It assets organizational capabilities and firm performance. Organization Science 18(5):763-780.
It assets organizational capabilities and firm performance Key words: organizational agility, IT competencies, latent class regression History: Anitesh Barua, Senior Editor; T. Our premise is that IT assets and IT managerial capabilities are components in organizational design, and as such, their impact can only be understood by taking into consideration the Despite evidence of a positive relationship between informationtechnology (IT) investments and firm performance, results still varyacross firms and performance measures. 763 - 780 Disney characters. Digital Library IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation. Therefore, this study empirically investigated the effect of digital transformation on firm performance by classifying the Mithas et al. 29, No. Despite evidence of a positive relationship between information technology (IT) investments and firm performance, results still vary across firms and performance measures. H2 Sep 16, 2006 · The resource-based view of the enterprises generally attributes superior financial performance to organizational resources and capabilities. This paper empirically examines the association between IT investment and firm performance. The study adds to the existing literature on DCs by addressing their application both in both the service and manufacturing The Impact of IT Governance on IT Capability and Firm Performance Research-in-Progress Peiqin Zhang Texas State University McCoy College of Business Administration 601 University Drive, San Marcos, TX 78666 p_z13@txstate. , 2011); (Muhanna & Dale Stoel, 2010) shows that Jun 1, 2006 · IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation Despite evidence of a positive relationship between information technology (IT) investments and firm performance, results still vary across firms and performance measures. ,The findings provide practical implications and draw managerial attention to the importance of: (1) investing in innovation, (2) engaging customers in the innovation process and (3) maintaining considered as resources all assets, capabilities, organiza-tional processes, attributes, information, and knowledge con-trolled by the organization that allow it to implement more effective and efficient business strategies. In the model where the indirect link between IT capabilities and firm performance was examined, the organisational dynamic capabilities were incorporated as a mediator. g. The majority of empirical studies used different mediators such as marketing Mar 14, 2023 · This is largely due to contingent factors that make this relationship both complex and idiosyncratic. In particular, this study explores the roles of two IT capabilities that affect firm performance, namely, (1) flexible IT infrastructure, which is a carefully planned and developed technological foundation on which present and future IT applications are built [9], [54], [60], and (2) IT assimilation, or the ability to diffuse and Sep 1, 2018 · This cross-fertilization allowed the authors to focus on the contribution of IS to organizational capabilities as a key possible mediator between the organizational integration of the IT function and firm performance. IT–business strategic alignment was found to enhance the relationship between Big Data analytics capabilities and dynamic capability, thereby influencing firm performance. Assets, Organizational Capabilities and Firm Performance: Do Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation? | Despite evidence of a positive IT assets, organizational capabilities, and firm performance: How resource allocations and organizational differences explain performance variation S Aral, P Weill Organization Science 18 (5), 763-780 , 2007 Aug 1, 2023 · The RBV and capability theory acknowledge the positive link between IT assets, organizational capabilities, and firm performance (Aral & Weill, 2007). (2011, p. Past research indicates that there are limits to the contributions of ordinary capabilities to firm performance, but largely has explored it via contingent effects in an industry Feb 1, 2013 · The current study is an effort toward this research direction. This strategy tends to focus externally, stressing a need to be aware of the market and change to consumer needs; it can be viewed as a long-term customer-oriented strategy, because firm-specific capabilities in product leadership and customer care are valuable Dec 5, 2024 · In short, IT capabilities are organizational capabilities targeted to the IT domain of competency and skills. 0306 Our results – based on data on IT investment allocations and IT capabilities in 147 U. A conceptual model is developed to Oct 1, 2015 · Recent studies tend to neglect the role of IT assets in firm performance probably because IT assets are commonly-available tools and technologies that are used to process, store, and disseminate information, and they are widely available to firms without the protection of isolating mechanisms (Floyd and Wooldridge, 1990, Powell and Dent Gale Academic OneFile includes IT assets, organizational capabilities, and firm perfor by Sinan Aral and Peter Weill. 1007/s10796-023-10399-1 26:3 (1041-1062) Online publication date: 1-Jun-2024 Jan 1, 2017 · Big data analytics (BDA) is emerging as a hot topic among scholars and practitioners. This increased reliance on IT, coupled with a growing complexity and interconnected nature of IT systems and infrastructure as well as constantly changing threat and regulatory environments, entails increased risks and the need to implement IT internal controls to mitigate those Sep 10, 2014 · On the basis of the review of public-value management literature, we suggest that the following five organizational capabilities mediate the relationship between IT resources and public value Aug 6, 2020 · 3. , Citation 2013; Chen et al. Mar 1, 2012 · "IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation," Organization Science (18:5), 2007, pp. , 2020;Maritan Apr 1, 2009 · We hypothesized that internally focused IT capabilities were more likely to have positive performance implications when the firm operated in low munificence, low dynamism and high-complexity environments (H4A), and that externally focused IT capabilities were more likely to have positive performance implications under conditions of high Nov 19, 2013 · The IT-enabled organizational resources theory explains that IT can augment key practices or capabilities developed in the firm, which can result in improved firm performance (Bharadwaj 2000; Cagliano and Spina 2000; Ray et al. Computing the value of IT investments and clarifying how the portfolio of IT/IS resources affect a firm's performance and sustainable competitive advantage are critical issues today. 18, No. f, and the Mar 1, 2000 · IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation Despite evidence of a positive relationship between information technology (IT) investments and firm performance, results still vary across firms and performance measures. In doing so, it takes an information value chain approach to theorize about how quality data and IT-enabled data analytics sensing capability in the marketing unit relate differently to the unit performance as well as to firm-level performance. Kaplan and Sawhney (2000), our findings elucidate that when firms leverage ICTs to evolve or refine internal and external processes This is largely due to contingent factors that make this relationship both complex and idiosyncratic. Apr 26, 2023 · IT assets, organizational capabilities, and firm performance: How resource allocations and organizational differences explain performance variation. Sep 1, 2007 · In addition, a system of organizational IT capabilities strengthens the performance effects of IT assets and broadens their impact beyond their intended purpose. We attempted to develop an effective measurement technique and use ideas. For example, Amit and Han (2017) explain value creation through resource allocations and novel resource configurations in a digital world. Oct 1, 2015 · S. Nevertheless, studies on DT outcomes remain scarce. ,This framework is built to understand the process of digital transformation and its antecedents for firms’ performance in Jan 1, 2022 · IT assets, organizational capabilities, and firm performance: How resource allocations and organizational differences explain performance variation Organization Science , 18 ( 5 ) ( 2007 ) , pp. j ’s industry (using three-digit SIC code classification). Oct 1, 2007 · Empirically, we test the impact of IT assets, IT capabilities, and their combination on four dimensions of firm performance: market valuation, profitability, cost, and innovation. Introduction to the problem. Numerous studies have documented the positive effects of IT capability on organizational performance but our knowledge of the processes through which such gains are achieved remains limited due to a lack of focus on the business environment. Main findings: IT investment allocations and organizational IT capabilities drive differences in firm performance. Chakravarty et al. Click to explore. IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation Despite evidence of a positive relationship between information technology (IT) investments and firm performance, results still vary across firms and performance measures. We use firms listed on InformationWeek 500 as a measure of IT capability, finding that IT capability positively impacts firm innovation. These findings indicate that agile marketing activities, especially when supported by analytics, are important for an organization’s success. Bharadwaj/IT Capability and Firm Performance RESEARCH ARTICLE A RESOURCE-BASED PERSPECTIVE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CAPABILITY AND FIRM PERFORMANCE: AN EMPIRICAL INVESTIGATION1 By: Keywords: IT capability, IT resources, resourcebased theory, firm performance Anandhi S. Jun 1, 2024 · We propose that information technology (IT) capability promotes innovation performance by facilitating knowledge-intensive assets. Apr 1, 2005 · IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation Despite evidence of a positive relationship between information technology (IT) investments and firm performance, results still vary across firms and performance measures. This paper was received on November 17, 2009, and was with the authors 21 months for 3 revisions. 1287/orsc. Jan 1, 2025 · This study argues that e-commerce capability's impact on decision-making performance depends on the mediating role of organizational agility. Aral, P. We test our model using survey data from 318 firms in 4 industries. The purpose of this paper is to understand how BDA capabilities affect firm performance through supply This study explores the effects of organizational information technology (IT) capability in determining organizational performance and sustainable competitive advantage. Sep 1, 2021 · In another study, Kim et al. 763-780 TOI i0. Our results, based on data on IT investment allocations and IT capabilities in 147 U. , Citation 2020). j,t. is the median ROA of single-segment firms in segment . Jul 1, 2018 · IT assets, organizational capabilities and firm performance: how resource allocations and organizational differences explain performance variation Organ. edu ISRL Categories Dec 1, 2015 · IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation Despite evidence of a positive relationship between information technology (IT) investments and firm performance, results still vary across firms and performance measures. According to RBV theory May 1, 2012 · IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation Despite evidence of a positive relationship between information technology (IT) investments and firm performance, results still vary across firms and performance measures. 488–489) examined the direct and indirect link between the IT capabilities and firm's performance. Jul 1, 2018 · More specifically, researchers examined how these three industry characteristics influence IT capability [21], efficiency [39], IT outsourcing decisions [36], vertical integration [37], the relationship between IT assets and operational efficiency and innovation [40], the productivity impact of IT capital [25], the volatility of firm Our results---based on data on IT investment allocations and IT capabilities in 147 U. Sep 13, 2022 · Organizational capabilities have a key influence on firm performance. Such a linkage Oct 1, 2015 · IT assets, organizational capabilities and firm performance: do resource allocations and organizational differences explain performance variation? Organizational Science (2007) IT capability Organizational capabilities play an important role in inter-organization competition. , Citation 2014; Felipe et al. Sep 16, 2020 · Our study highlights the added value of AI capabilities, in terms of organizational performance, with a focus on improving organizational performance (financial, marketing, and administrative). In this study, these concepts including IT Capability, Digital Business Strategy, Human resource capability, Organizational Culture, Digital Transformation, Innovation, Firm Performance will be used as variables in research model. In addition, firms are increasingly interested in using DT to obtain a competitive advantage. 0306 What are organizational capabilities? Organization capabilities (OC) are the intangible, strategic assets that an organization draws from to get work done, execute its business strategy, and satisfy its customers. Jul 1, 2007 · Request PDF | I. IT-enabled capabilities. Anandhi_Bharadwaj@bus. With advanced uncertainty and high failure of business sustainability, core competency (referring to the capability of firms’ productive resources, including skills and technologies, and tacit and explicit knowledge assisting the firm in Findings. Ordinary capabilities, a prominent classification advocated by capability scholars, allow a firm to perform its primary functional activities. Sep 1, 2010 · We also theorize how a firm's IR portfolio moderates the effects of structural IT capabilities on competitive process capabilities and why a firm's environmental turbulence moderates the effects of complementary process capabilities on competitive performance. Published online in Articles in Sep 7, 2021 · Purpose Big data analytics capability (BDAC) can affect firm performance in several ways. Ravichandran, Associate Editor. start-ups, we explore the performance implications of broad versus narrow scope in new firms' functional capability development and show . Organization Science, 18(5), 763–780. for firm . , volume, variety, velocity, veracity and value) to create actionable ideas for delivering sustained value, measuring performance and establishing competitive advantages (Fosso, Akter, Edwards Nov 19, 2022 · Digital transformation (DT) has attracted the attention of management and organizational scholars in the past decade. Weill, IT assets, organizational capabilities and firm performance: do resource allocations and organizational differences explain performance variation?, Organizational Science, 18 (2007) 763-780. Apr 17, 2017 · Design/methodology/approach This framework builds three blocks: resource integration, organizational capabilities and outcomes, exploring the impact of resource integration on outcomes through Nov 26, 2021 · Prior research has focused on DCs in terms of innovation and enhancing firm’s knowledge capabilities (Zahra & George, 2002), despite from past studies, we analyze firm’s capabilities in terms of financial performance. The findings revealed that IRs and capabilities contributed more greatly to firm performance compared to TRs. emory. Aral, Sinan Apr 1, 2005 · IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation Despite evidence of a positive relationship between information technology (IT) investments and firm performance, results still vary across firms and performance measures. To strengthen the beneficial effect of working capital on performance, firms must therefore make appropriate investments that would foster more objective, informed, and firm-specific working capital choices. IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation Download; XML; Narrative Networks: Patterns of Technology and Organization Download; XML; Information Technology and Organizational Learning: An Investigation of Exploration and Exploitation Sep 1, 2024 · A (non-exhaustive) list of intangible assets might include brands, trademarks, patents, copyrights, trade secrets, corporate reputation, R&D and technological know-how, innovative capabilities, product designs, software and databases, customer relationships, employee satisfaction and commitment, organizational and managerial capabilities, innovation capabilities, network relationships Dec 11, 2008 · Drawing on the resource-based view, we propose a configurational perspective of how information technology (IT) assets and capabilities affect firm performance. l070. Jan 1, 2015 · IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation Despite evidence of a positive relationship between information technology (IT) investments and firm performance, results still vary across firms and performance measures. If IT capabilities are enhanced, the business value produced from most business functions increases (Pavlou & El Sawy, 2006). A matched-sample comparison group metho-dology and publicly available ratings are used to assess IT Mar 30, 2024 · IT assets, organizational capabilities, and firm performance: how resource allocations and organizational differences explain performance variation Organ. May 29, 2024 · The swift economic transformations and process of globalization have prompted enterprises to urgently develop efficient ways to enhance performance and ensure their long-term existence. f . Firm specific IT resources are classified as IT infrastructure, human IT resources, and IT-enabled intangibles. Firm-specific IT resources are classified as IT infrastructure, human-IT resources, and IT-enabled intangibles. Thus, the industry profitability is the profitability of a hypothetical firm that mimics the asset composition across industries of firm . edu Kexin Zhao University of North Carolina at Charlotte Belk College of Business 9201 University City Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28223 kzhao2@uncc. 763–780,©2007INFORMS across firms. It aims to find the mediation factors for the relationship between IT capabilities and performance. t-1, and ROA. Feb 1, 2016 · Motivated by the seeming presence of the productivity paradox in China, this research revisits the question of how information technology (IT) affects firm performance in China. Mar 26, 2013 · The business value of information technology (IT) has been one of the top concerns of both practitioners and scholars for decades. Our results---based on data on IT investment allocations and IT capabilities in 147 U. Building on the resource-based and knowledge-based views of a firm, the study proposes a theoretical framework. Oct 1, 2010 · IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation Despite evidence of a positive relationship between information technology (IT) investments and firm performance, results still vary across firms and performance measures. Individual resources do not confer competitive advantage; they must work together to create organizational capability. These capabilities cannot originate from a single effort or by following an external template. Dec 1, 2011 · Modern enterprises are critically dependent on information technology (IT) for the conduct of business operations. Digital Library A survey of 352 firms was conducted. IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation DOI 10. Sci. 1 The market and book values of firms reached historically high differential levels at the turn of the new century, with the growth of investment in information technology (IT) assets and the diffusion of the concept of IT as an organizational capability and empirically examines the association between IT capability and firm performance. (2017) and S. Grant (1991) defines organiza-tional capabilities as a firm’s overall competency to coord-inate its complex human and other resources effectively to achieve corporate performance. Based on resourced-based theory, this study tries to examine how IT capabilities affect firm performance. The defining Jan 1, 2014 · The relationship between IT capability and the organization was thoroughly studied in the early 2010s (Ashrafi & Mueller, 2015); (Masli et al. Aug 31, 2010 · Findings First, it was found that the mediated model that includes organizational capabilities as mediators between organizational resources and firm performance can better explain the value of IT Apr 12, 2021 · Moreover, the results show that the path between dynamic capabilities and competitive firm performance is partially mediated through open innovation. However, in contrast to the proposition of resource-based theory that views capabilities as the most important skills that underpin the development and deployment of both TR and IR, capabilities offered rather limited additional explanatory power to the prediction of firm Dec 19, 2023 · Despite evidence of a positive relationship between information technology (IT) investments and firm performance, results still vary across firms and performance measures. 1070. We explore two organizational explanations for this performance variation: differences in firms' IT investment allocations and IT capabilities. firms from 1999 to 2002 – demonstrate that IT investment allocations and organizational IT capabilities drive differences in firm performance. e. Schumpeter 1934). The results help explain variance in returns to IT capital across firms and expand our understanding of alignment between IT and organizations. , 2021;Baima et al. The objective of this study is to investigate whether organizational culture (OC), knowledge sharing (KS), and organizational innovation (OI) helps to achieve competitive advantage (CA) which leads to firm Feb 1, 2012 · IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation (IT) assets contribute to firm performance IT competencies on organizational agility and firm performance. Using five case studies, we build a theoretical model of IT resources, defined as the combination of Sep 1, 2007 · IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation September 2007 Organization Science 18(5):763-780 Feb 16, 2006 · Empirically, we test the impact of IT assets, IT capabilities and their combination on four dimensions of firm performance: market valuation, profitability, cost and innovation. Mar 1, 2024 · In the IT capability literature, organizational agility has been tightly connected to firm performance (e. The core competency concept was developed by leading experts Hamel and Prahalad (Citation 1990) in strategic management. The author posits that a firm has a competitive advantage when it executes a Jul 1, 2022 · Drawing on the longitudinal Kauffman Firm Survey of U. 0306 May 1, 2012 · In contrast, a revenue-growth strategy focuses on long-term sales and profit growth by increasing revenue and improving profitability. A. We expl Oct 1, 2007 · Sinan Aral, Peter Weill, (2007) IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation. How Information Management Capability Affects Organizational Capabilities Dimensions of Information Management Capability Performance Management Capability Customer Management Capability Process Management Capability The ability to provide data and information to users with the Jan 1, 2009 · This paper presents an empirical study that examines the effects of dynamic IT capability and organizational culture on firm performance. edu Ram L. Nov 22, 2024 · Dynamic capabilities refer to an organization’s ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external competencies to address a rapidly developing environment. 3 Emotional and social competencies and perceptions of the interpersonal environment of an organization as related to the engagement of IT professionals Jun 15, 2021 · 1. The Resources of the Firm It is important to distinguish between the resources and the capabilities of the firm: resources are the productive assets owned by the firm; capabilities are what the firm can do. In his highly influential 2014 JIBS paper, David Teece provides a holistic explanation of how firms can: achieve sustained competitive advantage, adjust and preserve superior performance, and adapt to changing Oct 1, 2017 · Indeed, extant research on dynamic capabilities has argued and provided evidence that the contribution of codified dynamic capabilities to firm performance is positively and significantly related to the complexity of the asset base reconfiguration processes they support (e. An analysis of survey responses of 93 industrial enterprises in Israel indicates that superiority of an industrial enterprise, in terms of four performance measures (return on sales, return on equity, market share change, and customer satisfaction), can be explained by a set of four core organizational resources and capabilities (managerial Oct 26, 2011 · A prospector business strategy enhances the firm's ability to achieve organizational capabilities and enables the firm to achieve higher levels of financial performance. For decades, literature has consistently shown that superior firm performance can only be achieved by continuous innovation (e. is the asset weight of segment . Findings revealed a positive impact of Big Data analytics capabilities on firm performance with dynamic capability mediating this effect. As previous studies examining these kinds of relationships reported mixed results in terms of information Nov 1, 2020 · A meta-analytic study found that MC influence firm performance more than other core firm capabilities, R&D and operational capabilities, which can be more easily imitated by competitors [25]. Feb 23, 2022 · Sinan Aral, Peter Weill, (2007) IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation. S. The reflections of information technologies on company performance has always been a controversial topic in the management literature. Jan 2, 2024 · Moreover, the author argues that firms’ capabilities have two levels: higher-order capabilities and lower-order capabilities, which will convert these resources through the capabilities into organizational performance. Jul 24, 2021 · Several studies support the positive link between information technology capability and firm performance, including Bharadwaj (2000) and Santhanam and Hartono (2003), which appeared in MIS Quarterly. BDA is defined as a holistic approach to managing, processing and analyzing the 5 V data-related dimensions (i. j . Organization Science 18(5):763-780. 2005). Dec 1, 2023 · IT capabilities influence firm performance by interacting with other organizational capabilities (Banker, Bardhan, Hsihui, & Shu, 2006; Rai & Seth, 2006). 0306 issn 1047-70391 eissn 1526-54551071180510763 @ 2007 INFORMS IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation Sinan Aral Our results---based on data on IT investment allocations and IT capabilities in 147 U. In this framework, organizational IT capability is theorized to strengthen organizational performance and Dec 1, 1994 · Organizational Competencies and Dynamic Accounting Information System Capability: Impact on AIS Processes and Firm Performance 1 April 2015 | Journal of Information Systems, Vol. Organizational capabilities are a key concept in RBV and sister theories, such as the knowledge-based view (Phelps, Heidl Prior research denotes that knowledge resources work together with the process capabilities of the organization (Nicolò et al. For example, firms with cost leadership Organization Science infii_inM Vol. firms from 1999 to 2002---demonstrate that IT investment allocations and organizational IT capabilities Jul 1, 1999 · Min H Lea B (2024) Motivators and Inhibitors for Business Analytics Adoption from the Cross-Cultural Perspectives: A Data Mining Approach Information Systems Frontiers 10. The study seeks to explain firm level variations in the returns to IT investments and investigates how IT investment allocations and IT capabilities influence performance. Bharadwaj Goizueta Business School Emory University Atlanta, GA 30322 U. firms from 1999-2002, demonstrate that IT investment allocations and Jul 1, 2007 · A theoretical model of IT resources is developed, arguing that investments into different IT assets are guided by firms' strategies and deliver value along performance dimensions consistent with their strategic purpose and that firms derive additional value per IT dollar through a mutually reinforcing system of organizational IT capabilities built on complementary practices and competencies Despite evidence of a positive relationship between information technology (IT) investments and firm performance, results still vary across firms and performance measures. firms from 1999 to 2002—demonstrate that IT investment allocations and IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation Sinan Aral Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management, and New York University Stern School of Business, 44 West 4th Street, Room 8-81, New York, New York 10012, sinan@stern Aug 16, 2006 · Despite evidence of a positive relationship between IT investments and firm performance, results still vary across firms and performance measures. , Zollo and Singh, 2004, Zollo and Winter, 2002) as codification helps May 15, 2020 · Information Technologies (IT) and IT-based capabilities represent a sovereign approach to firm survival and success in today’s business environment. 1 Data Measurement. We find that a firm's management capabilities to manage both its Identifying Capabilities ♦An Organizational Capability Is the intangible but observable capacity of a firm to perform a critical activity proficiently using a related combination (cross-functional bundle) of its resources. Is knowledge-based, residing in people and in a firm’s intellectual capital or in its organizational Jan 1, 2021 · Our results---based on data on IT investment allocations and IT capabilities in 147 U. We explore two organizationalexplanations for this variation: differences in firms’ ITinvestment allocations and their IT capabili Dec 1, 2022 · This study answers research calls regarding data analytics in a specific unit and its impact at the unit and organizational level. Sep 1, 2015 · IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation Despite evidence of a positive relationship between information technology (IT) investments and firm performance, results still vary across firms and performance measures. The growing literature on organizational agility suggests that it is of crucial importance that organizations should cultivate strategic agility to cope with environmental uncertainty seize opportunities and thrive [19]. /Information Management and Firm Performance Table A4. More specifically, this study investigates the main Apr 11, 2024 · Our research provides empirical insights into the nexus among ICT infrastructures, supply chain digital integration capability and firm financial performance, Echoing the perspectives of Haddud et al. Thus, innovation capability is an important candidate to investigate when dealing with firm performance and potentially complementary effects between IT capability and innovation capability. Kumar University of Aug 1, 2009 · Moreover, few studies investigated the joint impact of different strategic orientations on firm performance [35,37]. 5, September-October 2007, pp. firms from 1999 to 2002---demonstrate that IT investment allocations and organizational IT capabilities drive differences in firm performance. Sep 1, 2011 · Following the resource-based view of the firm, strategic CRM is conceptualized as an endogenously determined function of the organization's ability to harness and orchestrate lower-order capabilities that comprise physical assets, such as IT infrastructure, and organizational capabilities, such as human analytics (HA) and business architecture Aug 1, 2019 · Nature of relationship between IT/IS capabilities and firm performance; Bharadwaj (2000) Resource-based view: IT capability and firm performance: Direct relationship: Tippins and Sohi (2003) Resource-based view: IT competency, organizational learning and firm performance: Indirect relationship: Santhanam and Hartono (2003) Resource-based view Feb 1, 2012 · The observed time-increasing gap between the market and book value of firms has been interpreted as evidence of the growing importance of intangible assets for modern firms [10], [12], [40]. The literature identifies IT-enabled capabilities as those emergent capabilities stemming from ‘a relationship between an IT asset and an organizational resource’ (Nevo & Wade, 2010, p. , 18 ( 2007 ) , pp. 763 - 780 , 10. In contrast to past studies that have assumed that IT capabilities have direct effects on firm performance, this study argues that a firm’s performance can be explained by how effective the firm is in using IT to support organizational decision-making. 763-780. In sum, we expect that MC have a positive influence on firm outcomes [26, 55]. Our results—based on data on IT investment allocations and IT capabilities in 147 U. in year . Oct 1, 2007 · Sinan Aral, Peter Weill, (2007) IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and Firm Performance: How Resource Allocations and Organizational Differences Explain Performance Variation. T. , 18 ( 5 ) ( 2007 ) , pp. 169). We explore two organizational explanations for this variation: differences in Aral and Weill: IT Assets, Organizational Capabilities, and FirmPerformance 766 OrganizationScience18(5),pp. skdf xxt tue icd zaprnao jsony gglqifi ynasqg nqwjc pqvo qdufr ojczl lsvrl lbagunk gzbfc