Call lightning bg3. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series.
Call lightning bg3 See full list on baldursgate3. 5 damage to an attack and can benefit from crits like any regular smite. This is a FUNDAMENTAL ability as a Druid. activate destructive wrath reaction: shield or wrath of the storm as needed flying ghoul: send to harass casters/archers 2nd turn onwards: action: call lightning again or throw water bottles at non-wet enemies Choose the land circle with call lightning and multiclass with either a sorcerer or wizard (level 10), or lore bard (level 11). 5*2=1, so a vulnerable enemy who makes the save will take the damage a non-vulnerable enemy would take when failing the saving throw. Which sucks, cause that's one of my favorite druid strats. If you want, you can use every single spell slot on lightning bolt, cone of cold and call lightning, and you even have cantrips that work with wet, if you run out of spell slots entirely. This may result in an unexpectedly low spell save DC. Action surge is very useful. Shapechange + Immediate Action (the best by far) Reply reply more replies More replies More replies More replies More replies. My Sorcerer also has one level of Cleric, in case that is relevant. wiki. Apr 21, 2023 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Playing on PC (GOG version) with a controller, Human Warlock: When I cast Call Lightning, even the initial casting is free, i. Aug 18, 2023 · Finally got call lightning as a Druid and was excited to start blasting enemies while wildshaped into a bear. Different versions included (changes action cost, radius, damage and range). Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. warcaster isn't needed as you start as a sorc for con save prof and have decent con. otherwise, twin upcasted Jul 2, 2020 · My party just reached level 5 the other day, and they were in a tough fight. Lightning Bolt is a great Level 3 spell. Apr 1, 2024 · Using spells isn't limited to spellcasters in Baldur's Gate 3. Call Lightning (Tempest domain) Call Lightning does 3d10 (16. From my experience, Lightning Bolt is the superior option due to it not needing concentration. Mar 9, 2024 · Activate Call Lightning is a Level 3 conjuration spell. No go. The druid initially said that he was going to cast Moonbeam (which had previously been his bread-and-butter damage spell), but then decided that the fight was tough enough to be worth one of his brand-new 3rd-level spells, and said he'd use Call Lightning instead. Monk struggles with AC, having +3 from DEX and and +2 from WIS which is only AC of 15, get to 17 with attribute feat. Or only my Charisma? Pact of the Tome makes one of the best pure casters in the game at the mid levels, because of Deepened Pact. Description . You lose 1 charge per turn. However Call Lightning leaves no trace of it behind, so perhaps the game needs to generate a whole new instance of it, and it accidentally pulls your item-based-save-DC rather than the class-based spellcasting stat. At level 5, you get Haste, Animate Dead, and Call Lightning castable once per long rest, all great spells. 10 Turns 18m DEX Save Concentration: Counterspell: Lv 3: Abjuration: Reaction Level 2 Spell Slot: Nullify another creature's spell as a If you dual wield scimitars or daggers and cast flame blade it’s casts into your off hand. Mar 22, 2024 · This mod buffs the Call Lightning spell, has 2 versions: Balanced: Deals 9-54 damage, 24m range; Overpowered: Deals 20-120 damage, 36m range; Install: Drop the pak file into the mod manager #bg3 #baldursgate #buff #spell Call Lightning is a Conjuration Level 3 found in Baldur's Gate 3. Nov 7, 2024 · Call Lightning is a Level 4 Spell from the School of Conjuration in Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3). When I cast call lightning, it uses my charisma for the spell save DC, as it should. Is this a bug, or It seems like in BG3 for spells like call lightning for warlock pact of the tome, that I get one use per long rest and then can’t use a spell slot to cast it again if I choose. However, this restriction does not apply to the version of Chain Lightning granted by Markoheshkir. Speedy Lightfeet - Gain 3 Lightning charges when dashing or taking a similar action. Until the spell ends, you can take a Magic action to call down lightning in that way again, targeting the same point or a different one. However, on subsequent turns, activate call lightning uses wisdom instead of charisma. ) and Call Lightning + Any other spell. Wild Shape: Bear can be ignored since it's not the spell with the problem here. In 5e, for spells like Moonbeam and Spirit Guardians that have an effect "when a creature enters the area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there" the first half is not supposed to apply unless the creature is the one that actually It seems like for burst you'd miss chain lightning, for sustain you'd miss call lightning, and for fireball situations you have cone of cold/ice storm anyway. kind of funny how a ridiculed 1L spell surpasses a 6L spell in single-target Call Lightning: Lv 3: Conjuration: Action Level 3 Spell Slot: 3d10 Lightning Lightning strikes all targets within range. if you do then, 1 is fine and the 2nd can be used on alert or dual wielder. Very weird but found this on the BG3 Wiki for Call Lightning: “When multiclassing, the subsequent recasts use the spellcasting modifier of the most recent new class rather than the spellcasting modifier that was used for the initial cast of Call Lightning. Use Lightning spells like Witch Bolt, Lightning Bolt, or Chain Lightning (accessible via level 11 wizard/sorcerer, scrolls, or Markoheshkir). So I just hit level 5 in my second playthrough of BG3, this time as a storm sorcerer. activate destructive wrath action surge: call lightning again. but sure you can do that with the markoheshkir and staff of spellpower. Glyph of warding is great, but I still didn't figure out why it sometimes doesn't trigger after using it quite a lot. Which is 8d6 * 2. 5L lightning bolt cant crit so it's 20d6 which is 120 dmg maximized. you arent using the spell correctly. At level 5, you can cast 9 (!!) third level spells per long rest: 2 warlock slots + 4 from short rests + 3 tome spells. you named the 2 inferior lightning spells imo. School: Conjuration spell; Cost: Action + Level 3 Spell Slot; Range: 18 meters; Concentration: Yes A creature takes 3d10 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. It also works with ranged attacks unlike other smites. Call Lightning is strictly from the Sorcerers spell list though. If you gain 5 charges, they are consumed the next time you deal damage, and you deal an additional 1d8Lightning damage. Not sure if I'm just underestimating the usefulness of fireball having big damage dice for a third level spell BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. that gets me a 3rd maximize which now means i can open with a minimum of 300 dmg (assuming create water pre-combat). End game you get a staff with chain lightning so, even land druids can chain lightning till their hearts content. Lightning burst is a 1d8 roll. That means you can use your action to cast moon beam or call lightning and bonus action to summon flame blade and on every subsequent turn you can reposition/recast with your action and then off hand attack with a 3d6 flame blade bonus action. So if you pick up the Spellsparkler, and cast Magic Missile, you both stack up the lightning charges really quick, but you also double the damage from them. Scroll of Shocking Grasp: Lightning springs from your hand. Starting your turn on an electrified surface gains you 3 lightning charges. Overcharge Chance to Stun the wielder, unless it is a Construct. An upcast witch bolt will actually put damage out These are; Healing Word, Thunderwave, Wild Shape: Bear and Call Lightning. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series Peraonally, I went tempest Cleric and 2 lvl of fighter. I believe there was a similar bug with EB and hex that has been fixed already. Call Lightning is a 3rd level priest spell only usable by druids, shamans, and rangers. Gather your party and venture forth! Jan 13, 2025 · Maximum Lightning Damage. fextralife. Theoretically you can cast it 16 times for the single spell slot and each instance of damage is only 25% less damage than chain lightning per enemy. the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. As they grow in power they can make their spells generate small damaging storms, become resistant to Lightning or Thunder damage and even punish enemies brave enough to attack them by shocking and pushing them far away. When recasting Call Lightning for free, it uses Wisdom as the spell casting modifier for both characters when calculating the DC. , it doesn't require expending a Spell Slot, even though the bottom of the screen says that the cost to cast is an Action + a Level 3 Warlock Spell Slot. Gather your party and venture forth! Call down lightning to hit all targets within range and its area of effect for 3d10 Lightning damage. Oct 30, 2023 · BG3 Sanctuary Tips & Notes. Call Lightning features in Baldur’s Gate 3: Description: Allows spellcasters to call down lightning to hit all targets within range. Now though. Other users comment on the mechanics, bugs, and alternatives of the spell. A creature takes 3d10 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Practically speaking, that's probably going to just as many creatures as the Call Lightning strike. Call Lightning features in Baldur’s Gate 3: Description: Call down lightning to hit all targets within range and its area of effect for 3d10 lightning damage. This spell allows the spellcaster to call down lightning to hit all targets within range and effect. Pages in category "Sources of Lightning damage" The following 32 pages are in this category, out of 32 total. Call lightning now obliterates chain lightning. - Both lightning charge damage and lightning burst are treated like additional rays for eldritch blast, meaning you will get agonizing blast damage for both. Gather your party and venture forth! Lightning bolt is 8d6 lightning damage. you forgot call lightning which is the highest sustainable dmg in the game as well as witch bolt which is the highest single-target dmg spell in the game. Jan 28, 2025 · 8 Call Lightning. Is this correct? I am trying to gauge whether this is a Deal an additional 1d6 Lightning damage. 10 Turns) Spell Selection On each of your turns until the spell ends, you can use your action to call down lightning in this way again, targeting the same point or a different one. An offensive spell, Call Lightning's Concentration benefit comes from being able to recast it several times over without having to use another Spell Slot; its incredible range also makes it a fantastic universal nuke tool. But what really make the build work is Cleric Tempest 2, which allow you to max your damage dice on a thunder or lightning damage spell. at level 8 onwards though, for sure it stands on its own as the best boss killer outside of certain combats/bosses. Watersparkers - When the wearer stands in water during combat, it becomes electrified. For creatures resistant to Lightning, see Category:Resistant to Lightning. chain lightning cant crit too so it's 20d8 which is 160 dmg maximized. The really big Con is that you need to be outside or in really big hall/cave to use it. com A user explains why Call lightning is a terrible spell in Baldur's Gate 3, pointing out its low damage, high concentration cost, and inconsistent save DC. Since these are his "innate" spells, if you keep leveling him as a Druid and learn the aforementioned spells while leveling up, he can't use any other Spell Slot to cast them. Aug 16, 2023 · Call Lightning. It also has a longer duration 10min (found different sources thought). Whether added by a mod or officially by Larian, it would be the same lightning bolt. But any spell or ability that let's you re-use a spell for free is still counted as using the spell by the game, so wildshape won't work with it. Call down a lightning strike on an enemy, dealing (135% of Spell power) Nature damage, and leaving the Storm Elemental charged with energy for 20 sec. ) and Destructive Wrath lvl2 (When you roll Thunder or Lightning damage, you can use your Channel Divinity to deal maximum damage instead. The problem are the other 3 spells that can be upcast. I played a Tempest cleric which gets Call Lightning and I ended up never casting it because of it requiring concentration. At level 6 you will gain Call Lightning which is a better spell than Lightning Bolt, which isn't that good. How to get Lightning Bolt, class, casting time, range, school, effects, tips and builds for BG3. Bards are the only class in the game that can get it because Paladins can't reach level 17 in BG3. Just respecced to a storm sorc. I wasn't able to select Call Lightning. Aug 13, 2023 · I have read that upcasting persistent damage spells like call lightning and witch bolt only affects the initial damage roll. After that, you can still use lightning spells against wet targets, so you still deal double damage. Two lightning spells: call lightning, glyph of warding (lightning) Four thunder spells: shatter, thunderwave, glyph of warding (thunder) and Destructive Wave (level 5 spell slot). I'm not sure if they can fill the damage caster roll well enough though with stuff like sorc and tempest cleric existing. In BG3 monk seems to be a staff wielding prick rather than unarmed, so the gloves that gives charges arent that good. you can use cal Also if the target succeeds the saving throw they only half the 3d10 from call lightning and the flat bonues are not halved. If If A storm cloud appears in the shape of a cylinder that is 10 feet tall with a 60-foot radius, centered on a point you can see within range directly above you. Tempest Sorceror fits thematically and the fly bonus spell can be cool, but I also like Wild Magic so we can have advantage to make sure our big Sleet storm has definitely made 6 ranks in Storm Sorc a must for any build I run. Level 3 Domain Spells You gain additional spells from your domain. Tho bolt can be thrown anywhere within 120 feet of the location you cast the center of the cloud, 60 feet beyond the cloud; because your target location just needs to be under the cloud, not directly under it. Consume 3 Lightning Charges and release a blast of electricity that damages and Jolts nearby enemies. Here is a list of every spell scroll you can find and use in the game. Then for 10 turns, you can call down lightning again without expending a spell slot . Does MY DEX modifies the chances to hit the enemy? Not when it comes to your spells. School: Conjuration spell; Cost: Action + Level 3 Spell Slot; Range: 18 meters Replaces the in-game spell Call Lightning with a more powerful one. So if you look at the spell Call Lightning, it come from Cleric Tempest so it and it say on the spell ''DEX Save'' so the enemy will do a Dexterity saving throw against your Wisdom spell DC. Gather your party and venture forth! Jan 24, 2025 · 6 Call Lightning. Ideally you choose one and stick with it. While charged, the Storm Elemental's damage is increased by 30%. While wild-shaped you can then continue to call lightning down on enemies as its an active spell but you cannot cast any new spells. WIth vulnerability 0. Combined with the max damage of the Tempest Cleric conduit, this will do even more crazy damage with our lightning spells like Chromatic Storm or Call Lightning. . For creatures immune to Lightning, see Category:Immune to Lightning. Feat will be Dual-Wield. Then, for 10 turns, you can call down lightning again without expending a spell slot. Can Be Upcast (+1d10 Lightning Damage per Spell Slot Lvl) When customising the radial you will have "Call Lightning" and "Activate Call Lightning" as two different spells if Call Lightning has just been cast. Lightning courses through you. 10 Turns) Call Lightning: (Call down lightning to hit all targets within range. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG Has anyone tested if Call Lightning reactivation still behaves like a cantrip in the new patch? I wanna do a Thor-like build for my second playthrough that would be EK 7 / Tempest Cleric 5 that would be based around the war magic feature to go "Call Lightning reactivation" -> "Bonus Action throw Dwarfen Thrower with Drakethroat Glaive Lightning buff". Lightning Aura is a special class action granted by The Real Sparky Sparkswall that allows the user to activate a lightning aura that deals damage to enemies on their turn and prevents reactions. Learn how to cast Call Lightning, a level 3 conjuration spell that deals lightning damage to all targets within range and its area of effect. Call forth a beam of light. Instead, we should stack both INT and CHA to effectively use both Call Lightning (CHA) and Chain Lightning (INT). This spell allows spellcasters to call down lightning again to hit all targets within range. Can only be obtained while you are concentrating on Call Lightning. 5) Dex save for half in a 10ft radius up to 60ft, reusable every round. Or choose the land circle with lightning bolt and multiclass with either a tempest cleric (level 10) or lore bard (level 11). So, the main build highlight is Lightning damage. With that build, we will only be able to use a CHA-based Call Lightning from the sorcerer spell list. The double damage applies to all spells. Call forth a blast of lightning that hits all creatures in the line of the eruption. On each of your turns until the spell ends, you can use your action to call down lightning in this way again, targeting the same point or a different one. There is a reason for that. Call lightning can be upcast to a level 6 spell, cast multiple times per round using only a single spell slot. It deal 1d8 Lightning and prevents the target from taking reactions. They are Always Prepared. The following spells will now correctly break the Sanctuary condition: Call Lightning, Evard's Black Tentacles, Polymorph, Hunger of Hadar, Fear, Ice Storm, Flesh to Stone, Divine Intervention, Hypnotic Pattern, Slow, Stinking Cloud, Banishment, Glyph of Warding. not chain lightning. It kinda matched the low global DC with its enormous AoE and multiple persistent effects. When the object "dies Aug 19, 2023 · Fixes Druid spells that need an action to move like moonbeam or call lightning or heat metal but cant in animal form. I do understand that "spellcasting ability of last new class" is used for item/scroll spell save DC, but this isn't from an item. There are plenty of situations where magic missile/chromatic orb are superior, even though you're setting out as a cold/lightning build. and while call lightning is awesome the '10 turns. Prior to the DC patch it was kinda middle of the pack with the far stronger Call Lightning and Create Water being the big takeaways. On a successful save, targets still take half damage. This bonus action: quicken 5L call lightning. I would go all in on wet when you get ice strike and up casting create water to cover all enemies is no longer a painful sacrifice of a spell slot. Wizard is the base as you'll be attacking with Wizard spells, let's you learn a bunch of spells that you would lose by dipping into all these classes, and Portent is broken and can force failed saving throws or high atk rolls. When you roll Thunder or Lightning damage, you can use your Channel Divinity and a Reaction to deal maximum damage instead. The caster can use Activate Call Lightning subsequent turns. Call lightning competes for concentration with other useful stuff. That is, damage done on rounds after the first is at the base spell level and ignores the upcasted level. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Correct, though for Call Lightning if they make their save the take half damage rather than avoiding the attack entirely. Find out the properties, details, and how to obtain this spell in Baldur's Gate 3. Lightning charge damage is 1 lightning damage as per the stack tooltip. These are; Healing Word, Thunderwave, Wild Shape: Bear and Call Lightning. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Glyph of Warding (GoW) does 5d8 (22. Aug 9, 2023 · Call Lightning is a Level 3 Conjuration Spell. Scroll of Grease: Cover the ground in grease. Gives Create Water, that can be used together with Lightning spells for double damage. The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. In our encounters, other spells like Spirit Guardians or Bless were always better uses of my concentration. I should be able to cast call lightning, wildshape into a bear, and blast with lightning while biting things. Gather your party and venture forth! Use haste + quicken spell to fire off 3 call lightning per round. i lean towards the latter due to amulet of the devout. e. It doesn't provide a save as opposed to a regular banish, adds an average of 27. But the spell Lightning bolt come from your Sorcerer it's DEX save will be against your Charisma spell DC. Fireball does 8d6 (28) fire damage Dex save for half in a 20ft radius up to 60ft. Later you will also unlock Ice Storm and Cone of Cold, to cover areas in Ice. 2-3 Level Tempest Cleric disagree. You have +1 to Attack Rolls and deal an additional 1Lightning damage. The spell uses the term “under” and not “directly under” as it said about the cloud being directly above. lightning bolt only has a use if you can hit 3-4 targets with it. They are extremely mobile, being able to fly after each spell they cast, making it safer for them to wade into melee. Lightning Bolt is a level 3 evocation spell. Each creature within 5 feet of that point makes a Dexterity saving throw, taking 3d10 Lightning damage on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. Being wet makes them vulnerable to Lightning and Cold, meaning they take double damage from it. Glyph of Warding is an excellent AOE spell that can do cold or lightning damage. #3 Showing 1 - 3 of 3 comments Basically fills out a supporting role, sets up water and spikes to mess up enemies, call lightning is AMAZING tho and it can also tank a bit with wild shape Then I got Wyll going SorLock with lightning resistances/bonuses, sorcerer gives him lightning resistance/power for bonuses to Witch bolt, Shocking eldritch blast and lightning blast When multiclassing, these recasts use the spellcasting modifier of the most recent new class rather than the spellcasting modifier that was used for the initial cast of Call Lightning. 5) damage of any damage type Dex save for half in a 15ft radius up to 30 ft. ah i meant call lightning here. Call Lightning has always been an iconic spell within D&D, and Baldur's Gate 3 has respected its power. Throwing: Lightning Damage When launched at a target, deal an additional 1d4 Lightning damage. The bonus in stormy weather is also nice. It allows the caster to call bolts of lightning upon enemies. In addition, they get Fly at level 1, and Call Lightning at level 6 (a very spell-slot-efficient damage dealer as long as concentration is maintained) In terms of minmaxing damage though, Draconic probably fits better due to their added charisma modifier to the spell damages. Baldur's Gate 3 has some shockingly good 5L lightning orb is 24d8 which is 192 dmg maximized. Being able to double cast call lightning in one round with tempest wrath added is very useful for wearing down tough opponents. And if lightning bolt upcast can hit 5 targets the 11d6 damage outclasses the 4 instances of 10d8s, and it has a longer range. I'm confused, because I thought Call Lightning was available to Storm Sorc spell list, and it appears to be on several online resources and youtube build guides that folks have made. Class and Race Restrictions Call Lightning can only be used and learned by the following classes / subclasses: Druid, Sorcerer Thematically, Storm Sorcerer fits the best. The spellcaster can also continue to call down lightning repeatedly on subsequent turns. Yikes. To get huge numbers you will need a few things: Apply Wet status, which was mentioned above for double damage. Located in Blighted village under the windmill. Read on to learn more about this spell, its effect, range, and duration, as well as the classes that can use this spell, and more! Learn how to cast this level 3 conjuration spell that deals lightning damage to all targets within range. Like almost all AoE spells Call Lightning offer a saving throw for half damage. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Many of your cold/lightning-boosting abilities don't come online until level 6+. Call Lightning as a Tempest Cleric with the divinity reaction ability to guarantee max damage is disgusting if you upcast. and yeah both feats on ASI if you dont have hag hair. Properties Cost: Action Damage: Jan 28, 2025 · Sleet Storm: (Call forth a storm that disrupts the Concentration of spellcasters, douses fires, and creates an ice surface. ” Nov 27, 2024 · Call Lightning: Lv 3: Conjuration: Action Level 3 Spell Slot: 3d10 Lightning Lightning strikes all targets within range. Also i was curious if call lightning works everywhere in bg3 or if its outside only because that seems like a really important spell for a zappy druid. It also lasts 10 minutes, which is all but the most drawn out combat, but also the RP afterwards, and potentially a second followup fight. So Call Lightning says it has a Dex Save for half damage. witch bolt is the highest single-target dmg (or double target if you twin) in the game past level 5 (3rd level upcast). For sources of Lightning, see Category:Sources of Lightning damage. You are now (as long as you keep concentration) doing 6d10-12d10 (to multiple enemies even!) damage a round at the cost of only one singular spell slot. Gather your party and venture forth! Since Patch 6, Chain Lightning cannot be used with Metamagic: Twinned Spell. Wierdly though the followup procs Heart of the Storm even but that only is supposed to proc when you cast a level 1 or higher spell. Aug 22, 2023 · Baldur's Gate 3 has some shockingly good lightning spells for when players want to get trigger zappy on their foes, but one spell outranks them all. Perhaps, that is why they didn't add it to lvl 3 spells in patch 9 yet? Sep 7, 2023 · Halsin knows 4 spells by default, regardless of his class, starting at level 1. Am I missing something where I can in fact cast it again using a spell slot, or is it in fact just one use per long rest and that’s it? Feb 11, 2024 · 2 Divination Wizard / 3 Storm Sorcerer / 2 Tempest Cleric / 5 Spore Druid. From bg3. People recommend sorc/tempest cleric because of the Wrath of Storm lvl1 (Using a Reaction, strike back at an attacking creature, potentially dealing 2d8Lightning damage if they fail a Dexterity Saving Throw or otherwise take half of 2d8 Thunder damage. Call Lightning is actually way better than moonbeam if you make sure you're getting your elemental combo right. The subclass doesn't really matter. deals 4d6 Radiant and grants advantage on the next attack agains the target. For me I was using the wrong lightning spells not all of them work at least call lightning and lightning Aug 8, 2023 · I don't think you're missing anything, I think it's just not an option in game. 10 Turns 18m DEX Save Concentration: Counterspell: Lv 3: Abjuration: Reaction Level 2 Spell Slot: Nullify another creature's spell as a Oct 30, 2023 · Lightning Bolt is a level 3 spell in Baldur's Gate 3. Pro on Call Lightning is the targetable space, you can let your lightning come down anywhere within 120ft of you. Scroll of Lightning Bolt. Ad placeholder. Oct 20, 2023 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Quickspell gloves allow you to cast call lighting once per short rest which can be really good since you can create water and call lighting in the same turn without speed potion or use call lighting and chain lightning on wet enemies in one turn for massive single target and AOE damage which alone can pretty much win many fights in a single turn. Gust of Wind Shatter; Level 5 Domain Spells You gain additional spells from your domain. This would normally be super useful BUT there is a problem. Guaranteed 50 damage to all targets in the AoE each time. Scroll of Lightning Bolt is a single-use scroll that allows the user to cast Lightning Bolt as an action. Cleric Tempest also receive call lightning at level 5 instead of 6. Storm Sorcery is one of the Subclasses of Sorcerer. Destructive Wave can nearly clear a room when you stack damage from gear Divine Strike: Thunder. Call Lightning must be cast outside, otherwise, it will not work, and the spell is wasted. Banishing Smite is a decent choice. It would interact the same way with the wet effect, with the way the system currently works. Find out the properties, details, classes, and incantation of this spell for Baldur's Gate 3. Characters under the effects of an Elixir of Bloodlust can use this spell to gain an additional action point by targeting the spell at an object. My build centers around call lightning. Then for 10 turns, you can call down lightning again without expending a spell slot. It becomes difficult terrain and creatures within can fall Prone. Lightning is a Damage Type in Baldur's Gate 3. Make the targets wet first, then get hasted. Sep 14, 2023 · Lightning strikes all targets within range. just needs the proper build/optimization and early on party help. Lightning Jabber Main Hand Melee Shocking Sting On a hit, possibly Shock your target. That spell is one of the best sustained dmg for lightning casters due to subsequent casts not requiring a spell slot. I've noticed that bg3 doesnt allow a strat like that but you can cast something like summon elemental and have that going while wild-shaped. pretty much there's just 2 iterations: you either do a 6/6 split if you want more SP, spell slots and heart of storm or you do the sorc 4, tempest 6, fighter 2 setup i recommended earlier for action surge. May 13, 2024 · When multiclassing, these recasts use the spellcasting modifier of the most recent new class rather than the spellcasting modifier that was used for the initial cast of Call Lightning. This is more inline with the way druid is supposed to work in DnD 5e Aug 28, 2023 · That's not a bug - read the spell description. lightning- is what i consider to be the best element. This spell allows spellcasters to discharge a bolt of lightning in any direction, potentially hitting multiple creatures. Call Lightning Cast at Level 6, Call Lightning deals 33-38 average damage per action to creatures within a 5ft of each other. I think this is because Moonbeam is overtuned in BG3, not because Call Lightning is undertuned. Properties However, the Call Lightning has a DEX Save Which means, if the enemy's DEX is high my Sorc less likely to hit (?). 5L call lightning cant crit either so its 10d10 which is 100 dmg maximized. Aug 7, 2024 · The main highlights are spells - Call Lightning and Lightning Bolt, which will be your bread and butter as damage-dealing spells. Each turn, can call down lightning again without expending a spell slot. For creatures weak to Lightning, see Category:Vulnerable to Lightning. Wrath of the Storm Lighting; Wrath of the Storm Thunder Aug 22, 2023 · Yup, don't let concentration be broken, and don't miss your shot at re-upping the call lightning (far right button) each turn, else you'll have to spend another spell slot on it. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. gifzjjt mzg eyogzm mjlz sidldwu xsz zxxmi krwai ckl piz ztqbah ipwfqft pcpd ngeppl evd