How to mock api calls javascript Plus, since those are already built, there isn't as much of a benefit to mocking fetch and ALL backend data models guaranteed to find data issues because the frontend would be looking at the data models a lot closer than anyone ever has on the backend Nov 5, 2022 · I am still a little unclear why you're trying to test a live endpoint, as opposed to mocking it. The following principles apply. This helps make your tests faster and more reliable because you don't need to depend on real external services or the internet to run them. g. I've already moved the API call to a different file (/utils/fetchGetCard. Jun 6, 2024 · Finally, I followed the second strategy. No matter what application you're building, it is likely to make some HTTP calls. javascript; reactjs; jestjs; react-testing-library; or ask your own question. What is a Mock API? A mock API simulates the behavior of a real API by providing predefined responses to specific requests. wait() and when to put it inside moxios. js and Express. In tests, you would replace the real service with a mock. @ElmerDantas: I am curious to know when to put the moxios. So you should change your class to expose the dependency, for example in the constructor. : Jun 16, 2020 · Based on another library, Pretender, it offers an interesting approach to API mocking. Jul 18, 2023 · Mocking API calls allows you to simulate responses and control the behavior of your API requests during testing. create(). js <---- HERE we Mar 16, 2022 · I am building a full stack application with NextJS and a MySQL database. create like this: axios. Nov 29, 2024 · Why Mock API Call? Mocking API calls plays a pivotal role in the software development lifecycle, offering several compelling reasons to adopt this practice: Independent Development: Enables teams to work on different components simultaneously. One option when manually mocking a module is to create a folder named __mocks__ and place a file in it with the same name as the module you are mocking. The docs don't give many examples of how this works. I built a simple weather app just to test/mock the fetch using jest. The fact that the build is failing means absolutely nothing to you. It can be done in two steps. Weather: formats the data received from the API calls. I'm using Jasmine as a testing framework. fetch function with custom implementation that intercepts the call and forwards the arguments to fetch. e errorMessage) is being shown when API call is failing. I have something like UserService. mockReturnValue(Promise. Now while writing tests for Home in Home. Dec 1, 2021 · API consumers (mostly frontend developers) need to know the responses from the backend to shape them for the frontend. Sep 6, 2023 · In this tutorial, we will set up a Node. resolve({})); Nov 29, 2020 · Yes, jest. mock () the module. I have been able to successfully mock the the function and then mock the api like this: wrapper. toBe(1); // FAIL }); If I explicitly call myLib. See below: Before all, take a glance at the structure of the project: +---mocks | | index. So instead we will override the global. I've been looking for hours on the internet on how to achieve my goal so let me explain. API mocking with Mirage Js Nov 29, 2024 · JavaScript REST API calls are a method for Javascript-based applications to communicate and exchange data with other APIs (usually server-sided APIs). S. In a synchronous invocation context, you want to mock a returned result. post("/update-profile", form); return res; } catch (err) { throw new Error("error. With Jest, mocking API calls is super easy. Now I wish to unit test my client that makes calls to this web service. I am mocking this call using Mockito. The HTTP Proxy makes things easy, in a Single-Page-Application. I am able to test if data returned from the API is being rendered on screen or not. Is there a way to watch module mock calls whose functions were called via apply or call? May 3, 2022 · You seem to be missing something like import ". Since the interception happens on the network level, your application knows nothing about the mocking. Oct 30, 2019 · Developing mock API calls can help you use valuable unit tests, without the problems associated with calling a live API. I tried to create a File like this:. Mock Only Necessary Functions: Avoid mocking too much. When working on your Vue. get, but it will return undefined unless you tell it otherwise. Example 1: Fetching Weather Data Jul 3, 2017 · You should use fetch-mock like you linked to test the new fetch api calls. resolve({ ok: true, status: 200, json: async () => clientAssets } as Response); May 21, 2023 · The code in this example is supposed to make 3 API calls. It works on Node. fetch function with our own fake/mock version of it. mock on a class you can follow this example: jestjs. To the best of my knowledge, the purpose of using a mock for the APIRequest class is to ensure when tests for the Weather class methods (which include calls to methods in the APIRequest class) are run, actual API calls are Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand May 15, 2020 · Manual Mock. In this tutorial, we will write a test suit for an example Todos service in Vitest by mocking the Fetch API. You can check out sinonjs/nise#7 for some tips on how to accomplish this. 2) Make your mock not return a result but invoke the callback. js. js and also in a browser. So far I can test the result of the first fetch but can't access the other one. jsx which makes an async call in useEffect with the help of an axios instance. Real API calls can fail due to network issues, rate limits, or server downtime, making your tests flaky. Jun 21, 2021 · I have been trying to mock my apis using jest. How to do so? Here is the function: try { const res = await api. Aug 25, 2024 · To mock API calls in Jest tests, developers can use this module to replace the implementation of the API call with a mock function that returns predefined data. I am hardcoding a JSON in the mockserver response. This article will guide you through the process of mocking API calls in JavaScript tests, using practical examples to illustrate the concepts. May 30, 2021 · To mock an API call in a function, you just need to do these 3 steps: Import the module you want to mock into your test file. When your application makes a request to a particular endpoint, you can intercept it to return a mocked response. How to Mock API Calls? Nov 7, 2024 · If you observe the mocking above, it’s way simpler and has fewer mocks. Fake it till you make it! Let's get started. put store. Jul 20, 2019 · On a click of a button, the handler calls 2 methods: emitEvent(): to emit an event (actual target of my test), effectUI(): for UI effect (using the Web Animations API). 1. Frontend developers can consume the mock API, which provides the same interface as the actual API. Jan 3, 2021 · In order to test the loading and error states, I would like to temporarily add a fake delay before returning the result. I am writing an application in VueJS, and I'm currently retrieving my data from a hardcoded JSON file I created. Mar 16, 2021 · API mocking is easily the most common kind of mocking in JavaScript (apart from the mocking about how there's a new framework every day). Actually if you want to use jest. Some framework code was using Jest, axios-mock-adapter, and En May 14, 2015 · The service class makes an external call to a REST API service that return a JSON response. fn()); and then mock base64 of that variable but nothing seems working. How to call a REST API from JavaScript in 5 minutes ⚡. Mock APIs can also be beneficial for API testing and development. This allows you to freely refactor the implementation without needing to change the tests, giving you more confidence it's still working See the vi. To block a specific URL and make an API call failure, you just need to follow below steps: Go to Network tab in your browser. , moved to the top of the scope), allowing us to reference them within our vi. The code under test uses new Date() and a lot of the real Date methods. Focus on the I only needed to mock the current date for my use case. Jul 12, 2021 · Accepts a value that will be returned for one call to the mock function. Aug 29, 2014 · Assume I have made a simple client in my application that uses a remote web service that is exposing a RESTful API at some URI /foo/bar/{baz}. // This is a mock request function, could be a `request` call // or a database query; whatever it is, it MUST return a Nov 10, 2020 · Thanks for the quick response. requestInfo. – Jul 13, 2021 · as stated in the title I'm trying to mock the implementation of one function. Lets say foo. I would set it up like this where you create an Axios instance for your app to use and conditionally apply the mock adapter based on an environment variable Aug 22, 2019 · One of the things you will notice that we have multiple API calls to test. I tried using a subscribe and executing toPromise() to convert the Observable into a Promise, but I didn't succeed either. One way would be to replace ArgumentMatchers. Find that API call which needs to fail(as per your requirement). js | \---src \---components \---dumb-component DumbComponent. Installing Mirage js. In order to maintain the existing functionality that we don't intend to mock, we employ importActual to import the real axios Jun 17, 2020 · You can mock the action file and check if the action has been called. If you already have an existing API that you want to call from your application, you can skip the first step, in which we will create a fake REST API using Mockoon. . First, let's create the directory under which our files will reside and move into it: $ When testing components that make API calls, it's generally better to mock these requests rather than making real API calls. Oct 23, 2019 · Mocking also lets you test both the happy case where API works as expected as well as the case where the API fails. I'm new to testing React apps. get basically. This post explores how to use MSW with Vitest to mock API calls effectively. mock. Mock API calls with Nock. We only mock the desired method and use a stub response — {"success": True}. Sep 13, 2021 · Tried to mock entire library itself like const mockedLib = jest. Create a mock API endpoint with Mockoon. Here’s a quick example. 0. Let’s explore the various approaches you can use. get. requestInfo, the second expectation succeeds. Using the form below you can quickly set up a mock JSON API that we will use in this tutorial Dec 12, 2024 · Mocking API calls with Jest. In this step-by-step guide, we will explore how to mock API calls in React tests Dec 16, 2012 · As a start, add angular-mocks. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. 004 super(arg || 1655341323004); } } global. js <---- Just a random JSON | mock-response-2. Let me ask you this: if Test1 is still executing when Test2 calls fileParser. See full list on mockoon. May 3, 2017 · I am attempting to mock a class Mailer using jest and I can't figure out how to do it. Anyone has an idea? (the test keep call the original api call function and not the mo I am trying to run tests for one React Component; however, the state of this component is set based on the response getting from an API call. js for example) where you will create the module to your index. I don't really understand why. Mar 8, 2022 · I have a component in which the state gets updated depending upon the response from the API call. By mocking the API responses, you can isolate the code being tested and focus on its specific functionality without relying on external services. They should do away with matcher and automatically intercept all fetch calls. Nov 3, 2023 · Now that we've covered the basics of making API calls in JavaScript, let's explore a couple of real-world examples to see how this knowledge can be applied in practice. Jasmine test Dec 1, 2021 · API consumers (mostly frontend developers) need to know the responses from the backend to shape them for the frontend. Then we create an instance of the FileIOAdaptor class and call it’s upload method in this context, which will return the mock_upload_file object. I'm using Vue for the frontend and Python/Django for the backend. Use . Nov 25, 2024 · Here, we mock axios itself, not the entire module, and provide our own mocked get function. I'm using a separate test suit for each query/mutation I have 2 tests (each one in a separate test suit) where I mock one function (namely, Meteor's callMet You only need to change the API's base URL and all the calls are routed as is matching the request path. mock(), to manually mocking modules, to using libraries like axios-mock-adapter for more advanced cases. But I'm struggling to write my own test. This is where mocking comes into play. You could find more about it on jest’s blog here and there’s also a nice blog on wanago. One straightforward way to mock API calls in Jest is to use the jest. mockClear(), does Test1 still retain its context for all the fileParser mocks? Alternately, if you structure your code in such a way that your fetch calls are wrapped, you can mock the function/method that does the work rather than mocking the API calls. js single page application, you may need to mock an API that is still under development, or that is only Aug 1, 2020 · I created a class called API and it's a simple wrapper around Axios export class API { static get = async (route: string, version: string = API_VERSION) => { try Dec 24, 2019 · Cypress allows you to stub network requests. Every tutorial I have found mocks api calls when doing unit or integration testing - ex Dec 24, 2019 · Cypress allows you to stub network requests. 2 days ago · The Axios Mock Adapter is an API mocking library specifically designed for mocking response headers and data for API calls made with Axios. Component : Nov 21, 2017 · I am trying to mock my api call with jest but for some reason it's not working. Jan 31, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Jest provides ways to mock the api calls by creating a __mocks__ folder and writing custom implementation of the corresponding ajax request. Nock is a HTTP server mocking package, allowing us to test modules that make Dec 21, 2022 · The standard way to make these requests is using the Fetch API. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Why Mock API Calls? Mocking API calls allows you to test your application without relying on external services. The second SpyOn function call creates a jasmine errors saying I can't have multiple spys for the same function. Perhaps there is a better solution, but I would try mocking . How to intercept API calls within your front-end JavaScript Framework, using React as an example. Oct 14, 2024 · Jest, a popular JavaScript testing framework, offers several methods to easily mock API calls. With them, web developers are bale to create dynamic websites that can change the contents of a webpage. the problem with fetch-mock and almost all other modules for mocking fetch is that they demand way too much setup. com Nov 25, 2024 · Jest, a popular JavaScript testing framework, offers several methods to easily mock API calls. Mirage JS: Mirage JS is an API mocking library that lets you build, test, and share a complete working JavaScript application without having to rely on any backend services. In our case we can do this, and that is because fetch is available globally. Of course the mock's get or post methods will return the data - you've programmed the mock to do that. hoisted(), we ensure these mocked functions are hoisted (i. I thought about a HOC, which redefines functions I need to mock like Don't mock the tool making API calls; stub the server responses. One API call is supposed to return a list of vessel ID and names, and then the program is supposed to make other API calls to other Jan 28, 2019 · Javascript runtimes are single threaded. This allows developers to simulate different scenarios and responses from the API, making tests more comprehensive and robust. Right now, nothing imports your mock setup script so it never runs. js offers several different automated testing environments for behavior-driven JavaScript, including two popular frameworks Jest and Jasmine, which we’ll be comparing in this post. Jul 30, 2015 · Using a spy library will provide some useful features, such as monitoring the number of calls and their arguments to verify low-level behavior. Date = MockDate; Mar 30, 2022 · The problem I'm having is that if I call the doLogin function (in the loginPage) or if I call the login function (in the authService) I can never get the response. calls[0][0] will be accepted by TypeScript. I would like to write tests to ensure that my API calls to my backend are working as expected but I'm having trouble mocking out the Nov 13, 2020 · The function fetchAssets call the fetch function with an specific url. /mockAPI". The underlying library of the XHR stubbing, nise, only supports XHR (and so does Sinon). ajax as needed without disturbing jQuery. A good practice is placing these API calls in methods inside service files. Existing answers show the general structure for mocking fetch in the browser but omit important details. Aug 17, 2018 · How can I write a simple class that would just mock the API calls. mock(). Right click on that API call and Click on 'Block Request URL', you can unblock as well in same manner as the option will turn into 'Unblock' The whole point of a mock server is a) to not have to be connected to the internet or b) not to have to make expensive API calls to services that you don't need for testing what you're working on. any() with the real expected data. In this way you could mock it easily. Oct 13, 2020 · Digged the types a bit more: the right way in TypeScript is jest. calls[0] is an array of length 2. Jest will be used to mock the API calls in our tests. tsx page for example that makes a couple API calls that I'd like to mock. I hope you have a chance to read the article I shared. vm. Early Testing: Facilitates early integration testing, identifying issues sooner. unknown"); Writing this didn't work: try { let fakeCallDone = false. So to get started first we need an API to call. The key is to choose the Feb 2, 2019 · I need to mock API calls for a button click but the actual call is nested down in a utility file that is called by a middleware file. get Nov 29, 2024 · Mocking is a fundamental skill for writing good tests, especially when dealing with external dependencies like API calls. SuperTest is a high level abstraction of HTTP requests, making it perfect for testing APIs. This is just for the devs to know when committing to github for continuous development. Aug 30, 2017 · Fetch is a different API from XHR. js DumbComponent. length). No requests to the API will be made. Can be chained so that successive calls to the mock function return different values After calling jest. Any help would be appreciated! Hello, I'm starting to develop a web application using React as my frontend, I'm also coding the backend API using Django. I do not wish to test this part (yet), but this is the one which is problematic. class MockDate extends Date { constructor(arg) { // use arg normally if provided, // otherwise default to mock date: 2022-06-16T01:02:03. e. mock('. io. Tips for Mocking API Calls Here are some tips to keep in mind when mocking API calls in Jest: Reset Mocks Between Tests: Use beforeEach and afterEach to ensure tests are independent. I don’t personally like that since, I'm developing some small project to exercise my TDD skills. This will allow us to test components in isolation. Automocking Algorithm If your code is importing a mocked module, without any associated __mocks__ file or factory for this module, Vitest will mock the module itself by invoking it and mocking every export. Sep 4, 2022 · I'm a newbie on test driven development, and I came across a section regarding testing/mocking a fetch api. For example, from my App. I only needed to mock the current date for my use case. All arrays will be emptied APIRequest: contains functions with API calls to openweathermap. The process is the I will have a node event password-rese Mar 4, 2019 · expect(myLib. Mocking API requests makes your tests more reliable, faster, and predictable by eliminating external dependencies. getUsers I am aware of mocking functions in jest and so on, but I have no idea how I'd better get fake data which I can specify myself. I am trying to avoid recursion, as I already have a recursive version Jest - Mocking API Calls. I have a problem when some endpoints are down or causing errors, but I still need to develop. The accepted answer shows the general pattern for replacing the window. Jul 21, 2022 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. test. Mocking API calls in Jest means creating fake responses for API requests instead of actually connecting to a real API. I keep getting errors like: Invalid hook call. Because then the logic is isolated and more convenient to test. jsx, I'm facing issues with this API call Mirage JS is an API mocking library that lets you build, test and share a complete working JavaScript application without having to rely on any backend services. in the start of your test file before importing the component, you can mock the file as: Feb 7, 2019 · I'm getting familiar with JavaScript testing, and may be missing a point or two related to mocking api calls. js and the file (app. But really, I'm not asking how to solve this necessarily, at this point I'm contemplating using a different method of mocking my API calls. jest. I was wondering what is the recommended method to create a mock API calls in React so I can focus on my frontend first without having to constantly update my backend API. You can find the source code on Feb 14, 2021 · I am looking to test nested fetches. You can either use fixtures for your mock response or just pass a plain object as the third argument to cy. Nov 14, 2024 · In this guide, we'll explore what mock APIs are, why they are essential, and provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up a mock API in JavaScript using Node. js is the file which has the action being dispatched. Jun 18, 2019 · Here the API is a local variable. When combined with Vitest, a fast and modern JavaScript testing framework, you can create robust and reliable tests for your applications. I am thinking that I could possibly use the new command in Node, but am not sure how to structure it into this scheme. e. Here's an example: Oct 5, 2024 · In JavaScript, libraries like Jest and Sinon provide powerful tools for mocking API responses. To install the library in your project run: npm i miragejs --save-dev Scenario. Often this helps whenever there is no backend yet and you need to implement your frontend against some kind of realistic data. But the test keeps failing. mock() but I cant even get jest to call these apis normally. componentDidMount() { getStatus(). In my API routes I make calls to this database (for example, createOne() for creating an instance in the database). fn(() => Promise. Backend developers need to test, run and improve the API. This is because if you use 2 args in your mock, mock. This code which is written by Mark Middleton also helped me to do the testing: (Sinon to mock a fetch call) Apr 15, 2021 · I would recommend an entirely different way of approaching this. Aug 16, 2022 · Alternative API mocking libraries MSW Mock Service Worker: Mock Service Worker is an API mocking library that uses Service Worker API to intercept actual requests. Node. Then, we mock the entire axios module using vi. setState({status: status}); }); } Is there a way to mock this response using Mocha instead of actually hitting the API? Mar 8, 2022 · You are mocking the axios. You could use dependency injection to inject "fetching service" into the components. For example, say the function you want to test is this: function someFunction (a, b, c) { const apiReturnA = axiosApiCall(a) const returnB = b + 1 const apiReturnC = axiosApiCall(c) return [apiReturnA Sep 1, 2019 · Switch Case statement for Regex matching in JavaScript. There are different ways to mock network calls. create. But I don't know how to test that a proper message (i. mockResolvedValue({ get: => expected }) That should mock the create method to return an instance that returns expected result upon calling . The problem I faced is that I can't mock javascript files to test my file upload functionality. get on it. I don't want to have to duplicate my Express setup in a unit test just to ensure the code being tested receives a legit Response object. mock('axios') which is automatically generating mock for module and it will create jest. Start the Tutorial Read the Docs Create a Server Nov 27, 2019 · Is there a way, when testing this function, to mock all the axios api calls and specify return values from the calls depending on the input. It should however always still return the data like your own API does, because otherwise your app will simply break. /src/foo module and it will be a mocked version instead of using the return value. stories. html page that contains the ng-app declaration. js app that will make HTTP calls to a JSON API containing photos in an album. resolve({ data: 'mock data' }); Jun 16, 2020 · Based on another library, Pretender, it offers an interesting approach to API mocking. Jest provides many ways to mock API calls in your tests, from mocking entire modules with jest. mock() API section for a more in-depth detailed API description. Sep 13, 2020 · In this tutorial we will implement a JavaScript fake API. Oct 5, 2024 · In JavaScript, libraries like Jest and Sinon provide powerful tools for mocking API responses. js): Feb 17, 2022 · E. mock() One straightforward way to mock API calls in Jest is to use the jest. Apr 21, 2023 · Using vi. action. Mock $. fn() for axios. The test goes to the URL that uses the mocked route and asserts that mock data is present on the page. JestJs: Multiple asynchronous API calls to Axios get mock implementation gives same response. get method, while your code is using axios. request(). That's it! Here's what our test looks like after doing this: Nov 14, 2024 · In this guide, we'll explore what mock APIs are, why they are essential, and provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to set up a mock API in JavaScript using Node. You get the experience of sending 10 calls to your existing APIs as is, and you can selectively mock one API call. io/docs/en/… – Sep 28, 2024 · Mock Service Worker (MSW) is a powerful tool that allows you to intercept and mock network requests at the network level. This animation is applied on each 'particle' of a 'particles' array. Another is to verify it separately, like this: Jul 23, 2024 · Why Mock API Calls? Mocking API calls is essential for writing effective unit tests in C#. js single page application, you may need to mock an API that is still under development, or that is only Mock API requests The following code will intercept all the calls to */**/api/v1/fruits and will return a custom response instead. The answers here are good but had a specific need to build out a fake response to a single API call while leaving all other API calls the same until the backend service was built out so I can continue building stuff on the UI. When I ru Aug 9, 2018 · I am trying to run some API calls in parallel, but am having problems since I am trying to call a function again before the API data has been returned. vue: <template> You have used jest. Related. This approach not only speeds up the testing process but also makes tests more predictable and reliable. Create a REST API. Mar 12, 2020 · I'd steer away from "mocking the behaviour of axios and then testing the mock behaves as it should" which is essentially what has been done here. Jan 26, 2020 · A good practice would be to check that the arguments passed to your mock equal to the expected ones. Jun 2, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. If you use 1 arg, length 1, and 0 args => length 0. You can use msw (Mock Service Worker) library to do just that. mock() function to mock the entire module that makes the API request. Date = MockDate; I'm testing my GraphQL api using Jest. Rather than trying to mock Axios, which is a relatively complicated API that you don't own, test at the network boundary using a tool like msw. mock("react-native-base64", => jest. Apr 3, 2019 · @cereallarceny Sometimes mocking complex relational data is the bulk of the work, and it's harder without a DB and API to back you up. If you already have an API to use you can skip forward to the next step. The project consists of an audio player which has the ability to drag'n'drop files in a playlist. calls. Using jest. wait()? I am still trying to figure out how the whole mocking of a network call works. I have a /pages/Dashboard. That is interesting: each test provides a separate instance of the mock function. This eliminates the concern over the particular library being used (also makes it easier to swap in a different request mechanism or library if needed). org. P. mock´ is auto-mocking the whole module while spyOn` lets you "spy" and/or mock individual methods. I'm using Jest and testing-library/react. Sep 12, 2016 · I want to simulate an API calls. fn((args) => "foobar"): explicitely defining args will results in a better typings, and mock. The store variable is the library I want to mock, and it has 2 API calls: store. getUser = jest. If you're using Chai or Jasmine, I would highly suggest taking advantage of the corresponding support for spies. Here's an example: Call a REST API from JavaScript. mockResolvedValue (<mocked response>) to mock the response. Let’s face it: you don’t want your tests to make actual HTTP requests - they could be slow, unreliable, and potentially expensive if you’re dealing with rate limits or expensive APIs. I have tried nesting the next fetch call in the first but that does not seem to work. /src/foo') , you should import the . Since you're expecting it to return a resolved promise with object with data property you can use: axios. API mocking with Mirage Js Apr 16, 2021 · I have a component called Home. Now the function that mocks the fetch behavior: export const assetsFetchMock = () => Promise. Mar 30, 2022 · The problem I'm having is that if I call the doLogin function (in the loginPage) or if I call the login function (in the authService) I can never get the response. You keep your code as is, and no risk of committing unwanted code. Oct 20, 2022 · In this article, you'll learn more about mock API servers, the tools you can use to create mock APIs, how you can use them to speed up your development and testing, and how to set up a simple mock server. We want to intercept and mock API response in development or in testing. stubRequest outside of moxios. js <---- HERE is all the logic for OUR handlers | | | \---responses | mock-response-1. then(status => { this. mock() function. Jul 10, 2017 · So instead of mocking promise resolution it is a more broader solution to mock the proxy server itself, intercepting requests to be tested. enpj xjvxos gnnmdt tpujf ftnia fgihya eobah nmrsz mfbhgf zphysc ejcguvt gehm jtdpa wlg mjh