Enigmatica 2 how to get milk reddit. in e2e idk but might be the same.
Enigmatica 2 how to get milk reddit Ok, the damn RFTools machine frame, why did they decide to have one of theses unstackable IF range upgrades in there (I know for sure its to be jerk and make sure we can't shift+Click a stack of them quickly its part of the expert pack I suppose), now I'm going insane in finding a proper place to store them, there's no file cabinets like in old ExtraUtilities, but I'm 99% sure there's a block The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. After searching for more than one hour I gave up on searching any more for vis crystals and cheated a single ignis + aqua + perditio vis crystal in to craft the Thaumometer and to progress with Thaumcraft --- only to learn later that I need muuuuuuch more basic vis crystals to move forward with the research :-/. I think you can pipe milk out of a cow in a jar. create a standard blastproof box (as the other guy said, wither dust blocks work). r/Enigmatica2: A Subreddit for the Enigmatica 2 Modpacks (Normal, Lite, Expert, Skyblock) created by NillerMedDild. Coal or lava generators are common and easy to understand. When you start to see Pink Slime in the machine's GUI add a second tank. Color, milk, cogs, and The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. But once you get past like tier 1 and get used to it things start to flow. I am new to modded minecraft and have started Enigmatica 2, expert mode. 5) is next in popularity. I am trying to get a bucket of milk, but when i right click with a normal bucket on a cow, nothing happens. Mekanism pump. 12 (2) is a little more polished in terms of automation and end-game, but 1. I found a nice wall of chests and trapped chests intermixed gave me a great start, then I added some small crates, and that bought me enough time to get drawers up. Combine it with a granite generator from stone catalysts and you've got a gold farm. It has the market block, where you can buy spawn eggs for passive animals for emeralds) I'll give you a rough list of the things I do, in order, when starting a new world in Enigmatica 2. Same yield as drones but way easier to get. I have found Jersey and Holstein Cows. Kekimorus is one of the best mana generator, but you will need pixie dust (by default) to craft it. Get a Male/female cow, sheep or goat tgether, feed and water them. The conversion is one way; AE2 accepts either RF or EU for its own use, bit you can never get it out of the AE form. From memory I get my fluorite from the industrial foregoing laser drill. I dump the bucket on the ground and a pink slime appears. 12. Another would be Advanced Generators, which would produce either RF or EU, but the conversion was within the Generator itself. Enigmatica 2 (1. Enigmatica 2 Expert has disabled the usual "ex nihilo" ore chunk, so my usual compacting drawers solution doesn't work. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now (Enigmatica 2 expert) Question Locked post. Halfdeaf. Definitely won't stop me from loading it up time and time again though! yes. It does also have quests. Little bit more involved to get fully upgraded compared to Mekanism though, at least in my opinion. There are many cows from the Animania mod, but they are harder to care for, requiring food and water. If you want to set up a Breeder reactor though, the chain I use (IIRC) is LEU-233 and LEU-235, HEP-241, HECm-247, HECf-249. Plant matter grass to get rice -> paper + sapling -> paperback sapling drops jungle sapling. I'm sorry if this post is a little bit of a common or "beginner" question, but I couldn't find anything else. 6Grf The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. That may be annoying, but it's not important: The SPS runs as fast as you feed it power. Laser from Actually additions to get lava in, import bus to get redstone in and a conduit connected to a drawer for it to stop using redstone if the drawer is full. The official sub-reddit dedicated to the Enigmatica modpacks for Minecraft. It does have to be forestry trees though so you may need a more traditional tree farm for it. Maybe check and see if any of the other "expert" recipes have reverted to default, since I'm pretty sure that's not the normal crafting mechanic for the apothecary (it's normally made in a regular crafting table with the same ingredients). This honestly sounds like your pack didn't download properly. Get 1000mb worth of pink slime liquid in a bucket, place it in the world and wait for a pink slime creature to spawn. Feed that through the NC processing chain (use JEI) to get Sulfuric Acid. Since copper is gated behind pumpkins, I need grass. In the future you can use a metallurgical infuser filled with carbon and drop iron into it to make steel, unless it makes enriched iron. The text of the quest literally mentions “how am I supposed to get pink slime when the machine to make it requires pink slime? For the answer we must turn to magic” or something along those lines. Been messing around in creative and to reach the Overworld you'll need to finish all of Chapter 1, complete the Bumblezone quests and get the Essence of the Bees, at which point you can teleport to the Overworld with a ritual. 74 /dank/null (by Yeah. Vanilla cows don't need either of these things, and you can right-click them with an empty bucket in hand to get Milk, which you can drink to increase your Dairy bar. Hammer some into dust. my heart laterally drooped when this happed D: As mentioned, Enigmatica 2 Expert includes several isotopes, including Californium 250, in the Ice and Fire Dragon nests/lairs. Get Dairy up first. For the common ones just run them through a simple doubling setup, I use a pulverizer and furnace for gold (to get cinnabar) and induction smelter with sand (to get rich slag). When fully upgraded you can fly like in creative, have jump boost, speed boostx radiation shielding, night vision and each piece of armor can hold 1. Now I have no grass blocks. I gathered some resources and made a Smeltery, and a basic farm (vanilla farm like) to get food (looking for tacos). They alloy together to produce steel. A Subreddit for the Enigmatica 2 Modpacks (Normal, Lite, Expert, Skyblock) created by NillerMedDild. JEI says that 1 nether ore becomes 2 regular just from smelting, but I'm only getting 1 to 1. Pictured is a Small Plate Press multiblock from Advanced Rocketry next to an Observer and some Redstone from vanilla Minecraft. If everything else fails, breed animania cows, they become milkable a day after breeding or so. To get the last category, Dairy, you can just drink buckets of milk endlessly, regardless of your current hunger. Use tinker's hammer on cobblestone generator to get loads of gravel and hammer half to sand. Any ideas? It makes automating my basic ore resource collection at the moment still "semi-manual" and I'd like to fully automate it as soon as possible. I like the tech and automation part but I can't find a guide. 16. It has no JEI info how do I get it. I go into episode 2 and he miraculously has grass again but doesn't go over how. Hope it helped ! The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. best if you get a tank from "thermal foundation", then you can store huge amounts of lava in them, especially since they are upgradeable and you can enchant them with holding (up to holding 4), which basically quadruples their capacity even further. So im playing enigmatica 2 expert and im trying to milk vanilla cows and i cant get any, the weakness from malnutrition is getting annoying, any… Seeing as how the recipe only requires a bucket of milk, you can set the recipe in that machine and feed in liquid milk, and it'll pump out the items. As for your side note: first off, make sure you’re using the honeycombs to infuse, rather than the actual metals- not only is it cheaper and renewable, each infusion actually uses markedly less Aura. To get the first few pieces of steel you have to use Immersive Engineering's Blast Furnace, fueled with coal coke. These 2 versions were the most popular minecraft versions for modded, so that explains why these packs are a bit more popular. Stick some Cows in a jar on the bench tops to have a supply of milk for recipes (no milking required, they show up as usable buckets in the table). Enough durability to chop a jungle tree. If you want milk faster, one option is piping buckets into a Mechanical User and piping milk buckets out. My understanding is that even AE isn't too hard to get started if you're patient. Fire produces a bucket every 2 minutes 47 seconds, Pyrotheum makes one every minute and 12 seconds. Google stuff. Balsa has the highest saplings trait, but I think adding that trait to Blue Mahoe Sugar Maple Blue Mahoe is the best since it has the highest leaves:wood ratio leaf yield per tree. They often have info about how items can be produced and processed, more than JEI. Assuming you are using the Twitch App (previously FTB/Curse launcher), you will need to set the memory usage in the Twitch app’s settings. I'd say play through regular to get used to a lot of the mods in the pack (I believe a lot of them were also in McEternal). Astral and Blood Magic solutions are not really worth the effort unless you actually intend to advance a lot in these mods, Cyclic solution is crazy cheap and easy to make but isn't creative flight, Mystical solution is my favorite, besides providing creative flight you get some other default buffs, several additional custom buffs and and I'm storing it all in Storage Drawers but the RFtools storage thingy is fantastic if you push for it. To me it’s part of the “puzzle” that I believe the Enigmatica team (based on their name alone) tries to create. I'm 1/3 so far on getting a pink slime. Find a hearty meal you like in jei and bonemeal those crops. Given that I'd personally go for Thermal Foundation's Energy Cells, mostly because they're easily upgradable in-place up to a certain point and if you can enchant them with Holding then they can get up to 150m RF each fully upgraded. Are you using the questbook? It should help guide you through the early game progression. The compressor is not smart Honestly I wouldn't bother with 4x ore processing in E2E, only save it for rare ores like platinum, rutile, iridium. r/feedthebeast • i was trying to make a underground base. Load times typically range from 10-20 minutes to get to the title screen and about 3-5 minutes to get in game. Feel free to post anything… Is there an easier way to get antique ink in Enigmatica 9 Expert, ive not seen any villagers for trading it and ive spent almost an hour fishing with no result. There are a bunch of food items that give you all five nutrients, but I think all but one of them is a Top Tier item, and all of them involve a fair bit The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. - Check your nutrition on a regular basis. Bucket of milk you can convert to 4 things from Pams Harvestcraft. 1. in e2e idk but might be the same. It has to kill mobs to collect the pink slime. I turned my grass blocks into dirt in the beginning. [Enigmatica 2: Expert - Extended] I wanted to use the excavator but found out doesn't find Rutile in the overworld, I don't really know other ways that don't need titanium prior to it. Wait for the spawn, then rinse and repeat the female (Water her, milk her). You can use fluid pipes to pull from Cows in Jars. Now, I don't know what mode to go with. Expert is awesome. Pneumaticcraft has a lot of great utility and had been my primary focus. Sometimes, if the game has been up a while, they'll get a bit out of sync and start to stutter. While you're in-game, use LagGoggles to do a check for the worst offenders in terms of lag. They rely on other mods to create linear progression, and there is some micro cragging that encourages automation. Enigmatica is a kitchen sink pack, so you’re basically getting all the major mods for that version of MC. - Get a bucket and a vanilla cow to always top-off your dairy level, you can drink milk any time so you can walk up to a cow with a bucket and literally top off your dairy in seconds. Keep one at your base and just make top tier food without dairy so you can skip all the animania stuff. If you have Minecraft installed on and it is recognized by the launcher, you should see a tab on the left titled “Minecraft”. 16 (6) has better adventure, magic, and unexpected boons. You can stand next to it and hold down right click to operate it. Connect a fluid output and pipe the Liquid Meat into a tank of some kind. I just built my AE2 system and it was surprisingly easy. Also as a tip, make a time in the bottle ASAP, like literally as soon as you can make it. If you're relatively new to modded MC, and you just wanna have fun with your buddies and be creative, and aren't particularly looking for a challenge per se, playing the normal pack MIGHT be the better idea. Cobble can be converted to iron. It's the nutrition mod each area of nutrition has certain buffs and debuffs given at high enough or low enough levels yours seems to be the most common of strength due to high protein and mining fatigue due to low dairy to fix the dairy just milk a cow a ton and drink until your at 100 then you won't have to worry about it for a while Fire is good, Blazing Pyrotheum is even better. alternatively, you can buy soy beans off the market and make soy milk. Trap it in a mob imprisonment tool and use a mob duplicator to get basically infinite. As soon as you get access to The End build a small Cursed Earth mob farm in the middle of the void, chunkload it, and you should be swimming in pearls in no time. This was the first way I could find to double ores in Enigmatica 2: Expert. There is a quest book chapter called "gates" that requires the creation of specific items to unlock other chapters. If playing on a server, try to do the same in a single player world. So, how do I get milk? Thank you for your help. You'll get about 2. Heads up, just tested this. Last time I played this pack (which is a long time ago) Pam's harvestcraft was in the pack. put it in a compact machine. If you have infinite supply of lava and redstone obviously I generated lava with lava generator from IF and the redstone was from auto sieves. ) Playing Enigmatica 6 at the moment and running a fission reactor to generate some antimatter. (Don't have Enigmatica 2 Expert open right now, so I'm just going off of memory and wikis. Enigmatica 9 is still in development it looks like. Huh, that is a strange issue then. Then, induction smelting the regular ore with cinnabar will get you 3 platinum and 1 iridium ingots for each piece of ore. The California Rolls are just a single step after you gather the ingredients. Then spend some time setting up cooking for blockheads and a farm with as many Pam's crops as you can get your hands on. When you can afford it get a cyclic farmer hooked up via xnet to storage drawers and your kitchen. They’re pretty comparable to the Enigmática 2 quests. Biggest tip ever; Use Schematica! This is a HUGE help when building Astral Sorcery and Immersive Engineering machines, even the Blood Altar. If it makes enriched iron, put it back through to make steel. But considering how many machines/parts require pink slime there has to be a better way? Step 3 (Sorting): Results of steps 2a and 2b are now sorted between the chest on top and the auto compressor using a limited filter in the compressor and a regular advanced filter to make sure no ore piece goes into the chest and to always keep 4 of each ore piece in the compressor, which get instantly turn into ore. I currently found a spawner and I set up a Mob Slaughter factory at it to get myself pink slime. Some of this is probably inaccurate. I need glowstone to make Osmium to make the Casing to get glowstone. Create is a very fun new mod and can serve as logistics and ore processing. Generally speaking just making sure your mob farm is tall enough is a solid bet to get your first few pearls. Use an igneous extruder to feed Diorite into a Rock Crusher for crushed Fluorite, to make fluorite water. Throw 8 energy upgrades in it and it will use something like 2 RF/t which means a Mekanism basic energy cube can power For anyone curious, a "Closed" conversion would be like AE2's 1 EU -> 2 AE <- 4 RF. The early games (especially the first few days) were absolutely brutal, but after AE autocrafting took over the game became progressively more rewarding. Remember you don't need to do it a bucket at a time, throw a tank in the coke oven, let it fill, and surround the tank with planks. Enigmatica 2: Expert is, I would say, a mid-tier difficulty expert pack. The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. There would probably just be two of us, maybe three at any given time. The recipes aren't that hard. The laser drill took a little bit of setup cause you need the ore base and some laser drills but it generates ores infinitely from power. In normal tcon you get it by right clicking a moss on a bookshelf. Use the kitchen to make food. r/feedthebeast • The main menu for my modpack is now finished, thank you everyone for the help/tips, I'm just on the phase of adding quests, I should be able to release it at the end of the week AA's Kikiko can be enchanted with crafted fortune 3 twice to get fortune 6 and an IF enchantment extractor can make a book of fortune 6. Early on Pink Slime is really hard to get. The quests can be pretty illuminating for stuff like that- I’d refer to them often if you get stuck. Being my first expert modpack, it was quite a journey to say the least. After 240 hours, finally completed all quests in this modpack. Wikis are your friend, particularly the ftbwiki and various mod wikis. It also has a "Print" option which uses the blocks in your inventory to place where they need to be, this lets you place things floating in the sky if you want (EX: Astral Sorcery for height bonus. Generally, in order to make the item required you will need things from other "earlier" chapters so there is an ordering of sorts with some wiggle room to make it more personal. Lots of wood now Make a Stone Cutting Knife to get 6 planks from logs. ( Botania and bibliocraft have tricks that let you use one book repeatedly instead of having to craft the enchant multiple times. Xnet network cables are the item that lock down all the TE ducts (fluiduct, fluxducts, itemducts) the servo recipe is the same as normal so no expert problems, craft 4-5 stacks of the xnet network cables and you won't have problems with ducts from TE anymore, or go bold and build a Nuclearcraft alloy furnace, in there you can create all the needed materials for the enderio conduits, but beware The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. Combustion Early game get meneril berries. The observer detects a block being placed and activates the plate press. As soon as you get your Coke oven up you'll be drowning in creosote. Feel free to post anything related to the modpack. create a portable tank (cheat, TE) and fill with milk. Mekasuit from Mekanism uses energy to block damage so you can become almost invincible with wireless charging. I tried a factorizer from thermal but it didn't work either. 2) is no doubt the most popular and polished pack of the series. Put the cooking implements on racks connected to the cabinets to make them available - the kitchen will auto use them when needed. Build a blaze farm to get sulfur. . The one thing I can't seem to find out for certain, is how much ram would I need for the server? The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. Then do the same thing with platinum to get iridium. I know large packs are just going to take some time, I just want to be optimizing that as much as possible. ADMIN MOD Enigmatica 2 Modlist . Is there a consistent, automated way to get the nuclearcraft ores (Lithium, Thorium, Boron, and Magnesium) in Enigmatica 2 Expert? Primarily Lithium, as I currently find myself consistently short on lithium ore. As of version 1. Great. (Mekanism might have an recipie, iirc) If you can create nickel ore, then you can process that ore for it's byproduct, platinum. The IC2 pump is probably available a bit earlier but the Mek pump is much better and can be crafted pretty easily. Enigmatica 6 (1. I watched a YouTube video and in episode 1 he did the same. I haven't played enigmatic 2, but usually its 2 pieces of coal to 1 iron to make 1 steel. As soon as you get a metallurgic infuser and enrichment chamber from Mekanism you simply use enriched coal and iron, run through twice. If it works there, that tells you that the problem is on the server. - You can gain hearts from eating different types of foods, try everything you get your hands on. New comments cannot be posted. Make a Bob Slaughter Factory from Industrial Forgoing. I happened to get 2 glowstone dust so far from witches in my mob farm, but even using segundus alchemical dust and a bronze condensator and steel casing, I only got 6 osmium ingots out of those 2 glowstone dusts through the whole fusion table and condensing process, which The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. there's a "wither builder" block which spawns them two blocks above it, so the builder isn't actually inside the containment room and at risk of being destroyed. To get 2 regular ore I had to use the induction smelter with rich slag. and this happened, i was just trying this mod and didnt expect much from that spell (Mahou Tsukai) RIP 5days time played. If it were lack of starlight, the bar at the bottom would just be red. It's literally treated wood, any logs, and a button makes 2 chests. Usually people have had ideas on how to automate a thing before you, so you can get some pointers on where to start by looking at forum threads and reddit posts. Remember this thing is designed to be powered by Fission/Fusion at much higher FE/t rates in baseline Mekanism. I'm tired so this is all I could think of for now, please let me know if you have any questions. Caliper will give you log files in your Enigmatica 2's logs folder which will break down loading time, texture size etc after you've loaded a save. 5x yield going through a crushing wheel and washing setup. search around, vanilla animals exist. The second method will require something like a Retriever set to only fill the mechanical user with a stack of buckets or something, so the milk buckets have space to be created. How do you get it? The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. ) Check if are able to get nickel ore. Hello, I came back to modded minecraft after some years and began my journey to Enigmatica 2 (non expert). To automate it, you will need wheat farm, egg farm (which is just hopper with chickens on top), milk farm (just player simulator from Integrated Tunnels) and sugarcane farm (block breaker or even vanilla one). Create a basic power source. Probably changed, though, those are just the values from the FTB wiki. Are you hunting for cows to milk? Because you can make a Cooking For Blockheads cow jar using any cow, an anvil, and a milk jar, it is an infinite milk source. Thanks Imahara's Indelible Electrodes Recipe Good work! Here's a tip for you to extend the use case of the creative tank: Step one, fill the tank with a fluid Step two, attach the tank to a black hole tank via a fluid laser relays from AA. :) Edit: RTG's are the best thing you can get from lootboxes, if you get one early in your playthrough, you can progress much quicker. But you'll still need your Coke oven to make creosote oil for treated wood. I'm thinking about either hosting a server for Enigmatica 2 myself, or paying to have one hosted. bfmibkjsduiqjzajmjsxngydumdtgvpfzmigjfvhbmfmtlitfobgnxjpzotsqtucmzefvqdoojiglxvh