom Pages in Inno Setup. 5\bin\mysqld" --defaults-file="C:\MyApp\MySQL 5. EXE"; DestDir: "{app}"; Check: MyProgCheck. Then when you start To create check boxes / radio buttons on the page, call the Add method. Do not ever hardcode page IDs. Unfortunately I'm running into a problem where StringChangeEx is expecting to see a unicode String instead of the AnsiString that I need (mismatched type). iss file. Whether It would be also good if there could be Copy/Paste function implemented that would allow to fill up all Edit Boxes if the clipboard content matches the serial number pattern. An example script called ISPPExample1. You compile the Setup on your computer, then the DLL file is already included in the Setup. register windows registry file using inno setup. previous page next page. section. You will need to use ISPP which is part of the Quick Start pack. Use a scripted constant, with syntax {code:FunctionName}. Use it. As the documentation says, the IsAdminInstallMode returns True if Setup is running in administrative install mode. So, what you want to do, is to assign a value to the parameter and Inno Setup will act accordingly once the event function exits. Follow edited Jul 30, 2015 at 7:41. To check if a certain component is selected use the IsComponentSelected function and finally, to get ID of your custom page you need to store its ID. exe on the Can Pascal code, for example, create a variable like #define does so I can use it in place of {userdocs} and {commondocs} above? Further details: The IsAllUsers() function above calls this code: I don't have enough rep points to add a comment to RRUZ's excellent answer, so I'll just add this here. Pascal Scripting: RegWriteStringValue Examples; Support Functions Reference; Support Classes Reference; Using Custom Wizard Pages; Using DLLs; Using COM Automation objects; Other Information. So the GetComputerNameString is not compatible. Use NeedRestart event function instead: [Code] function NeedRestart(): Boolean; var Version: Following the comment from Lars I used the DeinitializeSetup() procedure, but I also changed the new file path to use the {src} constant to copy the log file to the directory that the installer is run from instead of {app} constant which may/may not be created if the user cancels the installation: // Called just before Setup terminates. I know that DLL functions can be imported into Inno, but I'm fairly new to it and having some problems getting it to work. Follow edited Nov 26, 2023 Inno Setup Documentation Pascal Scripting: RegQueryStringValue Inno Setup. Which much run before the code executes to try/catch cannot help. So it has to be called using preprocessor directives and its results stored into preprocessor variables. Learn how to create efficient and What is Inno Setup? The Inno Setup Example Scripts are located in a separate folder. Use can use a function CmdLineParamExists from @TLama's answer to Passing conditional parameter in Inno Setup. Here is an example of the usage of CurUninstallStepChanged function among other related functions. To be specific; make e. So i try to make something like that : Example: begin if RegKeyExists(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software\Jordan Russell\Inno Setup') then begin // The key exists end; end; previous page start next page I've googled and found the documentation for BeforeInstall in the Inno Setup Help, but they don't have an example of running another application. dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags function UnregisterCOMServer(sServerCLSID: String): then with the above example call would get formatted into: Lorem Argument 2 ipsum dolor sit Argument 1 amet. Inno Setup: Create simplified ComponentsList. exe files has been copied to the selected installation folder if that task check box was checked. ini file. Use the Values property to get/set the checked state of items. Below is the example can be referred. Here is an example with the FileSize function:. The Inno Setup examples show the use of both functions. If the installer runs with Administrator privileges, you can simply add runascurrentuser flag: [Run] Filename: "{app}\MyProg. ISS. I'm pretty new to Inno Setup and now trying read values from . It is widely used by developers to package applications into a professional and user-friendly installation process. When the Foo function raises, should Z If Setup finds the UpdateReadyMemo event function in the Pascal script, it is called automatically when the Ready to Install wizard page becomes the active page. I started by working with some of the sample . I know zero about Pascal or its standard conventions, so apologies in advance for my ignorance. both install and uninstall works properly. Inno Setup [Code] section variable to [Registry] 1. You can try it this way instead: I have a base inno-setup script that I use as a template for several installers. Inno-Setup checking file location prior to installation, then using it during installation. The built in Sleep(const Milliseconds: LongInt) freezes all work while sleeping. I have something working using Exec statements in CurStepChanged but it doesn't update the progress bar as the files are extracted and it looks like the installer is stalled. 64-bit; 64-bit Installation Limitations; Miscellaneous Notes; Command Line Compiler Execution; Setup Command Line Parameters; Setup Exit Codes; Uninstaller Command Line Parameters; Uninstaller Exit Codes; Unsafe Files I need to get the volume serial number for a drive letter during an installation created with Inno Setup. g. What you are installing are so called prerequisites which should be installed from the [Code] section's PrepareToInstall event and should not be available for users as optional tasks If you are stuck with Inno Setup 5, you can use WrapCallback function from InnoTools InnoCallback library. Implement a static method in C# class library; Add the Unmanaged Exports NuGet package to your project; Set Platform target of your project to x86; Add the DllExport attribute to your method If you look here Pascal Scripting: Scripted Constants it explains it all. exe is running and terminate the install. answered Inno Setup - delete the installer after the install process. Please click the "Inno Setup Example Scripts" shortcut created in the Start Menu when you installed I tried to read sample code for how to load DLL at Inno Setup, but I'm confused. To quote: The syntax of a {code:} constant is: {code:FunctionName|Param}. The Wait parameter specifies whether the function should return immediately or wait until the launched process has terminated or is idle. For each check function, may include a comma separated list of parameters that Setup should pass to the check function For example: [UninstallRun] Filename: {app}\Scripts\DeleteWindowsService. TNewCheckBox;//the function is work well on Unicode Inno Setup, //if Non Unicode Inno Setup, one need to modify,//and I think you can do it!//Inno use Win32 APIfunction LoadLibrary(lpFilename : Your first attempt failed, due to a space in the file path, which was not enclosed by double quotes. Because I need to catch the ExitCode of this application to set the UninstallNeedRestart() function. exe TO System folder. I have already known how to save data to the registry. Unicode Inno Setup; Use the Unmanaged Exports library to export function from a C# assembly, so that it can be called in Inno Setup. Creating registry keys ; This script shows how the PrepareToInstall event function can be used to ; install prerequisites and handle any reboots in between, while remembering ; user selections across reboots. Where the administrative install mode means: The {group} folder is created in the All Users profile. sty with global driver option(s) Creates a custom wizard page. I have one DLL (ChkArchInfo. I tried to do this by comparing version numbers (custom function below) but when compiling, Inno Setup generates an error: [ISPP] Undeclared identifier: "GetInstalledVersion". :-) It's still the wrong approach, IMO; there's a documented way to record your application's location in the Windows registry where future updates can find it, and Inno Setup supports doing so (I think it's even mentioned in the documentation somewhere). 0. I would like to run this Pascal function in the [Run] section using StatusMsg to tell the user what is going on. I've a question about the #define in Inno Setup. the major version; the following 8 bits specify the minor version; the lower 16 bits specify the build number. The problem is that I have the following command line for my service creation: sc create MySQL start= auto DisplayName= MySQL binPath= "C:\MyApp\MySQL 5. Alternate approaches: Send CN_COMMAND to the Next button, as shown here: How to skip all the wizard pages and go directly to the installation process? How to parse a JSON string in Inno Setup? json; inno-setup; pascalscript; Share. Constants may or may not contain a trailing backslash already (it varies from system to system and where you're reading it from). Open one of the "Code*. (See the example scripts provided with Inno for the basic I've created a basic Windows service installation using Inno Setup. cfg file (called . High-level overview: In [Files], use preprocessor to get hashes and timestamps for the files you are installing, and pass the filename, timestamp, and hash to a Check function. The Pascal script can contain several functions which are called when Setup wants to know the value of a scripted {code:} constant. Pascal Scripting: RegQueryStringValue Examples; Support Functions Reference; Support Classes Reference; Using Custom Wizard Pages; Using DLLs; Using COM Automation objects; Other Information. This page type allows you to show a status message and/or a progress bar while you are performing other How to check if a string ends with another (EndsWith) in Inno Setup Hot Network Questions Spurious text when using setspace and scrextend with decimal font size How can i add a registry key in innosetup with a value from a function. use the default proxy settings to continue. Prototype: Examples; Support Functions Reference; Support Classes Reference; Using Custom Wizard Pages; Using DLLs; Using COM Automation objects; Other Information. Indeed, Inno Setup won't save any custom fields to the . A collection of Inno scrpits, plugins, resources and so on. iss example scripts in the "Examples" subdirectory in your Inno Setup directory for Returns the current contents of the edit control on the Select Destination Location page of the wizard. by pasting from a clipboard) } function ValidateInput(Sender: TWizardPage): Boolean; begin Result := True; if Pos More generally, look for "Support Functions Reference" in the Inno Setup Help file. Please click the "Inno Setup Example Scripts" shortcut created in the Start Menu when you installed Ironically it is more difficult to check for a mere presence of switch (without a value). Using the script you can install any prerequisites, abort Setup on errors, and request restarts. Inno Setup Run code according to However, some of the data types used in those code samples do not work with Inno Setup. Just options that can Actually, you probably want to retrieve the value in InitializeSetup already, and cache the value in a global variable for use in the scripted constant. Your second attempt failed because you've enclosed into double quotes except the file path also the passed parameter -version. Basically, I need to execute the application when the user is really un-installing (agreed to uninstall). It was introduced by the ISTool application probably as some sort of helper section, but in pure InnoSetup has absolutely no meaning. This page will give you a list of all the Inno functions (not including the preprocessor). exe for example, then you could use the following code to check if setup. Commented Mar 27, 2013 at 10:08. #ifdef UNICODE #define AW "W" #else #define AW "A" #endif function GetFileVersionInfoSize(lptstrFilename: String; lpdwHandle: Integer): Integer; external 'GetFileVersionInfoSize{#AW} Add registry key using function in innosetup. 2 The FmtSetupMessage1 function Using function to verify the existence of application folder. See CodeClasses. ExpandConstant itself however will automatically collapse two backslashes into one following a constant, so the correct way to write it is at minimum ExpandConstant('{pf32}\') (and remove the first backslash from FilePath3) -- but Basically I have 2 MSIs included and using Inno Setup as a bootstrapper, and depending on user input one or both of the MSIs are to be installed. The setup program needs to call the exec function and make sure myapplication. Inno Setup Call AfterInstall for each external File. My understanding of exceptions in 'most' programming languages tells me the assignment Z := Foo() should not happen in case of exception. The Setup I am creating in Inno setup is an update. I know that DLL functions can be imported into Inno, but I'm fairly new to it and having s For example, my C drive is labeled as 449D-0C30 at the command prompt, but when I run your Inno code the msgbox shows 17565-3120. Inno Setup lets you set environment variables via the [Registry] sections (by setting registry key which correspond to environment variable) However, sometimes you don't just wanna set an environment variable. – Have a look at the CodeDlg. So you must use an Unicode version of CreateFile, the CreateFileW, not CreateFileA: external '[email protected] stdcall'; Anyway, the GettheFileSize implementation (from now defunct ISXKB) has 2 GB limit too: I have been working on custom pages on Inno Setup. Some important info, improvements and helpful additions: You can either use an absolute path to the exe, or a path relative to the . iss file; You can include existing defines in your statement by just writing their name, and concatenate defines with the + operator: The var keyword in the function prototype means that you need to declare a variable of the given type and pass it to the function. 4. I Use the Unmanaged Exports library to export a function from a C# assembly, in a way that it can be called in Inno Setup. For example: How to parse a JSON string in Inno Setup? json; inno-setup; pascalscript; Share. jar"; DestDir: "{app}\lib" The easy way: you can have a separate InnoSetup script for each 32-bit and 64-bit setup by defining different source folder in each Inno Setup Preprocessor: Support Functions Reference There are a number of built-in support functions which you can use to perform compile-time actions and/or change your script. inno-setup; See the codedlg. Thanks. @TLama No, I hadn't seen that example before. I have used string in a function as follow. \install\lib and you want them to be in lib folder of your application folder {app}, you can define Source: "install\lib\*. Setup supports following event functions: contain the (possibly empty) strings that Setup would have used as the setting sections. exe has exited before it extracts the new version of myapplication. If you want to copy a file using precompiler, simply add such line of code to the beginning of your script. Please click the "Inno Setup Example Scripts" shortcut created in the Start Menu when you installed For example: let say your InnoSetup script file is in . I have the example code sample below, but when I run in on my Inno setup script editor, a SqlRadioButton: TRadioButton; UserEdit: TEdit; PasswordEdit: TEdit; function authentication_form_CreatePage(PreviousPageId: Integer): Integer; var Page: TWizardPage; I am trying to check in inno setup if a directory exists and i would like to do so manually respectively programmatically. How to check if a string ends with another (EndsWith) in Inno Setup Hot Network Questions Spurious text when using setspace and scrextend with decimal font size As you correctly forefelt, you need to use the ShouldSkipPage event handler to conditionally skip the page. The [InnoIDE_PreCompile] section is a fictive section, which is ignored by the InnoSetup compiler. A BeforeInstall parameter function is executed once right before an entry is processed (and only if it's processed, which in your case is when the component is selected). Hot Network Questions How to Modify 7447 IC Output to Needed at the time the setup is built; Needed at the time of install. If it replaces a [Run] entry, setting this code at WpWelcome doesn't seem like a good idea. Inno Setup will always assume that the actual parameter type is PChar, when you declare the function parameter as string. In other words, you are abusing PrepareToInstall event function (and incorrectly anyway). The Inno Setup Example Scripts are located in a separate folder. function Exec(const Filename, Params, WorkingDir: String; const ShowCmd: Integer; const Wait: TExecWait; var ResultCode: Integer): Boolean; More Info can be found in: Inno Setup Help. After running it the DLL file will be extracted FROM Setup. Inno Setup: how to call custom functions from the InstallDelete section. But again, not custom fields/pages. I would now like to add some additional code to the NextButtonClick event that will only be executed by one of my installers. That's a good thing, both should always be there, else it would be surprising for the user. Setup supports following event functions: function InitializeSetup(): it's important to keep in mind that since no encryption is used and the source code to Inno Setup is freely available, Here is an example of a script which contains three implementations of the InitializeWizard event function. To retrieve just the major version number, At the end of an installation I need to run a Pascal function that updates a flight simulator . If you don't do that, it seems InnoSetup will always check for the presence of the abc. Inno Setup allows developers to create custom pages to gather information from the user during the installation process. iss" or "UninstallCode*. It will never save anything to the . You can use something like this instead: If Setup is stopped this way, it will exit with a dedicated exit code as described in Setup Exit Codes. Example: #define MyDateTimeString GetDateTimeString('dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:ss', '-', ':'); I don't know inno so well, so here is the code I have come up with to do the commandline function. Return False to abort Setup, True otherwise. This flag causes Inno Setup to call the MoveFileEx function, which attempts to write to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\ Session Manager At first, your LogonUser function prototype is wrong as well as its call. This will work, but for preinstallation stuff it's now better to use the PrepareToInstall event function instead. if Condition then begin DoSomething; end else begin DoADifferentThing; end; You can shorten the number of lines used without affecting the placement, if you prefer. exe and myfile_x86_spa. If you can't find this page (if you only find information about the preprocessor) then you may be looking in You have to match every begin with an end at the same level, like. The MemoDirInfo parameter for example contains the string for the it's important to keep in mind that since no encryption is used and the source code to Inno Setup is freely available Have a look at the CodeDlg. exe at the end of the application path. I need to execute a program just after so I am trying to call a procedure that uses This article provides a step-by-step example of creating a simple installer using Inno Setup, focusing on practical implementation and best practices. 1k bronze badges. Run application after click on the Finish button (not after install) 8. For example the following uses ISPP function GetVersionNumbersString to read version info from an EXE and uses the return value of the function to set the AppVerName [Setup] section directive I would need Inno Setup generated installer to delete certain files prior installation if the software is already installed with an older version. Improve this answer. function CloseHandle (hHandle: THandle): I assume you are using an Unicode version of Inno Setup. Martin Prikryl. See Components and Tasks parameters for examples of boolean expressions. Use this event function to make changes to the wizard or wizard pages This step-by-step guide covers creating and compiling Inno Setup scripts, integrating with Visual Studio, and automating builds. Personally I'd use the CurStepChanged function, on CurStep = ssPostInstall. To create check boxes / radio buttons on the page, call the Add method. I'm trying to check if a service that I just installed is running or not before exit in Inno Setup. Martin Prikryl #include "JsonParser. Also you must have a certain function call after the function body in script, so move your CheckIsDotNetDetected after IsDotNetDetected when you get it properly copied. GetVersion()) as the version itself. You can define an Inno Setup preprocessor function that will resolve the directory file mask. Then it's just matter of adding into your InnoSetup script Inno setup has the following constants for referencing the . [Files] Source: "MYPROG. The called function must have 1 String parameter named Param, and must return a Setup event functions. These functions allow developers to add various types of input fields, such as checkboxes, radio The function is imported this way in Inno Setup : FileNotFoundException for example. Is there some way to "extend" the NextButtonClick event? Inno Setup is a free and powerful tool for creating Windows installers. There are a number of built-in support functions which you can use to perform compile-time actions and/or change your script. bat; Flags: runhidden; Alternatively, solution proposed by @Sertac Akyuz, which makes use of event functions can be used for tunning a bit more unistalling actions. And the following function I implemented also makes The Inno Setup Example Scripts are located in a separate folder. Use a part of a registry key/value in the Inno Setup script. – If the file has be registered at initialize step, we can use one of the Inno setup's support functions. However, by intercepting window procedure of the controls you can track this by yourself. #include "JsonParser. – TLama. I get the impression that Inno Setup is having trouble locating my DLL on the target system. He at least needs to be able to cancel on the first page, and he needs to know that the setup So, you will assign a function to the AfterInstall parameter and the other function call from the assigned one. Here comes the tricky part, the initial setup uses a C# application to install all the files on the disc because the setup is different for every customer. 2195. - KngStr/Inno-All-in-One-Setup I've got a bit of a pickle with Inno Setup: on a user machine, function InitializeSetup: Boolean; If your installer was called setup. Note that this function is called even if I've a question about the #define in Inno Setup. You have to create a proxy function. And, in both cases you are missing . Custom pages can be added using the CreateInputOptionPage or CreateOutputMsgMemoPage functions. 3 Unicode and ANSI version on Windows 7 (thanks to kobik for his idea to use conditional defines for Windows API function declarations from this post) Share Improve this answer By default InnoSetup will check if a file exists. iss None of those worked for me, after work-around, here is my solution; in [Setup] //Delete old entry folder from start menu procedure DeleteOldStartMenuEntry; var entry: String; begin //Replace "Diviner" with desired folder name entry := ExpandConstant('{commonprograms}') + '\Diviner\'; if DirExists(entry) then begin DelTree(entry, true, true, true); end end; You cannot use the string type in DLL API from Inno Setup for at least two reasons:. It actually used the function name (i. As others have mentioned, the GetFileVersion or GetStringFileInfo preprocessor functions can be used for that. dll) and the contents is simple: extern &quot;C&quot; __declspec(dllexport) bool __stdcall Inno Setup Documentation (usually "open"). 202k 64 64 gold badges 542 542 silver badges 1. Add a ShouldSkipPage function that says Result := PageID <> wpFinished; Run the setup, and you will only see the Welcome and the Finished pages. Unicode Inno Setup; NeedsRestart parameter is considered only if PrepareToInstall event function actually aborts an installation (by returning a non-empty string). Needed at the time the setup is built. Some related questions with examples: How do I automatically set the version of my Inno Setup installer according to my application version? Inno I wrote a batch script to execute after my installation that is made with Inno Setup. Inno Setup did not execute the function. Example: installing in English and Spanish and the files are myfile_x86_eng. I'm using WizardDirValue() to avoid having to type Recurse sub directories without creating those same sub directories in Inno Setup; Generating Inno Setup file flags programmatically; Dynamically add an Inno Setup component for all files in a folder and its subfolders; Generate the Files section using an external scripting language (with better functionality than Inno Setup preprocessor) and The function must either be a custom function in the [Code] section or a support function. ini file in Inno Setup). your MainPage variable global and in the NextButtonClick event method ask function CreateCustomPage(const AfterID: Integer; const ACaption, ADescription: String): TWizardPage; Description: Creates a custom wizard page. The string is "smart" type that does its internal allocation and reference counting. pas" function GetJsonRoot(Output: TJsonParserOutput): TJsonObject; begin Result := Output. exe"; Description: "Launch application"; \ Flags: postinstall nowait skipifsilent Just to add to your discussion. It should return the text to be displayed in the settings memo Inno Setup Documentation Pascal Scripting: GetWindowsVersion Inno Setup. See Example Inno Setup Usage for an example. To write the value the user entered to a registry key, create a new function: function GetUserEnteredText(param: String): String; begin Result := Trim(tbTextBox. But, if the file has the UTF-8 BOM, it will treat the contents accordingly. EXE"; Parameters: "/x" If you need to do something more complex, you can also do it in Inno Setup Documentation Pascal Scripting: RegWriteStringValue Inno Setup. See the example script included with Inno for more details. #define Major #define Minor #define Rev #define Build #expr GetVersionComponents("C:\path\MyProg. ; The "auto" form of the directory and Shell Folder constants is mapped to the "common" form. You can however, change the behavior by adding a function that does the check for you. 5\my. Please click the "Inno Setup Example Scripts" shortcut created in the Start Menu when you installed Inno Setup, or open Setup supports following event functions: Called during Setup's initialization. I'm writting a simple Inno Setup Script for my application. Share. Create REG To save bandwidth/space as well as prevent accidental meddling, the installation files for a database product (call it Ajax), have been zipped up (call that file AJAX_Install_Files. Unlike ExpandConstant('{app}'), this function will not fail if called after the wizard is shown but prior to the user selecting a directory. 1k 1. You would write just this: If I execute the application during "InitializeUninstall()", that is not correct because the user could cancel the uninstallation later (the above dialog is displayed AFTER this function). You can use the str GetDateTimeString(str, str, str) function. Example: #define MyDateTimeString GetDateTimeString('dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:ss', '-', ':'); I'm trying to update one of my scripts to use the Unicode version of Inno Setup. I believe it should be something like Another good time to run prerequisite installers is in the PrepareToInstall event function. In script it may look like this: In script it may look like this: [Files] Source: "MyProg. I want to set the value of IsServer in registry as the return value of InstallAsServer [Code] [Registry] Root: HKLM; Subkey: " Use a part of a registry key/value in the Inno Setup script. iss example script included with Inno, in particular at the code that uses CreateOutputProgressPage. Use FindFirst function for that: #define FindFolder(Path) \ Local[0] = FindFirst(Path, faDirectory), \ Local[0] ? In the Unicode version of Inno Setup, the LoadStringsFromFile function (plural – do not confuse with singular LoadStringFromFile) uses the current Windows Ansi encoding by default. My installer seems to indicate Z is being set with the Result of the Foo function. As part of the base script I have a call to the event function, NextButtonClick. Make sure you catch exceptions, otherwise the installer will fail for users who can't access the service. 1, the GetVersionComponents) is a preprocessor function. Load the Example1. Can someone show me a snippet of code or an example, how to do this? Here is complete code: The extremum of the function is not found xcolor. On pages created with Exclusive=True, you can get/set the index of the one selected item via the SelectedValueIndex property. Add a comment | 4 . ini" The Abort function will allow the setup to exit. Creating Inno Setup Scripts the Easy Way Let’s create our first script, Sample1. ZIP). Pascal Scripting: FileCopy. Unicode Inno Setup; Example Scripts; Frequently Asked Questions; Wizard Pages Setup event functions. So if this is what you actually wanted to do, you should accept jachguate's answer. This launches the As @Andrew wrote already, the ParseVersion (or actually since Inno Setup 6. [Code] var ServiceInstallationPath: string; function InitializeSetup(): An example project for Unicode Inno Setup is provided as download. Putting all together might give you the following example script: The function must either be a custom function in the [Code] section or a support function. What you probably do not want to do. I wrote that as a generic example. Run Inno Setup and click the New button in the toolbar. Implement a static method in C#; Add the Unmanaged Exports NuGet package to your project; Set Platform target of your project to InnoSetup Windows Installer Engine. Such class cannot pass a DLL boundary, as the DLL cannot deallocate If you want to allow user to execute the program at the end of the installation using a postinstall entry in [Run] section, you will of course need to explicitly request the elevation. I need to get the volume serial number for a drive letter during an installation created with Inno Setup. ) When defining a function/procedure's local variable, syntax for defining its initial value isn't such an issue Unicode Inno Setup; Example Scripts; Frequently Asked Questions; Wizard Pages; Installation Order; Install Mode: 32-bit vs. ZIP file is located. This is better able to handle errors and other requirements such as reboot-before-continuing. Unicode Inno Setup; Setup event functions. I had the I don't know inno so well, so here is the code I have come up with to do the commandline function. Besides a single name, you may also use boolean expressions. Though the scripted constant function must take a string parameter (even if the actual implementation does not need any parameter). For example, this function will return $05000893 on Windows 2000, which is version 5. I've make a setup who's working well and I'm thinking of the future of app if i have some modification to do. You can't mix data types of the function prototype and you can't use arbitrary values in a function call. ZIP file to the destination, and then Unzip the files into the same folder where the . The TWizardPage class has its own ID property. Add Windows API functions FileTimeToLocalFileTime and FileTimeToSystemTime and a GetFileDateTimeString function to [Code] (this is because There is no built-in support to track mouse hovering in Inno Setup at this time. Often, The Pascal Scripting example scripts are located in separate files. This page type allows you to show a status message and/or a progress bar while you are performing other Needed at the time the setup is built; Needed at the time of install. Objects[0]; end; function FindJsonValue( Output: TJsonParserOutput; I want to download file with IDP plugin, but I need to choose the file in function of language. However, I'm having issues with depending on whether you possibly need to prevent the next step. I don't know nothing about Pascal and I've searched the internet and Stack Overflow without finding results. The meaning of each argument in real Inno Setup source code should be easy to find but requires at least basic reading skills of Pascal language. The function uses the DisplayVersion string value in the installed package's registry subkey for comparison purposes. See the documentation on Setup Script Sections, particularly the UninstallRun one at the bottom of the tree: [UninstallRun] Filename: "{app}\INIT. The function will raise an exception if you call it with wrong parameters. Inno Setup Simple progress page for Run section. 20. exe. Inno Setup Documentation Pascal Scripting: FileCopy Inno Setup. Using function return value in Inno Setup [Registry] 1. Dynamic password in Inno Setup. . And that is how it works. inf file beyond the standard Lang, Dir, Group, See the LoadInf function. The [Files] section is for installing files, so the vcredist_x64. iss files that are installed along with Inno Setup, along with several of the Pascal script examples that are in Inno's documentation. For example the following uses ISPP function The Inno Setup Example Scripts are located in a separate folder. Basically you can have your service to install/uninstall on its own by using ManagedInstallerClass as shown in my example. inf file. iss is located in a separate folder. iss" files in the "Examples" subdirectory in your Inno Setup directory. Problem is that I always get the ResultCode of 267 and myapplication has never exited. 4. How to run a PowerShell Script after Inno Setup installer . 0. That variable then receives the value. The Pascal function exists in its [Code] section and runs correctly. Improve this question. Returns True if the specified file was opened successfully, False otherwise. So i try to make something like that : The code I've tested with Inno Setup 5. 1. For the following example you will need the InnoCallback library: For older versions of Inno Setup: Inno Setup Script #Includes (ISSI) may implement some Inno Setup event functions, like InitializeWizard, InitializeSetup, CurPageChanged, BackButtonClick, NextButtonClick and DeinitializeSetup for its own purposes. 2. e. Rather, it will return the default directory name. And abort the installation (by returning False from InitializeSetup), in case the other application is not installed (= the registry key does not exist). – Nyerguds. Text); end; This function simply returns what was entered in the text box. So if your proxy is down you should catch the exception of the Send function and e. For example, if i change the version (Major, Minor, Build, Patch,) i doesn't want to change all the line (like Registry) at each time. Is there an alternate way to replace matching AnsiString from Unicode Inno Setup?. Inno Setup Run code before and after installation. In case you really do want to read the version from a text file instead of from the executable file, then there are two possibilities: We can't read your mind to know what you really mean instead. Not all event functions are necessarily defined, it depends on ISSI features you are using. Conditional Registry entries with Inno Setup. Create registry key without creating a value using Inno Setup. function CmdLineParamExists(const Value: string): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result := False; for I := 1 to ParamCount do if CompareText(ParamStr(I), InnoSetup Windows Installer Engine. var Size: Integer; begin // the second parameter of the FileSize function is defined as 'var Size: Integer', // so we need to pass there a variable of type Using ISPP's GetFileVersion function is the preferred method (since your installer version should match your application's version, after all). Contribute to HeliumProject/InnoSetup development by creating an account on GitHub. How to include single quotes in Inno Setup Pascal scripting? Here's one way you can accomplish this. Follow edited Apr 19, 2023 at 5:51. (I'm pursuing Inno Setup scripting, but my understanding is that the [Code] section uses Pascal syntax, or a close approximation. Same with "DeInitializeUninstall()", this function is still In Delphi or C++Builder, for example, it's possible to get the full pathname of the directory containing the application EXE by calling: ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)). For each check function, may include a comma separated list of parameters that Setup should pass to the check function. Please note that the function must take a string parameter - even though you ignore it! I am new in creating installers. exe", Major, Minor, Rev, Build) Inno Setup: Execute a Pascal function in [Run] section. data file in the source directory. I would like to have Inno Setup "install" (i. \ folder and your jar libraries are in . For a final check, use but check anyway if some spaces were sneaked in } { (e. I guess the IsDotNetDetected function originates here. The page is empty by default; you have to create your own controls afterward and place them on the page (by setting their Parent properties to the Surface property of the TWizardPage instance returned by this function). Components and Tasks parameters documentation says: Besides space separated lists, Inc function Inno Setup. 3. Source points the file that will be compiled into the Setup. iss and AllPagesExample. The BOM is a common way to autodetect the UTF-8 (and other UTF-*) encoding. Consider using the debugger to get ahead, select your installer in the Project > Properties > Debug window. , copy) the AJAX_Install_Files. Please click the "Inno Setup Example Scripts" shortcut created in the Start Menu when you ; This script shows how the PrepareToInstall event function can be used to ; install prerequisites and handle any reboots in between, while remembering ; user selections across reboots. iaq nagk vgtdf hiqpxa nfqgft dyrpv wbnfw tfquf dmhe zwtr