Unity load text file from resources. vtk file in the folder as separate TextAsset objects.
Unity load text file from resources If I copy paste "•" into my Unity text field in the editor, it shows up, so I am pretty sure the bullet-point is lost in the reading process. I basically want to load data from a text file when the game starts up, but it has to have the following features: Has to be in the same place between when I’m building in the Unity editor, and after I compile the game and ship it. vtk file in the folder as separate TextAsset objects. I know how to use Resources. Here's what I did in my project to read the contents of a textfile: var api = Resources. A game I used to play drew names for ships from lists in . iv been floundering around on this for way too long now so i cam here for some help. If m right for both these classes I have to pass the filepath as parameter. Nov 3, 2015 · Hey folks, So I’ve got a bunch of . GetKeyDown("s")) myFile = Resources. Load("yourFont") as Font; //To assign it to the Text component: yourText. Sorted from least desirable to most desirable: TextAsset API + Resources API. The problem was that the binary file had to have the . This is instructing you the developer that you may have Resources folders throughout your assets folders that can have Resources. Paths using backslashes will not work. Text Assets are not intended to be used for text file generation at Sep 7, 2011 · I need to load a text file from the resource folder that holds an objects properties. Load() requires a path relative to the Resources folder to load the resource, and that the asset name is unique for any other asset in any other Resource folder. The Non-Windows section doesn’t do anything right now Mar 29, 2024 · No, the supported file extensions which are recognised as text assets are listed in the manual. Load("Jsons/simple") as TextAsset; string json = file. load since the assets in the resource folder are protected upon compile, or else id just use a relative path on stream reader. IO namespace to access characters from a byte stream and then load the file as a TextAsset in Unity. persistentDataPath. (In the code, this is referred Apr 23, 2014 · When you import a text file it’s converted into a text asset. Split('\n')); foreach (string line in lines) { Debug. html. code: var textFile = Resources. Load() is a way to read from files, but I also noticed how the files that I write to do not change unless I reload them either in Unity or inside a document editor somewhere. private void Start() { TextAsset t = Resources. IO, so you will have to use Application. Oct 24, 2017 · I had an issue in which the editor would not preview a text file, and loading it at runtime with Resources. I’m using this code to test: private void Start() { var PrnFile = Resources. text; I cant seem to figure it out why the resources wont load not in the editor and also not on a android device? The file hfba_25 is in the folder Assets > Resources > hfba_25. text, not ToString(). Below is very simplified example. streamingAssetsPath as the path then copy it to Application. Your filename/path may be incomplete. datapath + “/1. ReadAllLines(@ Jul 28, 2019 · Hello, I am trying to load all text files in my resources, into an array. I (This means the file in Resources3 has the same name as in Resources. lines is a public string. All asset names and paths in Unity use forward slashes, so using backslashes in the path will not work. Put it into Resources folder and load using Resources. Text Assets are not intended to be used for text file generation at If the file at path is of a type that cannot be converted to T, also returns null. txt)"); //store it in any List line by line(optional) List<String> words = new List<string>(textFile. myFile is a public string. 3. I have file on "Assets/Resources" and read it with: TextAsset txt = (TextAsset)Resources. I am currently using this line to read it from the Resources folder: TextAsset data = Resources. Aug 17, 2012 · Hi, got some problem with that: TextAsset trans = (TextAsset)Resources. txt”); Debug. Using this code does it for me, string[] AllWords = File. All of the correct variables Another simple variant, if you ONLY want to get JSON's text from Resourse: 1. However, I have not gotten it to work on any other platform (I’ve tried Mac and WebGL). What they do next is to import these text files into Unity and then get them loaded into memory… somehow. This is how I read in my text file as a TextAsset: Jan 6, 2014 · I have looked around on the matter and all solutions I found uses Resources. Dec 7, 2010 · Hi All, I want to read a . Here is my code where I can read the text file in editor but i can not access the file in build. Try to move your file listofgames. Jan 27, 2017 · If you previously used a hard path to the file, I'm guessing you did something like /path/to/file. I could read the files one sprite at a time, using the name, but that's not really practical. May 7, 2022 · I have a text file that I’m reading in from the Resources folder to get information to be displayed in my Unity project. Load<TextAsset>("file name only not path and no file extension(. void Start () { string fileLocation = Application. May 23, 2020 · Because you need to write to the file, I can't use Resources folder or Application. Is there any solution of this or is there any other way I can do this? using System. Just use any of the System. This should be able to load your file. It can not load actual files which are outside a Resources folder (since those assets are not shipped with the game unless directly referenced somewhere) or that you ship manually alongside Aug 15, 2022 · Dll resources and Unity’s AssetDatabase and Resources class have absolutely nothing to do with each other. If the text file is not loaded anywherer, it will not change, and if it is already loaded, I have to close the . At runtime the files need to be transferred to another device that I connect to using Bluetooth. More than one Resources folder can be used. The basic idea would be like this: You build a group of (let’s say) battleships. txt-> file). Apr 20, 2011 · I have an xml file that stores dialog used for my game. What it doesn’t do, is if I make a build, it doesn’t load from the csv file. In Unity, there are several ways you can load text files into memory. Load give an example. Jan 30, 2018 · Hello, the problem is not with Resource. Feb 18, 2014 · All assets stored in a folder named Resources are packed into a single file on build. dataPath + "/Resources/" + filename Will (This means the file in Resources3 has the same name as in Resources. 00000000,0. Load does not really load “files” but “assets” from the asset database that have been placed in a Resources folder at edit time. ⠀You have file in Resource/Jsons folder, example "simple. I’m aware of Unity’s TextAsset and LoadResource but that’s not what I want to use here. Text Assets are a format for imported text files. Just use . csb extension. Dec 10, 2016 · Unity uses the operating systems default file associations, so if a . Also in doing some reading I notice that in the mono docs it says Chars(int) is a function of System. (This means the file in Resources3 has the same name as in Resources. txt files you open on your system will open with vs. txt"); StringReader reader = new StringReader(www. So for that i tired using both FileInfo and StreamReader. Finally, loading from Nov 21, 2014 · I have a local text file at this location “Assets\DataFiles\DataFile1. May 15, 2008 · I want to load a text file from the assets folder and get characters out Normally I thought I would do var mystring:String; mystring=Load. The file gets placed correctly, and exists in a folder under /Resources/, as it is supposed to. Can I just put a text file in my Resources folder and read it? Is the path Application. Reading Resource data from a DLL is a pure . I now want to load the same file from different location, i. If the file at path is of a type that cannot be converted to T, also returns null. I suggest you don't use it but it's an option that's worth knowing. Though in addition once you have the raw data you have to actually load them from Unity. However, when I try to Load the file I’m encountering a Null Ref of - “NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object” Now I know this suggests Dec 26, 2016 · If you want to load text file from resource please do not specify file extension just simply follow the below given code. Now there is no Mar 6, 2015 · Multiple “Resources” folders may exist and when loading objects each will be examined. File. Load("test. Apr 10, 2020 · those files are packed inside the apk, cannot access directly… try streamingassets Using StreamingAssets in Android - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions *replace www with the new unitywebrequest or resources Unity - Scripting API: Resources. But, I found some function “Resources. Something to ask be added as it is a more common “text” file format now. load” and uses it in Update Function in Camera Controller script fi I have already figured out how to do so from the Resources folder but I need to edit this file without needing to rebuild the program so it needs to be in the StreamingAssets folder so I can access it. I have found a few solutions that say to append . prefab would only require Shotgun as the path. Load(filename) would result in an empty string. Jul 24, 2016 · The goal: (1) While developing my game on my PC, load story info from a text file, located in /Assets/Resources or anywhere else it needs to be. Load or text asset referenced Unity - Scripting API: TextAsset Feb 10, 2017 · Your code itself seems fine, however, I do see you are loading into “fileJson” but then you are convert “arquivoJson” toString. You’ll want to write to the regular file system. bytes. Text Assets are serialized like all other assets in a build. I tried chopping the file down until it would work, and gradually narrowed the issue down. Log(line); } } May 1, 2015 · Resources. So how could I load all files and add them to an array or list? I basically need the equivalent of Resources. text; I am getting this error: NullReferenceException: Object If an asset can be found at path, it is returned with type T, otherwise returns null. The supported text formats are:. IO. (I checked in debug mode, and indeed the bullet-point is lost at reading). Load("enemy_seq_bin") as TextAsset; Stream s = new MemoryStream(asset. My code is working when I try to read my text files using File. Load("login", typeof This method returns the asset at path if it can be found, otherwise it returns null. 0000000… May 27, 2017 · Hello guys, I want to read a text file from resources folder and save the content of the file into 2d array. I’ve seen things about Unity’s Streaming Asset path yet I’m not sure how to apply that to my script I have here. The path is relative to any folder named Resources inside the Assets folder of your project. With Resources. I am trying to write a text file to the resources folder, then set that text file to a TextAsset GameObject so I can use it later. Load("ConnectionString") as TextAsset; var apiKey = api. persistentDataPath + "file Nov 11, 2020 · This code works to load up my csv file to load up the world components, but only in the editor when I hit “play” works fine. so can i use resources. txt” file in the “Resources” folder but it only works in the editor, when I make an Android build it doesn’t load my text, it’s like my . Finally, loading from This method returns the asset at path if it can be found, otherwise it returns null. Do not attempt to store a binary file using the . Is that even what I need? How I make my csv file loadable after a (This means the file in Resources3 has the same name as in Resources. txt” (1. txt files, and I wonder how that would be done. bytes); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(s); Jun 6, 2018 · The problem is that after build game don't want to read the file anymore. Load(…). For working with arbitrary text file in build you have following options: Download it from the Internet using UnityWebRequest. The path is relative to any folder named Resources inside the Assets folder of your project. ) The files in Resources can be loaded as fancyA and fancyB with no need for the folder hierarchy Assets/Resources. Load<TextAsset>("textFileName"); List<string> lines = new List<string>(t. Unity has a simple function to load assets by you could have the following files. I have no use for anything but the raw content of the file Nov 9, 2017 · Hi guys, I know this code isn’t right, but i’m not sure how to go about it. My XML files are correctly compiled at build time and converted to Text Assets, which I can load once deployed on iOS. Finally, loading from Mar 7, 2017 · public Text selectedCategory; //contains the text of the selected category private List<String> wordList; //holds the dictionary private string[] wordListArray; //the array the contents of the text file is first loaded to private TextAsset textAsset; //the text asset to be used private string category; // the category selected //new function to load the dictionary void LoadDictionary(string Mar 9, 2017 · Hi, sorry if this has been asked a thousand times before, but I can’t find a clear definitive answer to my exact questions here or in the documentation. csv Jul 7, 2018 · Add the TextAsset to the Assetbundle then you can load the Assetbundle from any path and extract the TextAsset from it. Try the following code, Loads an asset stored at path in a folder called Resources. dataPath + "!/assets/file. The files contain raw graphics in a custom format - the format is quite close to tiff but not quite tiff. text; doSomethingWithTextFile ( dataFileContent ); and I placed json text file in \Assets\Resources\stages. txt file is not imported in the APK. text; 3. txt"); It still works under developement but not after build Sep 23, 2017 · The path is relative to any Resources folder inside the Assets folder of your project, extensions must be omitted. May 28, 2021 · I have a text file in my Assets/Resources/Text, on Start() I want to import each line from the text file as a string in list. Load("2011", TextAsset); var myString: String = tempAsset. LoadAll(). FromJson<T>() to deserialize jsonTextFile into an object For example, a project may have Resources folders called Assets / Resources/ and Assets / Guns / Resources/. I figured out that, I have to load them into a TextAsset Array. Here's an example. That means that Resources. There is no physical text file included when you publish your game. How do I load all of the Json files from my ‘items’ folder in resources and convert the data to a list? Is this an efficient way to do this (using Resource. Now what I am doing is using Directory. The data in the file is this: 0. text; Mar 21, 2021 · So if you load an object in a script from a path e. This file is stored inside of the resources folder and is read in by specifying the exact path name: "XmlData\\strings" This works just fine when running through the editor, but when I try to run after I built the project, it doesn't work. txt” and I have tried many different things to get the TextAsset to load. Also, the files in Resources2 can be loaded. This is the code I have at the moment: public class JsonReader : MonoBehaviour { public List<Item> items If an asset can be found at path, it is returned with type T, otherwise returns null. The file contained a slanted apostrophe (ascii value of 0x92 = 146 decimal). The I'm trying to load text from a . com Unity - Scripting API: Resources. ReadLine(); but resources load might be even better if you just use text. xml. Finally, loading from Jul 19, 2018 · I want to load a folder of . My problem is that bindata is returned as null. Please note you can also have TextAsset fields so you can reference to it in the inspector. txt file opens in notepad, thats because . NET / C# thing. LoadAll) ? Your help would be much appreciated. streamingAssetsPath. However, if i go in the Data folder Jan 25, 2022 · Note that Resources. May 10, 2020 · Hey guys, I’m stuck with this problem for more than a day, and I still haven’t been able to find where I went wrong. IO API such as File. 4. You place your text in the resources directory and you load it with the Resources API. Feb 6, 2014 · Place your text file in that folder(Resources). CharAt(10);//should give the character at position 10. When trying to play a build on an Android device, the file can’t be found. txt"; //Read the text from directly from the test. app/Data>). txt file. Hints. Finally, loading from May 23, 2017 · It should be placed in here: Assets/Resources/yourFont. txt if you really want. Recently I’ve been experimenting with Resources. txt extension to be able to read it as a TextAsset :) TextAsset asset = Resources. Exists says that the path is valid - and that the file is actually correct. LoadResource returns a binary stream and don’t think I can use that with the . This works with TextAssets outside of Nov 23, 2009 · I already solved this issue. May 20, 2013 · What you REALLY need to do is to put the resources you need to load inside your persistentDataPath folder UPON THE GAME STARTING. Load ( "stages" ) as TextAsset; string datafileContent = asset. xml file and load it in using dllimport Jun 5, 2020 · Seems like Resources. a text file, it will not be included, because unity does not check the entire code for loading objects and such. txt file (or any extraneous Jul 24, 2019 · Moreover, the build only ccontain the assets referenced from scenes so your text file placed somewhere in Assets is not even included in build. Load() on a file, works perfectly. Collections; using System. Put the file in StreamingAssets folder then read it with the WWW or UnityWebRequest API and Application. Mar 27, 2010 · Hi there, thanks for stopping by! So im trying to load the text from a txt file into a variable so i can place this variable into a label and display it in the GUI. Split(','); Unity - Scripting API: Resources. As an example it would be the help file text that i want to put into a GUI. Load(filePath) as TextAsset; string fileString = textAsset. I want my game to be freely modable, to allow players to customize their copy of the game to their hearts extent, so each file is loaded from Sep 4, 2009 · Hi All, I want to read a text file using C# and parse it into a Hashtable. json files in my Resources folder, they are contained within several sub folders. Oct 16, 2013 · Having an issue trying to load a text file using Resources. This is what handles the file load. Note: All asset names and paths in Unity use forward slashes. Jan 27, 2015 · I’m curious - and there may not really be an answer in JS - about . Refresh() the TextAsset is always null and won’t be found until the program This method returns the asset at path if it can be found, otherwise it returns null. If anyone has a second id really appriciate it! here is what i Nov 15, 2016 · Resources and Assets don’t exist at runtime. ReadAllLines(). txt being my text file and datapath gives me < …/Appname. I used a WPF Program to parse text files in my own proprietary format, and the Unity to load the information back from the file. Load DURING the game with a DYNAMIC filename, which, as I said, needs to be editable and not Feb 24, 2018 · This is the JSON code to load my text data. . It all works on Windows. Aug 29, 2021 · @Pezza: If you have created a folder text inside Resources folder and then added "abc. My problem is to load those external files as TextAsset in a array, is not a problem to retrieve the path and If path refers to a file, only that asset will be returned. String Oct 9, 2018 · I have a text file. When I publish the package, there is no text file put in the Resources folder. So I tried to put the file under c: calling the function in this way ReadFromFile(@"C:\test\position. Assets/Resources Jul 5, 2016 · In my case specifically, I have bullet-points (• or #149) in my text file. txt. Thats all! Glory to Robots! May 8, 2014 · I'm developing simple game with Unity 4. text; } Feb 5, 2017 · It sounds like OP isn’t wanting to use the Resources folder because they say “not in _Data folder”, and the screenshot shows the file in the root folder along with the executable. Does anyone have any idea ? Jun 20, 2011 · Let me be a little bit more accurate: I have my Unity project, with my Resources folder all set up. One way to make sure that your textfile/material/mesh is included is to place it in a Resources folder, each object placed in this folder will be also included in your build. Load(file) as TextAsset; Any help is appreciated. Load(“path to your text file”); docs. Load, it returns a Null - even though a System. htm. Jul 8, 2013 · I’ve been having some problems reading from a text file that is included in the project, because I can’t figure out how to do it 🙂 I have text file in the root of my project. txt file which is stored in the asset folder of the game. I am just learning that unity cannot build with the UnityEditor namespace. ⠀You use this code: TextAsset file = Resources. However, when it is actually loaded via Resources. Dec 27, 2020 · fileName = $"Wave_Position_2_2_2"; if (Input. StreamingAssets. Load ("Texts/Instructions") as TextAsset; instructions = bindata. You have a . unity3d. TextAsset asset = Resources. txt files are associated with notepad on your system. Load() to load a text file, though these aren’t any text files, These are my game’s Itemdata, Fooddata and Weapondata files, prefixed with a . Load<TextAsset>("Text/jsonFile01"); //Then use JsonUtility. I have Unity Pro. Close(); } I want to make my string equal to the first line for example. If you just want to load any file outside the Unity path, you can do this without TextAsset. txt files. Load() you don't specify the file endings (file. May 29, 2014 · I am trying to figure out how to, if possible at all, get some text in a txt file in my Resources into an string. so I used like followings. The path is relative to any Resources folder inside the Assets folder of your project. The extension is pretty irrelevant anyways. when I use this code to load one Text into a TextAsset variable It works perfectly… If the file at path is of a type that cannot be converted to T, also returns null. To get the contents of a TextAsset, you’d want to use aquivoJson. text); } but I keep getting object reference not set. e. json May 2, 2018 · The Resources folder is known to increase loading times. Unfortunately without AssetDatabase. Each one would have a unique name (Let’s name them after states for this example). text; Dec 27, 2020 · I am trying to read a file and split it by comma. txt file into a TextAsset variable. If the file at path is of a type that cannot be converted to T, also returns null. text. You can also create public fields on your scripts/classes and . Note that the path is case insensitive and must not contain a file extension. If an asset can be found at path, it is returned with type T, otherwise returns null. Loading these require the folder directory so an example load will be Resources2/fancyB2. (2) While demonstrating the game in Web player format, load the same info f… Jun 4, 2015 · So, I thought that it may work if unity can read the text file which is written by console application made from C. vtk files into my project assets folder, attach that folder to the script on the object as I would attach any public variable to a script in the editor (by dragging and dropping it), and have my script read each . You could change this to visual studio if you wanted, but then all . my game app needs to load JSON text file in runtime. Log(PrnFile. string instructions; void Start () { //LOAD TEXT ASSETS TextAsset bindata = Resources. Window. Load() can't be used to load custom extensions at all, as per documentation: "If the file at path is of a type that cannot be converted to T, also returns null". Source: Resources. I have a Resources folder in my Assets and inside it is a file called test_prn (with no extension). net text read API. Jan 20, 2015 · Unity offers a special folder called Resources where you can keep files and load them at runtime through Resources. //Load text from a JSON file (Assets/Resources/Text/jsonFile01. txt") as TextAsset; string text = file. i am just wondering how can i write to it and save it? this is the code i use to access my text file in the folder: var tempAsset: TextAsset = Resources. The path does not need to include Assets and Resources in the string, for example loading a GameObject at Assets / Guns / Resources / Shotgun. Oct 13, 2014 · We can use TextAsset data type to access text file content in Unity3D. fileName is a public string. Load but with the fact that I cannot find any solution to load the data after apk was build! Because I read the content from the file DURING the game and because it cannot find the right content with these names, again because there is no option to use Resource. txt to the Resources folder (create it if you need), then call Resources. If you put your text file in a folder called “Resources” you can load it using Resources. Will having . I’m trying to save and load levels for my game. The file is in the assets folder under Texts/. text); // Read a line String line = reader. Load("test_prn") as TextAsset; Debug. ReadAllText an File. g. Thus, the param I passed was - Application. ini. I am trying to do this but with no luck: TextAsset file; file = Resources. Load<TextAsset>(fileName). Load(language, typeof(TextAsset)); Next thing is to read line by line the file. And I want to Load them, before passing them through StreamReader and returning the final text. Another way to read and write data from a text file that’s in a specific directory is to use the StreamWriter and StreamReader classes from the System. Generic; using UnityEngine; using System. txt extension, as this will create unexpected behaviour when attempting to read data from it. I searched a lot, I couldn’t find about how to read text real-time in Unity. WebGL is the real goal here. For example, a project may have Resources folders called Assets/Resources and @@AssetsAssetsResources@@. json) var jsonTextFile = Resources. [MenuItem("Tools/Read file")] static void ReadString() { string path = "Assets/Resources/Map File. text; Aug 29, 2013 · WWW www = new WWW("jar:file://" + Application. Collections. load to find a text file and then pass that text file into stream reader? Feb 18, 2016 · Hi there everyone, I’m causticlasagne. txt" file in it, we access it using Resources. Sep 27, 2020 · I am attempting to load a created ScriptableObject. Mar 16, 2023 · I am reading an excel file that is located in "Resources" folder of my Unity application. Load<TextAsset>("FileNames") then de-serialize the json from TextAsset. bytes extension help? Aug 10, 2015 · I have a number of files that I need to embed into my application without modification (target platform is Android). font = font; } Aug 15, 2017 · string filePath = "hfba_25"; TextAsset textAsset = Resources. Load(or whichever method/function) load those assets by name. text or fileJson. json. text; lines = myFile. When you drop a text file into your Project Folder, it will be converted to a Text Asset. RegularExpressions Oct 21, 2014 · Hello, I know that StreamWriter() is a way to write to files, and Resource. You can’t use dataPath with all platforms, you can’t use File. xml”) with folder being my Assets/Resources/XMLs Aug 17, 2021 · I want to edit file with some parameters after I build the project. Mar 28, 2011 · i have a text file in my resource folder which i can read. ReadAllBytes. Load on Unity docs. Load Oct 19, 2018 · After a build or during run-time, you can access the saved file that contains the file names as a TextAsset with Resources. json" 2. Log(mystring. Sep 11, 2012 · Text Assets are a format for imported text files. Load < TextAsset > ( "text/abc" ); – nIcE cOw Commented Aug 29, 2021 at 11:46 (This means the file in Resources3 has the same name as in Resources. None of this works so I am obviously confused. To load it: public Text yourText; void Start() { //To load it: Font font = Resources. load("listofgames") (you must omit file extension). Split('\n')); Aug 6, 2020 · I have a folder in Assets named Resources that has text files with the same data separated by commas. Resources. The plan was to have the text file with the published package to be able to change the text when we need to and have it update easily. Create a folder called Resources in your project, and put your files in it (in this case, you text file). Apr 10, 2018 · Hello all, Recently, I put out a game with my own dialogue system. GetFiles(folder, “*. Load(“2011”, TextAsset); var myString: String = tempAsset. txt or . load only works for files in Resources folder. Text. dll to the . I’m going to load the levels from two different places: from user files for levels created by users using an ingame level editor, and from the resources folder for the game’s normal levels. Im thinking that I need to use resources. txt file and reload it before the May 8, 2018 · I am at the end of project and being roadblock by one frustrating problem. May 2, 2018 · The Resources folder is known to increase loading times. Basicly I have some text files on a external folder inside StreamingAssets which when you build the game that folder won’t be included in the build itself but will go inside the game Data folder. txt file StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path); reader. Load. Resource(“mydata. Unity has very limited functionality when it comes to loading assets. My txt file has “Hello world” written inside of it and is saved in my Resources folder. The problem is that in the build i have no more the Resource folder neither the position. Apr 18, 2021 · Hi, I’m trying to load a txt file during runtime: I did put my “w1. Now, you have JSON in string variable! 4. When playing in the editor in Windows everything works fine. Edit_1: textAsset is always returned as NULL For example, a project may have Resources folders called Assets / Resources/ and Assets / Guns / Resources/. pmnztisvr mthi ieqxvv jmw fwzijwh quwqj jsuhk sfib txrzapn sqqig jfhu sjp axn gimh uhct