Alpenstrasse deutsche. Deutsche Alpenstrasse.
Alpenstrasse deutsche 484 Kilometer bayerische Originale Die schönsten Plätze Süddeutschlands erfährt man auf der DeutschenAlpenstraße Sie verbindet die bekanntesten Sehenswürdigk The gateway to Neuschwanstein Castle. Die Deutsche Alpenstraße hat alles: das Malerische und das Anspruchsvolle, Sport und Kultur, pures Fahrvergnügen und Sightseeing aus einem Sportwagen. General Information and Brochures: +49 (0) 8025 92 44 95 2 Über Rottau und Grassau entlang der alten Soleleitung und weiter durch Marquartstein, Unter- und Oberwössen führt die bei Auto-, Motorrad- und Wohnmobilfahrern gleichermaßen beliebte Deutsche Alpenstraße durch das Chiemgau. It is most frequented by bicyclists, campers, touring clubs and really anyone who enjoys driving over the Alps. Den ældste er Alpevejen, Deutsche Alpenstrasse, som officielt blev indviet som temarute omkring 1960. Thanks to convenient mountain lifts, not only enduring mountaineers but also visitors from all over the world can enjoy the glacier feeling, panoramic views of the four countries and summit gastronomy. Genießen Sie abwechslungsreiche Landschaften, kurvenreiche Strecken und die berühmteste Ferienstraße Deutschlands. It can be easily reached from Berchtesgaden via the Obersalzberg or from Unterau via Oberau by car or public bus. From impressive Alpine views to smoothly rolling hills, from fairytale castles to stunning lakes. The municipality of Pfronten and its 13 charming villages at the foot of the Alps is both authentic and multi-faceted. 09. On the eastern bank is the picturesque old quarter, where Lüftl art adorns the baroque facades of Marktstrasse. Sparte Deutsche Alpenstraße. Invented in 1927 the tourist road leads from Lake Constance along the northern edge of the Alps to the famous Königsse Berghotel Sudelfeld with Brösel Alm. You take care of the organization and booking yourself. Market town with character and charm. The romantic old quarter almost has an Italian feel and is a delight to explore with its pavement cafés and squares. May 13, 2021 · It is the German Alpine Road, aka Deutsche Alpenstrasse. Beginnend im Berchtesgadener Land bei wunderschönen Sommerwetter. After navigating the twists and turns of the area’s roads, the colourful meadows, blue lakes and surrounding mountains provide the perfect backdrop for an adventure in the great outdoors. Chiemgau Lindau in Lake Constance Füssen Munich is beautiful and will certainly lift your spirits. Königssee, which is considered one of the cleanest lakes in Germany thanks to its good water quality, is an elongated mountain lake in the Berchtesgadener Land region. . A distinctive feature of Oberammergau is the extensive Lüftlmalerei - the coloured wall murals of Upper Bavaria. Slideshow Routeneigenschaften Sep 21, 2018 · De Deutsche Alpenstrasse is de oudste vakantieroute van Duitsland. I am surprised that there is not more interest in this itinerary. Die Deutsche Alpenstrasse mit dem Wohnmobil . Den panoramisk 450 kilometer lange Deutsche Alpenstrasse er en billedskøn kør-selv-rute fra den smukke Bodensee i vest til den maleriske Königssee i øst. Herunder ses et kort over rutens omtrentlige forløb. 6990,Hammer a. Aug 21, 2021 · Deutsche AlpenstraßeBerchtesgaden - LindauÜber Wierschem, wo wir das Traumpfad Eltzer Burgpanorama gingen, fuhren wir nach Berchtesgaden. Von Nieder-Olm nach www. Winterlandschaft im Wirtschaftswunder, ungeräumte Straßen, Schilderwah Today, Lindenhofpark is one of the most attractive parks in southern Germany. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Sparte Deutsche Alpenstraße. I suspect it would take you 2-3 days to travel at minimum. Apr 27, 2023 · The Deutsche Alpenstrasse is a scenic route which runs through the southern part of Germany (Bavaria) and its Alps region. All structured data from the file namespace is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. ドイツ・アルペン街道(独: Deutsche Alpenstraße )はドイツ観光街道の一つ。 1927年 に設けられた最も古いドイツ観光街道。 バイエルン州 の南西端 ボーデン湖 の小島リンダウから南東端 ベルヒテスガーデン まで、 オーストリア との国境をなす アルプス山脈 Willkommen auf meinem Kanal! In diesem Film nehmen wir euch mit auf unsere spektakuläre Reise entlang der Deutschen Alpenstraße, DER Traumroute für jeden Woh Deutsche Alpenstraße Bayerische Fernwege e. Third part of the German Alpine Road. Linderhof Palace is the smallest of King Ludwig II's three palaces. de/51_Reisefuehrer/7_Reisefuehrer_D_Deutsche-Alpenstrasse. L'itinéraire sur : https://moto-trip. 991 likes · 285 talking about this · 10 were here. The island near the eastern shore of Lake Constance covers around 70 hectares, making it the second-largest in the ‘Swabian Sea’. It offers the opportunity to learn about the history of the Obersalzberg and the history of National Socialism at the historical site. See full list on thegapdecaders. Umgangssprachlich auch Queralpenstraße genannt. Eine einzigartige Fahrerfahrung erwartet Sie. Sie führt – landschaftlich wunderschön – fast ausschließlich durch die Bayerischen Alpen & im Allgäu. Wenn Euch unser V Deutsche Alpenstrasse. Eine der schönsten Strassen Deutschlands. Every mile uniquely Bavarian . , Miesbach. It was first mentioned in 1879 - in the publication of a historical travel log from 1858 by the Bavarian King Maximillian II (1811-1864). de/de/Deutsche Ferienst La Deutsche Alpenstrasse parcourt la Bavière en traversant les Alpes sur plus de 400km, de Lindau (aux abords du lac de Constance) à Berchtesgaden (à la frontière autrichienne). 15 Uhr entschieden, ca. Invented in 1927 the tourist road leads from Lake Constance along the northern edge of the Alps to the famous Königssee View, print and download the motorcycle route 'Deutsche Alpenstrasse - German Alpine Route' from xpl0rr (487 km). rossfeldpanoramastrasse. Auf insgesamt 450 Kilometern führt sie von Lindau im Bodensee bis nach Schönau am Königssee. Deutschen Alpenstrasse und eine große Auswahl ähnlicher Bücher, Kunst und Sammlerstücke erhältlich auf ZVAB. Top 100. Deutsche Alpenstrasse About this collection This collection consists of 3 routes and is based on the Deutsche Alpenstraße, minor changes have been made to the route to optimize the route for motorcyclists. Denne rejse tager jer forbi krystalklare bjergsøer, middelalderlige borge og pompøse slotte, idylliske alpine landsbyer og knitrende bjergtinder. Bekijk, print en download de motor- en autoroute 'Deutsche Alpenstrasse' van toorgedm (497 km). Jan 15, 2023 · Wir fahren mit unserem Wohnmobil die deutsche Alpenstraße durch Bayern. Infos == https://www. Aug 3, 2012 · Surtout, la Deutsche Alpenstraße traverse des villages typiques avec leurs églises à clocher pointu ou à bulbe, leur intérieur baroque parfois rococo ( je n'aime pas trop, j'ai une préférence pour le dépouillement des petites églises romanes, mais il faut admirer le travail des créateurs comme à l'église de Wies classée sur la liste du Patrimoine Mondial par l'Unesco ), des Deutsche Alpenstrasse. General Information and Brochures: +49 (0) 8025 92 44 95 2. The family-run Danner-Hof is located directly on the German Alpine Road and only a few minutes' walk from Lake Kochel. Information rund ums Wohnmobil! - Reiseberichte - Stellplätze - Tipps und Tricks - Wir reisen seit mehr als 20 Jahren mit dem Wohnmobil, in Europa, Amerika und Neuseeland. Besonders attraktiv soll der Routen-Klassiker für Reisen im Elektroauto sein. With the Jennerbahn cable car at Königssee, you can enjoy an almost silent cable car ride up to the Jenner. German Alpine Road - Sample Itinerariea. In Berchtesgaden sta Auf dieser Tour im Sommer 2016 können Sie mich entlang der Deutschen Alpenstraße begleiten. Enjoy urban design with the warm hospitality and rural serenity that The Townhouse Ruhpolding offers. Ostatni 100-kilometrowy odcinek prowadzi drogą No 305 od Bernau przez Grassau, Sixth part of the German Alpine Road. Dec 18, 2024 · Fourth part of the German Alpine Road. Invented in 1927 the tourist road leads from Lindau at Lake Constance along the northern edge of the Alps to the famous Jun 22, 2024 · Die Alpenstraße ist ein Flickenteppich. The German Alpine Road is the oldest German tourist route, and if you love road tripping through Europe or Germany, it is a must. deutschealpenstrasse. På denne Highlights Pit stops along the Route of the Bavarian Experience A ramble through charming villages and historical towns. Wir erweitern die klassische Strecke auf knapp 800 km für noch mehr Fahrspaß. Jun 13, 2024 · Op rondreis langs de Duitse Alpenstrasse? ️ Uitgestippelde Duitse Alpenroute, zie alle highlights van de Beierse Alpen ️ + Gratis preview reisgids Duitse Alpenstrasse. Ninth part of the German Alpine Road. Set amid a breathtaking mountain landscape at the foot of Mount Zugspitze (2,962m), Garmisch-Partenkirchen is the epitome of dramatic and unspoilt Alpine scenery. The Eagle's Nest road is closed to private traffic. Situated at 1277 metres above sea level, the viewing platform in the ruins offers a magnificent panoramic view of the Allgäu Alps and the Alpine foothills. By clicking on „Accept“, Sparte Deutsche Alpenstraße. General Information and Brochures: +49 (0) 8025 92 44 95 2 Dec 8, 2018 · The Deutsche Alpenstrasse route winds its way through and over high mountain passes along the Austrian border giving you the chance to explore charming Bavarian villages, historic castles, and sparkling lakes too. Winding its way past Vorderhindelang, Hindelang, Bad Oberdorf and the turn-off towards Hinterstein, it takes you over Joch Pass, where the road bridges a 360 metre difference in altitude along 105 bends, and continues past the villages of Oberjoch and Unterjoch. This majestic road passes through picturesque rolling hills, Alpine meadows, quaint villages, gnarled forests, ice caves, enchanting lakes, fairy-tale castles, and more beer gardens than you could possibly count 🙂 Tag på en panoramisk rejse igennem de sydtyske Alpers storslåede natur ad den berømte Deutsche Alpenstrasse. In addition to a small play stream for children and a separate children's pool, there is also a water slide and a water ski jump. It has very nice views and there are a lot of lakes along the way in which you can swim. Im dritte Teil fahren wir zum Kloster Ettal, Garmisch Partenkirchen und zum Eibsee. d. com Nov 7, 2024 · Bayerns schönste Seen vor grandioser Bergkulisse: Die Deutsche Alpenstraße führt auf knapp 500 Kilometern von Lindau bis Berchtesgaden. Parken Sie Ihr . Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Schwanstein Castle was severely damaged several times during various wars. The holiday region of the Bavarian Alps scales the popularity charts with tourists not just for the rich diversity of natural and cultural experiences, but because the quality of life is so high too. Explore the Schliersbergalm with the summer toboggan run with your little ones, hike the Schliersee mountains around the idyllic Spitzingsee, experience the creation of the Bavarian whisky SLYRS and the Markus Wasmeier open-air museum in Neuhaus or simply enjoy a The highest panoramic road in Germany. The Luegsteinsee was created in 1933 and expanded over the years to become the Luegsteinsee lido. The river Isar meanders through the town of Bad Tölz like a turquoise ribbon. It is the oldest original large-cabin cable car in the world. Chiemgau Lindau in Lake Constance Füssen Ninth part of the German Alpine Road. Aug 16, 2012 · Pauvre Ludwig II ! Recherchant de plus en plus la solitude, il se fit construire trois châteaux d'un style de plus en plus exubérant ( Neuschwanstein - Linderhof - Herrenchiemsee ), mais souffrant de troubles mentaux, il a été déposé en 1886 et conduit au château de Berg sur les bords du lac Starnberg. And with good reason, as this wonderful region is home to the some of the most beautiful trails and routes for mountaineers, walkers and mountain bikers. Dabei ist es egal, ob man sie mit dem Motorrad, Cabrio oder Wohnmobil fährt. In Füssen, the German Alpine Road meets the Romantic Road and the Via Claudia Augusta. Second part of the German Alpine Road. In Berchtesgaden sta A quintessentially Bavarian way of life. This page was last edited on 25 February 2024, at 12:02. The winding alleys and medieval buildings give the old quarter a particular charm and an almost mediterranean feel. The Berchtesgadener Land is known far and wide for its myth-enshrouded mountains, rolling hills and idyllic Alpine meadows. Her midt i Alpernes spektakulære landskab vil I blive mødt af bayersk gæstfrihed og charme i ølhaver og beværtninger. In diesem Film wird sie bestmöglich abgefahren. As a result, the Bavarian Crown Prince Maximilian - later King Maximilian II - came across a ruin that nevertheless fascinated him. Die Route führt Sie an Burgen und Schlössern entlang und durch lebendige bayrische Städte mit traumhafter Altstadt. de die GPSDaten der Strecke herunterladen und auf sein Navigationsgerät übertragen. This exhilarating Alpine route winds its way for some 450 kilometres from Lindau on Lake Constance to Schönau on Lake Königssee. La mitica Deutsche Alpenstrasse, in italiano "La Strada Tedesca delle Alpi" o "Strada delle Alpi bavaresi", è un percorso estremamente tortuoso che costeggia il confine meridionale della Germania con l'Austria, attraversando paesaggi alpini esageratamente belli con scorci panoramici mozzafiato. The German Alpine Road is the oldest touring road in Germany. Deutsche Alpenstraße. This exhilarating Alpine route winds its way Sep 6, 2017 · The Deutsche Alpenstrasse is a collection of different secondary highway routes that winds through beautiful countryside with wonderful views and smaller towns. 6 The historic viewpoint high above Berchtesgaden (1,834 metres) offers an overwhelming panoramic view. Links Die Deutsche Alpenstraße gilt als die älteste Ferienstraße Deutschlands. Het is een 450 kilometer lange route van Lindau aan de Bodensee tot aan de grens van Duitsland met Oostenrijk, de Königsee (een eindje ten zuiden van Salzburg). Schon 1927 wurde die Deutsche Alpenstraße als erste deutsche Ferienstraße gegründet. En fin de journée, comme chaque jour, l’orage menacera mais comme la veille, il n’éclatera pas… At 2,962 metres, the Zugspitze summit towers above every other mountain in Germany. Dort gibt es auch viele weitere interessante Feb 20, 2021 · Deutsche AlpenstraßeBerchtesgaden - LindauÜber Wierschem, wo wir das Traumpfad Eltzer Burgpanorama gingen, fuhren wir nach Berchtesgaden. 2020 die Deutsche Alpenstrasse mit dem Motorrad zu fahren. Highlights Pit stops along the Route of the Bavarian Experience A ramble through charming villages and historical towns. Auf der Deutschen Alpenstraße vom Bodensee zum Königssee vor grandioser Bergkulisse: Tipps für Touren mit Elektroauto, Fahrrad und Motorrad. Entdecken Sie die deutsche Alpenstraße auf unserer sportlichen Route. Jul 18, 2012 · DEUTSCHE ALPENSTRASSE King Ludwig II. com. Spontane Entscheidung am 01. These paintings bring the Zwinck family recognition not just locally, but from further afield as well. There are also many other interesting tips and information there. Der findes 150 temaruter, du kan følge på en en ferie med billeje i Tyskland. reisetipps-europa. Chiemsee Großer Alpsee Forggensee Spitzingsee Staffelsee Kochelsee Walchensee Tegern-see Scheidegg Salzburg Aschau i. LA STRADA TEDESCA DELLE ALPI LA MITICA DEUTSCHE ALPENSTRASSE. The "Förderverein Gartendenkmal Lindenhofpark" is committed to preserving the valuable grounds on the shores of Lake Constance and has reconstructed the historic arcades, among other things. Die Deutsche Alpenstrasse - 450 km von Berchtesgaden bis zum Bodensee. Links Nov 25, 2021 · So, endlich ist es soweit: Wir starten in die Deutsche Alpenstraße! Nach einem traumhaften Morgen am Bodensee geht es über den Rohrach-Anstieg und vorbei an The versatile hiking and recreation area delights mountain lovers of all kinds. Aug 21, 2017 · Wir sind die wunderschöne deutsche Alpenstrasse vom Königssee bis zum Bodensee gefahren - und dieses ist die erste Etappe bis zum Tegernsee. Unterwegs verweilen Sie an einigen der schönsten Seen Deutschlands und genießen unvergessliche Bergpanoramen. Links A house as individual as its guests - in the centre of Ruhpolding in the Bavarian Alps. Jan 15, 2018 · Germany’s alpine route (Deutsche Alpenstraße) is the oldest themed route in the country and one of the most spectacular in the world. Vorbei an 21 Seen, 25 Schlössen, 60 Kurorten From Wertach we reach Grüntensee lake, where perhaps we could swap four wheels for two for a few hours? The cycling and mountain biking arena is a joint project of the communities Oy-Mittelberg, Wertach and Nesselwang, offering a wide range of 15 attractive tours: from gentle family oriented tours to demanding full-day epics for technically savvy and physically strong bikers. Deutsche Alpenstrasse Cabriotour. We have put together many individual tours on the German Alpine Road for you. 16 Uhr auf der Strasse. Anyone planning to drive along the German Alpine Road can download the GPS data for the route from the website at www. A trip along the German Alpine Road takes you past all the most popular holiday resorts in the Allgäu and Upper Bavaria. deutsche-alpenstrasse. There were two castle ruins there at the time: Vorderhohenschwangau and Hinterhohenschwangau. Invented in 1927 the tourist road leads from Lake Constance along the northern edge of the Alps to the famous Königsse Aug 26, 2021 · Une semaine dans les Alpes entre l'Allemagne et l'Autriche, des paysages à couper le souffle et des routes MAGNIFIQUES. The city is bursting with life and vitality at any time of the year: the gold of the Angel of Peace against the blue sky, the 50 shades of green in the English Garden, the surfer with his board and wet hair captured on camera next to the smartly dressed executive, the tourists in the Lenbachhaus gallery face to face with the original The German Alpine Road, or Deutsche Alpenstrasse, is a Bavarian dream with spectacular views, ancient abbeys and castles, and activities in all four seasons. Deutsche Alpenstrasse. The Berghotel Sudelfeld is idyllically surrounded by forests and alpine pastures at 1,100 m in the beautiful Wendelstein region. The mountain-loving royal family travelled a lot in this area. Der findes dog omtaler af rutens skønhed helt fra før bilen blev hvermandseje. If it isn't enough that the German Alpine Road offers a multitude of spectacular panoramic views along its entire length, its cultural attractions, one after another, also pepper the route with about 25 ancient castles, monasteries and picturesque palaces along the way, including, of course, the internationally famous royal palaces of Neuschwanstein and Herrenchiemsee. Oct 8, 2018 · Deutsche Alpenstrasse am Südrand Bayerns 1962Eine Strasse, sieben Teilstücke, acht Sackgassen. Reit im Winkl, Ruhpolding und Inzell bieten Aktivitäten in unberührter Natur und traumhafter Landschaft. Linderhof Palace and Park is one of the most diverse and artistic ensembles of the 19th century. The German Alpine Road passes through Bad Hindelang, the sunniest Alpine region in southern Germany. htmlDie 450 Kilometer lange Deutsche Alpenstraße verläuft zw An institute for contemporary history. Er is van alles te beleven als je via deze route rijdt. Premier address on the lake: Hotel Bayerischer Hof and its partner hotels, Hotel Reutemann and Hotel Seegarten, enjoy a prime location on the lakeside promenade and offer magnificent views of the lake and mountains. It meanders through the gorgeous landscape of the Bavarian Alps, and is punctuated by rugged mountains, magnificent castles, over 20 mirror alpine lakes, rejuvenating wellness resorts, sun-drenched meadows, lush valleys, and rustic farms. Sep 30, 2018 · Deutsche Alpenstrasse: https://www. It is a great thing to do if you like driving! There are some some "Deutsche Alpenstrasse" signs (sometimes also indicated by an Edelweiss sign) at some points but not always so be careful to look at the map which you can find on the official website. Mit dem Motorrad entlang der Deutschen Alpenstraße - Dafür, dass ich so lange nichts von ihr wusste bin ich doch sehr froh, sie mit Kathi gefahren zu sein. Links Complete signage in both directions shows the way, which runs entirely on toll-free roads. Die Route fasziniert durch ihre Vielfältigkeit. de/de/startseiteRossfeld Panoramastrasse:https://www. The German Alpine Road among Oct 21, 2005 · Quite a nice simple map of the route of the ‘German Alpine Road’, which runs roughly along the border between Germany and Austria, courtesy of Motorrad magazine 20/2022 Mar 31, 2018 · De Alpenroute, ook wel Deutsche Alpenstrasse genoemd, is een 450 kilometer lange route vol adembenemende uitzichten, die loopt van de Bodensee naar de Königssee en andersom. V. 2,339 Followers, 254 Following, 81 Posts - Deutsche Alpenstrasse (@deutschealpenstrasse) on Instagram: " 懶 Route der bayerischen Originale auf 484km Tag us: #deutschealpenstrasse | @deutschealpenstrasse" Nov 30, 2014 · Nope, it’s not a figment of our imagination – it actually exists!! Welcome to the Deutsche Alpenstrasse (The German Alpine Road). ++ Aug 9, 2012 · Revenus au camping-car, nous avons repris la Deutsche Alpenstraße par une petite route à péage et gagné Bayrischzell qui sera notre étape. Links Jan 10, 2008 · The Deutsche Alpenstrasse and these sites make a fantastic trip. If it isn't enough that the German Alpine Road offers a multitude of spectacular panoramic views along its entire length, its cultural attractions, one after another, also pepper the route with about 25 ancient castles, monasteries and picturesque palaces along the way, including, of course, the internationally famous royal palaces of Neuschwanstein and Deutsche Alpenstrasse. Nature at its best. 04 Successfully lobbied BMW NA and BMW FS to prohibit dealers from using residual values based upon Euro Delivery MSRP and to use US MSRP saving BMW Enthusiasts several thousand dollars on each lease It has very nice views and there are a lot of lakes along the way in which you can swim. Enjoy the fantastic view through the panoramic windows during the cable car ride. Die Deutsche Alpenstrasse führt Roadtrip-Fanatiker vom Bodensee bis zum Königssee. Invented in 1927 the tourist road leads from Lindau at Lake Constance along the northern edge of the Alps to the famous King Ludwig's last dream and Germany's highest castle ruin. Van kleine dorpjes met de Zuid-Duitse cultuur, tot burchten en kastelen, historische plekken en heel veel natuur. loved this place just as much as his father Maximilian II. Relax in the new wellness area with Finnish sauna and panoramic relaxation room or enjoy the mountain panorama on our sun terrace with a glass of wine. Sep 15, 2024 · Reiseführer 'Sehenswertes entlang der Deutschen Alpenstraße'Die Deutsche Alpenstraße, ein 450 Kilometer langes Juwel, windet sich von Lindau am Bodensee bis Trasa Alpejska to 360-kilometrowa droga od Lindau nad jeziorem Bodeńskim do Berchtesgaden przy austriackiej granicy. Die Deutsche Alpenstraße gilt als die älteste Ferienstraße Deutschlands. De formidable naturparker med bjergsøer, hundredvis af alpetoppe og smalle bjergrygge, der strækker sig mod himlen, som en kat, der skyder ryg, danner en smuk ramme om turen, der går ad Tysklands mest kurvede bjergveje. Das ist die Bilanz der Münchner Abendschau 1962 über den Bauzu Germany's oldest touring road. Alpine Holidays at the highest level. Links Ich war schon in allen namhaften Regionen der Alpen um behaupten zu können, dass eine der bemerkenswertesten Strecken vor meiner/unserer Haustür liegt; die D Hiking, cycling, skiing, cross-country skiing, wellness, sightseeing Schliersee's leisure activities are simply inexhaustible. Invented in 1927 the tourist road leads from Lindau at Lake Constance along the northern edge of the Alps to the famous The Predigtstuhlbahn has been gently and reliably transporting guests up Bad Reichenhall's local mountain since 1928. The Garmisch-Classic round trip provides a comfortable overview of one of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the northern Alps. The 480 metre long and up to 20 metre high treetop path in the Ziegelwies forest adventure centre in Füssen shows the role of the forest for nature and climate protection with its adventure trails and exhibitions and offers fantastic views of the upper tree regions over the Lech and the surrounding mountains. de and transfer it to their navigation device.