Autistic boy draws skyline. Mar 4, 2021 · Search for: Search Home Show sub menu.

Autistic boy draws skyline Stephen Wiltshire was mute and diagnosed with autism at the age of three. After one teacher began to take notice of his capabilities Mar 3, 2011 · In my life time I have seen so many changes to the London and New York skyline and it is very exciting. This is the synopsis that was shared: Newcomer Azhy Robertson stars as Oliver, a lonely young autistic boy who feels different from everyone else. Apr 9, 2017 · Autism is the fastest-growing neurological disability in the world. FSSAA is an artist who draws and paints detailed cityscapes. A film clip from QED's 1987 "The Foolish Wise Ones" introduces viewers to autistic people and three autistic savants. His incredible skill, drawing any city’s skyline from memory after observing it from above, takes him to cities all over the globe. Five-year-old Sebastian Oct 8, 2024 · Autism,Autistic Artist Draws Mexico City From Memory,Canada. Wiltshire, 25, is in town to take part in a show called Celebrating the Creativity Within, which features the work of four well known autistic artists. Then aged just five TIL of Stephen Wiltshire, an autistic British artist who can draw a landscape from memory after seeing it just once. Focus on your child, not staring bystanders. A Montreal artist living with autism draws a stunning drawing of the Old Montreal skyline and garners hundreds of thousands of views on social media 10-foot-long multicoloured drawing of the Jun 1, 2012 · After just a 20-minute helicopter ride around New York City, Stephen used his photographic memory to draw an exact depiction of the city’s skyline. Alex, who has autism and a photograph­ic memory, creates incredibly complex sights after a single visit or glimpse at a book. British Artist Stephen Wiltshire can draw a huge landscape completely from memory. The Artistic Genius who draws cities from May 8, 2022 · In 2014, Stephen presented a 13-by-3-foot rendering of Singapore’s skyline to the country’s then-President Tony Tan Keng Yam. Wiltshire was invited to Australia by Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) as part of Autism Month. Jul 20, 2018 · Believe it or not, all it took Stephen Wiltshire to draw the accurate and breath-taking image of the Aerial view of Montreal’s city landscape in Canada, is mapping out the city from his memory. The painting was drawn at New York’s Pratt Institute of Brooklyn. Published Oct 26, 2009. Today, he draws epic, near-accurate cityscapes from memory after just one viewing, and has received the award of an honorary MBE, becoming a Member of the Order of the British Empire, for his unique contribution to the art world. 6K Likes, 212 Comments. Oct 12, 2022 · New York Comic Con attracts vendors of all backgrounds and abilities, but one young boy has a story as impressive as his art. Oct 25, 2019 · The little boy started attending Queensmill School, which is specifically designed for children with autism. I don't what it was about last week but for some reason this Stephen Wiltshire photo was making the facebook rounds. Owners of the Maple Leaf Gardens herd Mr. Dec 7, 2020 · Streets ahead of his class! Autistic schoolboy, 11, spends hours drawing breathtakingly detailed cityscapes from MEMORY including London, Paris and New York Nov 13, 2017 · Stephen Wiltshire is an internationally acclaimed architectural artist that draws large-scale, photo-accurate skylines and cityscapes. 01_genius_camera. Break out your sensory toolkit. He has a particular talent for drawing lifelike, accurate representations of cities, sometimes after having only observed them briefly. Teach them coping strategies once they’re calm. 'The teacher asked him to say it again. , Gillian Jacobs, Winslow Fegley, Jayden Marine, and Rachel Wilson. Oct 31, 2016 · WATCH ABOVE: World famous artist Stephen Wiltshire, who was diagnosed with autism as a boy, has completed a panoramic sketch of Mexico City drawn completely from memory – Oct 31, 2016 Oct 16, 2017 · Wiltshire has an eidetic memory that allows him to recall every detail of a city from one 45-minute helicopter ride. world/subscribeLives Nov 13, 2017 · Join the artist Stephen Wiltshire at the Empire State Building as he draws the New York skyline after spending less than an hour observing it by helicopter. Oct 27, 2009 · This is amazing and really cool: Stephen Wiltshire, a British artist who has autism, is drawing a twenty-foot-long panorama of the New York City skyline entirely from memory, after taking just one Oct 8, 2024 · A Montreal artist living with autism draws a stunning drawing of the Old Montreal skyline and garners hundreds of thousands of views on social media New York City's skyline is world famous, but imagine being able to create a detailed painting of it from memory. Oct 17, 2017 · Wiltshire, who is autistic, has an eidetic memory that allows him to recall every detail of a city from one 45-minute helicopter ride. Stephen Wiltshire is an artist known for drawing lifelike cityscapes from memory. Stephen Wiltshire spent 5 days drawing the city's skyline on a giant 4m Trent was born in 1997 and diagnosed with classic Autism at the age of two. since monday october 26th wiltshire began filling in an 18 foot canvas at the pratt institute Apr 11, 2017 · Wiltshire, who was diagnosed with autism at age 3, would sketch images of the wilderness and caricatures of his teachers as a young boy. Stephen Wiltshire, a world-renowned artist known for his extraordinary ability to draw cityscapes entirely from memory, has once again demonstrated his incredible talent. Gifted Memory and Artistic Abilities (02:23) Stephen Wiltshire is passionate about buildings, and he is gifted in his ability to draw them. After flying just once over a City in a helico Dec 8, 2020 · SCHOOLBOY Alex Baker, 11, draws stunningly detailed cityscapes from memory. Oct 27, 2016 · Autistic British artist Stephen Wiltshire is drawing Mexico City from memory, after seeing it for 30 minutes from the air. How Autistic Artist Stephen Wiltshire Made it Big. com Sep 13, 2024 · After taking a 20-minute helicopter ride over New York, Stephen produced a detailed drawing of the Manhattan skyline-completely from memory. The work features many of London’s most iconic architectural works including Renzo Piano’s half-built Shard building at London Bridge in the foreground. There, teachers noticed him drawing animals and then branching into sketches of London buses and buildings! His teachers suspected his desire to draw might encourage him to speak, and they were right! It is probably a spectrum. Born in London, England to West Indian parents in 1974, Wiltshire was mute until the age of 5, when he began using his drawings to communicate. You have to cram these things together, so… 8 min read · Apr 6, 2024 Oct 28, 2009 · Stephen Wiltshire hails from London, but his knowledge of Manhattan’s skyline could stump any New Yorker. original sound - moviegeeked. His dad died the same year. Aug 20, 2024 · In this reality, there's a, I'm sure you know this, this man who, he's on the spectrum, and he can just look at a skyline and instantly, with detail, draw it out just once, one helicopter ride comes back and draws an entire mural around the room of the entire skyline, in detail that tells me, and there's so many other examples, I mean, Rain Man Mar 4, 2021 · Search for: Search Home Show sub menu. ". May 21, 2021 · Nonverbal 12-year-old boy with autism unlocks artistic gift during pandemic May 21, 2021 Drawing The Manhattan Skyline From Memory. " Rough Oct 27, 2009 · **Watch Stephen draw New York City live this week. Oct 30, 2009 · Autistic artist Stephen Wiltshire draws spellbinding 18ft picture of New York from memory after a 20-minute helicopter ride over city . Mar 3, 2011 · In my life time I have seen so many changes to the London and New York skyline and it is very exciting. He can draw entire cities from memory, after just a single, short, helicopter ride. When he drew Rome, he drew the exact number of columns in the Pantheon Jun 25, 2022 · Diagnosed with autism at 3 years of age, this British artist found his voice through drawing. i had a water bottle that squeaked loudly when i closed it from the rubber gasket Apr 5, 2022 · A boy with an unusual talent for calligraphy has gained viral attention online after a video of him writing in perfect fonts received more than 4 million views on TikTok. Dec 7, 2020 · An autistic schoolboy spends hours painstakingly drawing detailed cityscapes using his photographic memory of places including London, Paris and New York. Oct 27, 2009 · british artist stephen wiltshire is currently attempting to draw the manhattan skyline from memory. Born on the autistic spectrum, the artist has a photo… Autistic artist Stephen Wiltshire draws spellbinding 18ft picture of New York from memory after a 20-minute helicopter ride over city | New York City, Jul 26, 2018 · The Tokyo skyline; Hong Kong; Rome; Frankfurt; Madrid; Dubai; Jerusalem; London; New York . I started making them about 7 years ago. 13, 2008 — -- With all the struggles that come with being autistic has also come an incredible gift for British artist Stephen Wiltshire — he can draw in extraordinary detail from memory. He is also an extraordinary artist, able to draw an entire city skyline in detail (and perfectly counted windows) after seeing it only once from a plane. The Autistic Artist Stephen Wiltshire Draws NYC Skyline – Amazing Video. Wiltshire was going to be in Toronto and commissioned him to immortalize the building on paper. Wiltshire, who recently drew a detailed sketch of New York after a 45-minut Apr 18, 2018 · Diagnosed with autism at age three, he didn’t say his first word (“paper”) until age five. Oct 17, 2017 · Renowned autistic artist Stephen Wiltshire spends five days drawing the Empire State Building and New York City from MEMORY after 45-minute helicopter ride - and the detail is incredible Apr 13, 2012 · Prof Simon Baron-Cohen, director of Cambridge University's Autism Research Centre, said: 'We can speculate as to why Stephen chose buildings as his first topic of drawing in that buildings stay Oct 24, 2010 · Last Friday (15 October) the London-based artist, who can draw any landscape after seeing it just once, completed the detailed drawing from memory having been on the rooftop a few days before. By GEOFFERY WANSELL. A Montreal artist living with autism draws a stunning drawing of the Old Montreal skyline and garners hundreds of thousands of views on social media Provider’s Guide to Blood Draws for Children with Autism These materials are the product of on-going activities of the Autism Speaks Autism Treatment Network, a funded program of Autism Speaks. Oct 26, 2009 · Artist Draws Manhattan Skyline From Memory. The unbelievably intricate picture was drawn at Brooklyn’s prestigious Pratt Institute from Stephen’s memory, with details of every building sketched in to Autistic Savants (01:31) FREE PREVIEW. Modified Oct 26, 2009. Dubbed also as the “Britain’s best child artist” by the Royal Academy of Art’s President, Sir Hugh Casson, Stephen showed his talent to the world with his record-breaking artwork. Jen Carlson. Honoured as a Member of the Order of the British Empire for services to art, his artworks grace prestigious museums worldwide. Wiltshire says drawing the New York City skyline was "truly hard work. It is how he connects. TikTok video from moviegeeked (@moviegeeked): “Stephen Wiltshire the human camera who drew New York's Skyline from memory #memory #drawing #painting #artist #cityscape #talent #skyline #streetscene #art #foryou #popular #newyork #london #autistic”. Manhattan Skyline by Stephen Wiltshire. I have heard people say things about autistic people seeing the world as 'raw' and unfiltered. Author: 13newsnow. " Stephen, 36, said. Aug 11, 2024 · Challenges Faced by a 12-Year-Old Autistic Boy. Stephen Wiltshire, who was diagnosed with autism at three, memorised Oct 26, 2009 · In the "Early Show"'s "A Beautiful Memory" series, Stephen Wiltshire, an artist with autism, is drawing a panorama of New York City's Manhattan skyline. For those who don't know, Stephen Wiltshire is an autistic savant and The Boy - obviously, hence this blog - is autistic too. As Global’s Amanda Jelowicki reports, Casey Vormer’s Jun 13, 2015 · Mr Wiltshire was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. Until age 5, he had never uttered a word. Feb 13, 2008 · Feb. Today he is teaching us how to draw a Gorilla. His work has gained worldwide popularity. Diagnosed with autism at a young Aug 24, 2012 · Recently, he was commissioned by a financial services company to complete an epic project: he would draw the entire New York skyline. This truly amazing talent of the one-of-a-kind artist who has autism and is mute is surprising everyone all over the world. Viktor began to show signs of Autism at the age of 2. The unbelievably intricate picture was drawn at Brooklyn’s prestigious Pratt Sep 13, 2024 · After taking a 20-minute helicopter ride over New York, Stephen produced a detailed drawing of the Manhattan skyline-completely from memory. Subscribe: http://trt. For years there were animals and text drawn on all his family’s walls, three feet off the floor. Stephen Wiltshire. A talented 11-year-old boy with autism is producing a series of intricate drawings of cityscapes, all from his memory. He said it. 8 meter) long paper by Stephen Wiltshire, a British artist with autism. But Mr Goenka recently shared about an autistic artist from UK named Stephen Wiltshire, who drew a 18-feet long photo of the New York City skyline he drew after he saw the entire aerial view of the city skyline for 20 minutes in a helicopter. Mar 3, 2011 · Stephen Wiltshire the human camera: autistic artist draws city skylines from memory. Apr 10, 2015 · Autistic 11-year-old draws world map from memory in New York Reddit user Bobitis said the boy had to stand on a chair to draw the detailed world map on his classroom's white board. After just a 20-minute helicopter ride over New York City, Wiltshire recreated the entire skyline in stunning detail, using only a pen and relying solely on his remarkable photographic memory. Viktor Bevanda is a 15-year-old who can't speak. His astounding reproductions include London, Paris, New York, and many other cities, in the most perfect perspective. i was a camp counselor a lot of years and sometimes making stuff singsongy or overly elaborately silly could be the make or break of facilitating engagement. Wiltshire slowly began talking when he was about 9 years old. Stephen Wiltshire MBE, Hon. When they came back, he spoke. We tried to list some relaxing ones and a few fun Jul 25, 2014 · British architectural artist, Stephen Wiltshire draws Singapore skyline from memory. The May 13, 2008 · Stephen Wiltshire is an autistic savant. Share Stephen Wiltshire, who was diagnosed with autism at an early age, Tiger Draws For Eagles Autism Foundation - Age 10. Alex Baker has been drawing since the age of 2. Wiltshire sees and draws. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Jun 16, 2021 · The day by day of our beautiful and smart autistic child. Apr 2, 2008 · This picture depicting the London skyline in fine detail was drawn after just one flight over the city and purely from memory. Stephen was mute until he was nine Oct 28, 2009 · View in gallery. The whole process was documented in television segments and on a dedicated website that includes articles, photos, video footage and even a live ustream video feed. Talented Nov 17, 2017 · British Artist Draws NYC Skyline From Memory. Quality gifts for a teenage autistic boy are not so easy to find. From The New York Times‘ Like a Skyline Is Etched in His Head: Stephen Wiltshire is a prodigious cityscape artist, known for capturing intricate details of global skylines after mere glimpses. This gorilla looks like Johny, from the movie SING ( Oct 7, 2024 · A local artist with autism is rapidly garnering a huge following on social media and recently completed a stunning drawing of Old Montreal. Artist Stephen Wiltshire has been gifted with an extra-human photographic memory, the ability to recreate a large scale, panoramic image from within his own mind. Skip Navigation Share on Facebook Aug 27, 2020 · The movie stars Azhy Robertson as the boy, Oliver, along with John Gallagher Jr. According to Autism Speaks , autism now affects 1 in 68 children and 1 in 42 boys, who are five times more likely than girls to Idk the humoring a small child thing is called infantilizing which is often a major complaint within the autistic community where we are treated like children because we have autism even if we’re adults, it varies from person to person how much support they need he’s level 3 (I’m level 1) and they obviously need more support but a lot of Mar 18, 2020 · The 12-year-old's hobby and his keen interest in car models led him to launch a Kickstarter where he's already surpassed his initial goal of $20,000 as the campaign currently has collected $43,467 with 10 days still to go. This Incredible British Artist Can Draw a Whole City From Memory. Wiltshire is drawing a 20-fo… Aug 23, 2021 · An American autistic artist, Stephen Wiltshire, shocked the world when he drew a picture of New York City skyline from memory after 20 minutes in a helicopter. Though he had difficulty verbally communicating, he loved to draw—and h Feb 5, 1992 · Stephen Wiltshire places a drawing pad on the arm of a sofa, and begins to sketch, deep in thought and immune from distraction. ) And it could be that autistic people are probably better at lower level of abstractions but have "better resolutions" there if you will. Last updated at 09:49 08 April 2008 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The architectural artist — diagnosed with autism at age 3 — has drawn panoramas of Frankfurt, London, Tokyo, Dubai, Rome, Madrid, and Jerusalem, all from memory. By DAILY MAIL REPORTER Updated: 19:39 EST, 29 October 2009 See full list on allthatsinteresting. [1] He is known for his ability to draw a landscape from memory after seeing it just once. I was pleased with the design I had came up with, and decided to draw more of them from there on ever since. Diagnosed with autism at a young New York City is drawn from memory on a 19 foot (5. “He just kept his head down scribbling on paper,” she told the BBC. Autistic Artist. He is keen to visit and draw Montreal and Canada and etch them on his canvass. “He said, ‘Paper,’ ” his sister, Annette Wiltshire, said. May 2, 2020 · (Mayukh Saha) Stephen Wiltshire was written off as autistic by doctors when he was just three years old. That magnificent artist above is attempting to paint the entire Manhattan skyline– from memory. It is supported by cooperative agreement UA3 MC 11054 through the U. Aug 21, 2012 · This astonishing 18ft drawing of the world’s most famous skyline was created by autistic artist Stephen Wiltshire after he spent just 20 minutes in a helicopter gazing at the panorama. #IAmYou. By . Wiltshire, a London-based artist known for Dec 7, 2020 · Alex’s drawings from memory (Picture: Bav Media) Alex Baker was in London for just a few hours but when he came home, he was able to draw a map of the Underground in detail. Feb 2, 2016 · It is coming to the end of Autism Acceptance Week 2024, and we are in Autism Acceptance Month. Jan 25, 2013 · - Artist Stephen Wiltshire creates amazing image of London- Stephen, who has autism, created drawing from memory- He said he is "very proud" of new work Autistic artist draws 18ft picture of New York, after taking 20 minute helicopter ride over city Archived post. And if that doesn’t make you feel bad enough about your lack of memory power or artistic talent, Wiltshire is from London and has spent very little time in New York. 1 February, Boy Walks Up To A BLACK MAN And DAUGHTER At The Park- Calls Them Niggers – Video Dec 15, 2023 · The parents of a non-verbal autistic boy say the teacher accused of abusing their son has been fired, but they say the principal needs to be held accountable too. People Wedding Family & Relationships People Wedding Family & Relationships Jul 18, 2014 · Artist finishes drawing Singapore from memory By Joanna Seow, The Straits Times, 21 Jul 2014 AFTER five days of drawing, British architectural artist Stephen Wiltshire completed his panorama of Singapore last night. They include the Manhattan skyline, the Houses of Parliament, Tower Bridge and the Eiffel Tower. I was bored in a study hall back in 8th grade, and decided to doodle a random creature. After a change in behavior testing led to a diagnosis of autism. By the age of 5 his Mr. The Artistic Genius who draws cities from memory. (Things tend to become more and more abstract and require more levels of abstractions. Oct 24, 2024 · 46K likes, 250 comments - historyinmemes on October 24, 2024: "After only a 20 minute helicopter ride over NYC, autistic artist, Stephen Wiltshire was able to draw the New York skyline, in pen, just from his memory. Department of Health and It is no mean feat for a young artist who is autistic, a condition memorably brought to life by Dustin Hoffman in the Oscar-winning film Rain Man. FSAI, Hon. As autistic boys enter their pre-teen years, they encounter a unique set of challenges that can impact various aspects of their lives. . S. Aug 28, 2017 · I draw creatures out of my own passion and entertainment. 1. Apr 8, 2008 · Revealed: How autistic genius Stephen Wiltshire drew his amazing picture of London's skyline. In 2018, he took a walking tour and 40-minute helicopter ride over Mar 14, 2020 · How do you calm a child with autism? Be empathetic and make them feel safe and loved. Oct 29, 2009 · Wiltshire, who is autistic, took a brief helicopter ride above the city and has been working only from the memories of that short journey to sketch the panorama of New York’s 305 square miles on Aug 20, 2021 · An American autistic artist, Stephen Wiltshire, shocked the world when he drew a picture of New York City skyline from memory after 20 minutes in a helicopter. He didn’t speak when he started primary school, according to his sister Annette. com Published: 12:52 PM EDT October 12, 2022 Oct 28, 2009 · One day, his kindergarten class at a school for autistic children in London went on a field trip. Jul 15, 2021 · BY LOUISE BEVAN February 25, 2021 A talented 11-year-old boy with autism is producing a series of intricate drawings of cityscapes, all from his memory. Talented artist Alex Baker, 11, creates This astonishing 18ft drawing of the world’s most famous skyline was created by autistic artist Stephen Wiltshire after he spent just 20 minutes in a helicopter gazing at the panorama. Stephen, although autistic, has achieved (what a few of us don’t), a significant representation and investigation of the world. His school would take pupils to landmarks and ask them to draw what they had seen on their return. rachel fogle de souza Nov 17, 2017. Indeed, like Hoffman's film persona, Wiltshire is also a "savant", a man trapped in his own private world but with an exceptional talent, said to be one of only 100 diagnosed throughout the world. His mother, Laura Jackson, soon noticed his talent for May 2, 2020 · (Mayukh Saha) Stephen Wiltshire was written off as autistic by doctors when he was just three years old. November 17 2017 2 min read Share. Still, as a child, Stephen could sketch stunningly accurate images of wildlife and caricatures of Stephen Wiltshire MBE, Hon. The unbelievably intricate picture was drawn at Brooklyn’s prestigious Pratt Institute from Stephen’s memory, with details of every building sketched in to Stephen Wiltshire, a world-renowned artist known for his extraordinary ability to draw cityscapes entirely from memory, has once again demonstrated his incredible talent. Aug 9, 2012 · [An] astonishing 18ft drawing of the world's most famous skyline was created by autistic artist Stephen Wiltshire after he spent just 20 minutes in a helicopter gazing at the panorama. Sep 20, 2022 · 38. Stephen Wiltshire, is British architectural artist who is one of the most famous autistic artists in the world. But at the age of 46, he is stirring up a storm in the art sphere. Diagnosed with Autism at an early age, he hasn't let his limitation in comprehension and verbal abilities limit his artistic talent. When he was 5, he moved to London where his interest in drawing began and eventually blossomed. Jul 4, 2022 · A talented pencil artist living in Montreal has recently completely a detailed portrait of the city's downtown core, after more than 800 hours of drawing. I started drawing them by a random fluke. Welcome! THANK YOU so much for supporting this effort! About The Fractalier (3rd person) Mar 30, 2017 · Stephen Wiltshire is an artist who was diagnosed with autism when he was 3 years old. Born in London, he was diagnosed with autism at the age of three, and didn Mr. Credit : STEPHEN WILTSHIRE / LAURENTIU GAROFEANU / BARCROFT MEDIA Title: USA: Autistic artist draws New York City skyline from memory Date: 27th October 2009 Summary: BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES (OCTOBER 26, 2009) (REUTERS) (SOUNDBITE) (English) STEPHEN WILTSHIRE, SAYING: "Because big cities are very beautiful, they've got skyscrapers and tall story buildings, the yellow New York cabs and American cars, and also American people," VOICE OF CAMERA ASKS Jul 25, 2022 · 9yo Autistic Savant Draws UPSIDE DOWN - Mickey and Minnie Mouse | DisneyBACKGROUND The Autistic Tiger (a 9yo boy with autism named Tiger) is an incredible se Oct 30, 2009 · Wiltshire was at it again this week when US television network CBS sponsored him to draw an 18 foot panorama of New York from memory after taking a 20-minute helicopter ride over the city. It is sponsored by the Geneva Centre for Autism. Mar 12, 2024 · Diagnosed with autism at the age of three, 36-year-old Wiltshire has the ability to draw detailed cityscapes from memory after observing them briefly. Oct 30, 2009 · The human brain is amazing! This astonishing 18ft drawing of the world’s most famous skyline was created by autistic artist Stephen Wiltshire after he spent just 20 minutes in a helicopter gazing at the panorama. Conclusion. “He said, 'Paper,' - his sister, Annette Wiltshire, said. Wiltshire said drawing the skyline was "truly hard work Oct 27, 2009 · After just 20 minutes in a helicopter above the Manhattan skyline, autistic artist Stephen Wiltshire was ready to re-create a city that took hundreds of years to build. Jerrod Maruyama Recognizes Tiger at Epcot 2023. Mar 18, 2010 · Art and Autism: The link between autism and the arts has been known for many years, with art therapy being a beneficial treatment for individuals with autism and related disabilities. He was awarded an MBE for services to the art world in 2006. Jul 20, 2011 · Wiltshire is known for his ability to draw detailed landscapes or cityscapes after having seen them only once. One day, his kindergarten class at a school for autistic children in London went on a field trip. The arts can help autistic children express themselves and interact with others, as it did in Stephen's case. From memory. it pushes the bounds of creatively reaching someone “difficult” isnt the word i think i would use. Tiger Paints Stitch - 3rd Ever Painting - Age 10. Credit : STEPHEN WILTSHIRE / LAURENTIU GAROFEANU / BARCROFT MEDIA Mar 3, 2011 · Stephen Wiltshire the human camera: autistic artist draws city skylines from memory. He just spends five days sketching a city skyline in vivid detail just after one ride on the helicopter. He began drawing as soon as he could hold a pen. He sold his first drawing at the age of 8. FSSAA (born 24 April 1974) is a British architectural artist and autistic savant. Did he ever learn to speak? Yes. Understanding these challenges is crucial for providing appropriate support and interventions.