Alluvial aquifer santa clarita Conclusions of Law 43. The geology of the Santa Clara valley aquifer consists of a complex stratigraphy of permeable and impermeable units. m. 2004. Perchlorate contamination has been The City of Santa Clarita is located in the Transverse Range Geomorphic Province of California, which is characterized by east-west trending mountains and faults. The stormwater that flows across paved lands in Feb 7, 2022 · Policies and Procedures for the Board of Directors of the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency: 2019-04-02: Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCV Water) link; Water Quality Report: 2020-01-01: Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCV Water) link; A Manual of California Vegetation, 2nd Edition: 2009-01-01: Sawyer, J. , Consulting Engineers August, 2009 Dec 17, 2021 · Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model: Geologic Framework and Principal Aquifers Santa Clara River Valley Groundwater Basin, East Subbasin Groundwater Sustainability Plan Santa Clarita Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency -ii- Figures 1-1 Location Map 1-2 NRCS Soil Classifications 1-3 Soil Infiltration Rates, LA County the entire Upper Santa Clara River area, to depths of at least 2,000 feet. Our supplies come from two sources: the Alluvium Aquifer generally underlies the Santa Clara River and its tributaries to maximum depths of about 200 feet, and of the shallow alluvial-aquifer flow system. Variations in precipitation, changes in irrigation practices, and increasing 12. Seismicity Fault Rupture Table 3-2 Groundwater Operating Plan For The Santa Clarita Valley Table 3-3 Recent Historical Groundwater Production (AF) Table 3-4 Projected Groundwater Production (Normal Year) (AF) Table 3-4 A Active Municipal Groundwater Source Capacity — Alluvial Aquifer Wells Bermite property and withdraw water from the Saugus Formation and Alluvial Aquifer. Public-supply wells typically are completed in the primary aquifer system to depths of 200 to 1,100 feet below land surface (bls). O. Land subsidence was first detected in 1933 (Poland and Ireland, 1988). Figure 1. Share "BUDGET GLOSSARY. Groundwater Upper Santa Clara River Groundwater Basin, East Subbasin prepared for Santa Clarita Valley Municipal Water Purveyors prepared by Luhdorff & Scalmanini, GSI Water Solutions, Inc. Amendment to the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region to Incorporate Home My WebLink About 2003-05-20 - MINUTES - JT STUDY SESSION NOTES (4) Special Joint Study Session City Council / Planning Commission May 20, 2003 Call To Order: 7:12 p. The shallow aquifer underlying the Santa Clara River which runs through the Santa Clarita Valley. 5. Edition of The Signal The city of Santa Fe, New Mexico is underlain by Quaternary alluvium, the Pliocene/Pleistocene Ancha Formation, and the Miocene Tesuque Formation. , there is no long-term overdraft of the Alluvial aquifer, even along the upper reaches of the [Santa Clara] river. " 2015 santa clarita valley water report castaic lake water agency clwa santa clarita water division los angeles county waterworks district 36 newhall county water district valencia water company june, 2016 Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Los Angeles County Waterworks District 36 July 2020 2019 Santa Clarita Valley Water Report Bermite property and withdraw water from the Saugus Formation and Alluvial Aquifer. In the Santa Clarita Valley, stormwater runoff finds its way to the Santa Clara River and its tributaries, whose channels are predominantly natural and consist of vegetation and coarse grained sediments (rather than concrete). The shallow alluvial aquifer has a maximum thickness of 1500 ft (457 m) or more in the graben formed by the down-to-the-west Town Yard fault and the down-to-the-east Seco fault (Drakos et al. R16-008 . Silt layers were identified in some areas of the project site. Feb 1, 2023 · The Basin aquifer system is made up of approximately 900 m (m) of alluvial, eolian and playa-lake sediments underlying a thin layer of upper Quaternary alluvium (the Rio Grande alluvium; Hawley and Kennedy, 2004) that are both part of the Santa Fe Group. 020 July 2008 5. ES. Water Quality in the Alluvial Aquifer and Saugus Formation (1) Overview The groundwater quality of the Alluvial aquifer and the Saugus Formation consistently meets drinking water standards set by the U. Environmental Protection Agency (U. , T. Water-level declines of more than 200 ft occurred in the Santa Clara Valley from the early 1900's to the mid 1960's (Fowler, 1981). Comments on Proposed Decision 36. Well Q2, an alluvial well located immediately northwest of the confluence of Bouquet Creek and the Santa Clara River (Figure I-1). No site-specific aquifer testing was conducted in bedrock wells for this analysis because the alluvial aquifer was the primary subject of this study. Flood Hazards Sand Canyon is an area known to experience intermittent flooding. 02 • County: Santa Clara • Surface Area: 153,600 acres (240 square miles) Basin Boundaries and Hydrology The Santa Clara subbasin occupies a structural trough parallel to the Santa Clarita Valley residents: a shallow Alluvial Aquifer and an older, underlying geologic unit called the Saugus Formation. As specified in Valencia’s Water Supply Permit issued by the State Department of Health A review of long-term hydrograph data for the Alluvial Aquifer and Saugus Aquifer does not indicate overdraft. Santa Clarita Valley General Plan (“One Santa Clara River & Santa Clarita Valley Basin, Los Angeles County (1987-1988) This detailed study examined the hydrogeologic characteristics of the alluvial aquifer system of the Santa Clara River; also evaluated were the characteristics of the underlying Saugus Formation. Recovery of Alluvial supplies over the next decade is shown in Tables 4. As the decades passed, groundwater levels continued to Santa Clarita Valley residents: a shallow Alluvial Aquifer and an older, underlying geologic unit called the Saugus Formation. Alluvial Aquifer or Alluvium. Coarse grain alluvial deposits are generally found in proximity to the active channel of the Santa Clara River, while fine grain alluvial 1 . EPA) and the California Department of Health Services (DHS). Recent projects include monitoring recharge underneath ephemeral-stream channels, monitoring aquifer-storage change in unconfined and compressible aquifers, measuring storage change at surface-spreading and injection-well artificial-recharge The Santa Clara valley aquifer is a groundwater aquifer located in the southern San Francisco Bay Area. Older (Pleistocene age Santa Clarita Valley residents: a shallow Alluvial Aquifer and an older, underlying geologic unit called the Saugus Formation. •Upper Saugus aquifer important for municipal use •Lower Saugus contains less groundwater •Relatively slower groundwater movement than Alluvial Santa Clarita Valley residents: a shallow Alluvial Aquifer and an older, underlying geologic unit called the Saugus Formation. Our supplies come from two sources: the Alluvium Aquifer generally underlies the Santa Clara River and its tributaries to maximum depths of about 200 feet, and Locally in the Santa Clarita Valley, about half of the water supply is produced by local groundwater. In the near-term supplies are limited due to Perchlorate Dec 6, 2018 · Throughout the late 1800s and into the 1920s when two thirds of the Santa Clara Valley had been irrigated, water flowed freely from wells. Jan 1, 2003 · The alluvial aquifer in the area of Santa Isabel is located within the South Coastal Plain aquifer of Puerto Rico. Much of this work has included the use of a basin-wide, multi-layer, regional-scale groundwater flow model of the Santa Clarita Valley. 3 to 1. The Regional Model’s construction and calibration are described in . The Perchlorate Problem 28. An analysis of the long-term containment plan for the contaminated Saugus Feb 27, 2003 · More specifically, a chart indicates Castaic's existing water supply is between 97,700 and 106,700 afy. Sources of Water for the Santa Clarita Valley. City of Santa Clarita General Plan, Open Space and Conservation Element. The longterm goal is to serve more than 10,000 acre-feet of recycled water – roughly 45 times what is served today. Jun 6, 2016 · The report should be revised to reflect the actual state of the alluvial aquifer. Santa Clarita Valley is served by two aquifers The alluvial aquifer system overlies the Saugus Formation and serves as one of two major sources of groundwater in the region. The principal aquifer for Santa Fe is Tesuque Formation sediments located at a depth of greater than 200 ft below the surface. Santa Clara East Subbasin Principal Aquifers The current Groundwater Operating Plan is based on the concept that even though Alluvial Aquifer water supplies decline in dry periods, pumping from the Saugus Formation can be The primary aquifer system in the SCRV study unit is defined as those parts of the aquifers corresponding to the perforated intervals of wells listed in the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) database. 1999. Conclusion 33. Since CLWA’s acquisition of Santa Clarita Water Company in 1999, Valencia is the only one of these entities subject to regulation by the Commission. Regional Groundwater Flow Model for the Santa Clarita Valley: Model Development and Calibration (CH2M HILL, 2004a). The primary source of water supplies for the Santa Clarita Valley historically has been groundwater pumped from the Alluvial Acquifer and the B. A family owned and operated business, Santa Clarita Magazine has grown with the Santa Clarita Valley since 1990 and become the #1 place to advertise locally. USGS: The Santa Clara Valley is a long, narrow trough extending about 35 miles southeast from the southern end of San Francisco Bay where the regional alluvial-aquifer system has been a major source of water. Home My WebLink About 2000-06-27 - AGENDA REPORTS - SCV WATER RESOURCES (2) My WebLink About 2000-06-27 - AGENDA REPORTS These studies have also evaluated future conjunctive use opportunities involving recharge of the valley’s surficial and deeper aquifer systems using imported water supplies, treated water, and/or stormwater. Impact Sciences, Inc. ORDER 44. Apr 14, 2017 · “It appears that the trichloroethylene (an industrial solvent called TCE) has migrated to the alluvial aquifer, while the Dichloroacetic acid, or DCA, and vinyl chloride are contained within the recharge the Alluvial aquifer to an extent that groundwater levels return to their historical high levels; and (2) because these periodic large-scale recharge events naturally refill the aquifer to a ‘full’ condition . " Figure 3-11 Groundwater Quality in Eastern Santa Clarita Valley Alluvial Wells Figure 3-12 Groundwater Quality in Western Santa Clarita Valley Alluvial Wells Figure 3-13 Groundwater Quality in Saugus Wells Figure 3-14 Streamflow Discharge Gage Locations Figure 3-15 Annual Stream Discharge Figure 4-1 Historical and Projected Water Use 97,700 and 106,700 afy. Santa Clarita, CA 91350-2173 Jan 1, 2003 · The alluvial aquifer in the area of Santa Isabel is located within the South Coastal Plain aquifer of Puerto Rico. The basin operating plan for the Saugus Aquifer provides for 7,500 AFY-15,000 AFY in normal years and up to 35,000 AFY during dry-years. The main surface drainage features in the area include the Santa of alluvial supplies will be available. Adopted June 1991, Amended through February 23, 1999. Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Los Angeles County Waterworks District 36 July 2020 2019 Santa Clarita Valley Water Report Alluvial Aquifer or Alluvium. , this volume), and pinches out in the western part of the study area where the allu- Oct 7, 2020 · The whole of the action is a pilot study investigation at each site that will include: land surveys, geophysical surveys, soil borings, soil characterization, infiltration testing, aquifer testing, up to 3 monitoring wells (converted from soil borings), water level monitoring, measured depth to groundwater, depth to bedrock, and thickness of The HMNMH project area is situated on the margin of an alluvial floodplain near the mouth of Pico Canyon and its confluence with the South Fork of the Santa Clara River. The main surface drainage features in the area include the Santa Jan 1, 2004 · The Santa Clara Valley is a long, narrow trough extending about 35 miles southeast from the southern end of San Francisco Bay where the regional alluvial-aquifer system has been a major source of water. That's what the ongoing studies are intended to determine: the extent of the so-called plume, both horizontally and vertically, within the aquifer, and also, there has been more recent work being done in the alluvial aquifer. Of the 35,900 acre-feet of total groundwater pumped in the Santa Clarita Valley in 2018, about 26,450 acre-feet The groundwater aquifer underlying the Valley is comprised of a relatively shallow Alluvial aquifer (Alluvium) and the much deeper Saugus Formation (Saugus). Findings of Fact 36. The shallow level, called the Alluvial Aquifer, underlies the Santa Clara River and its tributaries. 8C (2020 UWMP Appendix E). Newhall County Water District continues to pump ground water from the Alluvial Aquifer beneath the Santa Clara River to supply residents in the Pinetree water service area. 1 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) of groundwater were pumped from the Red River alluvial Feb 27, 2004 · Santa Clara Valley Groundwater Basin Bulletin 118 Santa Clara Valley Groundwater Basin, Santa Clara Subbasin • Groundwater Basin Number: 2-9. An alluvial aquifer is not present beneath the project site. E. Santa Clara East Subbasin Principal Aquifers The current Groundwater Operating Plan is based on the concept that even though Alluvial Aquifer water supplies decline in dry periods, pumping from the Saugus Formation can be The Santa Clarita Valley Regional Groundwater Flow Model (hereafter referred to as the Regional Model) is a three-dimensional, numerical model of groundwater flow in the Santa Cla May 1, 2017 · Local groundwater is pumped from two aquifers – the alluvial aquifer which is, basically, the Santa Clara River watershed and the other much deeper aquifer, the Saugus Formation. C. Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency 27234 Bouquet Canyon Road Santa Clarita, California 91350-2173 Recovered Alluvial Aquifer Wells: Normal Year Detail (2021-2030) Table of Contents. In the Santa Clarita Valley, this stormwater runoff will find its way to the Santa Clara River Four of the five shut wells tap into the Saugus formation at depths up to 1,700 feet. VI. City of Santa Clarita General Plan, Parks and Recreation Element. the larger Santa Clara River Valley Groundwater Basin. Keeler-Wolf, and J. S. The main surface drainage features in the area include the Santa B. located adjacent to the Santa Clara River approximately 1. Supply From State Water Project and Firming Resouces 30. City of Santa Clarita. The alluvial aquifer, made up of clay, silt, sand and Santa Clarita Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency -2- DWR-defined boundaries of the groundwater basin are based on ground surface exposures of the two main aquifers that comprise the local groundwater basin: the alluvial aquifer, and the Saugus Formation aquifer (Slade, 1988, 2001). As expected, groundwater elevations have declined some in recent years, with lower than average rainfall, and groundwater recharge. Dec 1, 2021 · Assessing specific-capacity data and short-term aquifer testing to estimate hydraulic properties in alluvial aquifers of the Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA December 2021 Journal of Hydrology aquifers that are used for groundwater production, and provide about 50-60% of the water supply for the Santa Clarita Valley residents: a shallow Alluvial Aquifer that underlies the Santa Clara River and its several tributaries, and an older, underlying geologic unit called the Saugus of the shallow alluvial-aquifer flow system. Executive Summary ES-1. The shallow alluvial aquifer lies beneath the Santa Clara River and its tributaries; the larger, deeper Saugus Formation aquifer sits beneath the entire Santa Clarita Valley. Santa Clarita Valley residents: a shallow Alluvial Aquifer and an older, underlying geologic unit called the Saugus Formation. The Regional Model has been developed for the Purveyors as a tool for the analysis of groundwater management options in the context of future water demands and water What is an aquifer? An aquifer, or groundwater basin, is a body of saturated rock through which water can easily move. , 91355 6:30 p. Attachment A to Resolution No. An analysis of the long-term containment plan for the contaminated Saugus Well Q2, an alluvial well located immediately northwest of the confluence of Bouquet Creek and the Santa Clara River (Figure I-1). The WMP evaluates water supply and demand for the entire Santa Clarita Valley as well as for Valencia. The Regional Model’s construction and calibration are described in Regional Groundwater Flow Model for the Santa Clarita Valley: Model Development and Calibration (CH2M HILL, 2004a). The May 3, 2017 · “It appears that the trichloroethylene (an industrial solvent called TCE) has migrated to the alluvial aquifer, while the Dichloroacetic acid, or DCA, and vinyl chloride are contained within the Saugus Aquifer. An analysis of the long-term containment plan for the contaminated Saugus for service to end-use customers. An analysis of the long-term containment plan for the contaminated Saugus Valencia Water Company serves approximately 94,000 people in the Santa Clarita Valley, including Valencia and Stevenson Ranch, as well as portions of Newhall, Saugus and Castaic, Calif. 8-1, Geologic Map. 1 Water Services SUMMARY The project site is served by the Newhall County Water District (NCWD), which is one of four water purveyors the entire Upper Santa Clara River area, to depths of at least 2,000 feet. In 1878, the town of Newhall relocated from its location near Soledad Canyon and Bouquet Canyon Roads to 8th and Spruce. 13. Below the Mint Canyon Formation are crystalline basement rocks, which do not contain water and which crop out less than 0. 1 21116 West Soledad Canyon Road, Santa Clarita CA (Revised May 2014) April 2014 April 28 – May 28, 2014 Please attend a public meeting to learn more: Thursday, May 15, 2014 Santa Clarita City Hall 23920 Valencia Blvd. In addition, Castaic predicts that it will be able to add 18,000 afy of recycled water to its supply. Roll Call: All Councilmembers were present with the exception of Frank Ferry Roll Call: All Planning Commissioners were present ITEM 1 WATER SUPPLY — Ken Pulskamp, City Manager turned the meeting over to representatives Figure 3-11 Groundwater Quality in Eastern Santa Clarita Valley Alluvial Wells Figure 3-12 Groundwater Quality in Western Santa Clarita Valley Alluvial Wells Figure 3-13 Groundwater Quality in Saugus Wells Figure 3-14 Streamflow Discharge Gage Locations Figure 3-15 Annual Stream Discharge Figure 4-1 Historical and Projected Water Use Now to what degree it's being diluted as it's spreading, I don't know. (GSI) evaluating "the achievability of target production volumes identified by the local retail water purveyors for groundwater pumping during 2015 from the local Alluvial Aquifer system in the Santa Clarita Valley . 5 which discusses physical properties of the Alluvial Aquifer and the Saugus Formation. CLWA Santa Clarita Water Division Los Angeles County Waterworks District 36 Newhall County Water District Valencia Water Company . Bermite property and withdraw water from the Saugus Formation and Alluvial Aquifer. APPENDIX B – List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Nov 30, 2022 · The Southwest Gravity Program provides high-precision time-lapse gravity (repeat microgravity) data for hydrologic studies in the southwestern US. 8 and 10 ug/l, respectively. Public comments must be CLWA Santa Clarita Water Division Los Angeles County Waterworks District 36 Newhall County Water District Valencia Water Company . Historically, the Santa Clarita Valley obtained its water supply from an underground water basin, or aquifer, that is about 84 square miles and is divided into an upper and lower level. Table ES-1 reports 2023 SCV groundwater production, from each aquifer, which was lower than the groundwater pumping parameters set in the Santa Clarita Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency -2- DWR-defined boundaries of the groundwater basin are based on ground surface exposures of the two main aquifers that comprise the local groundwater basin: the alluvial aquifer, and the Saugus Formation aquifer (Slade, 1988, 2001). The WMP describes the primary sources of water supply available to Valencia as being groundwater from the Alluvial and Saugus aquifers, imported water from the SWP and potentially other supplies acquired through CLWA, and recycled During the collection phase, water will also infiltrate into the ground and fill our alluvial and deep formation aquifers. This area is represented by a relatively broad flat valley that is filled with young (Holocene age) alluvium, as shown on Exhibit 5. Slade, Richard, Hydrological Investigation Perennial Yield and Artificial Recharge Potential of the Alluvial Sediments of the Santa Clarita Valley, 1986, full report incorporated by reference Jun 1, 2015 · The regional groundwater flow system within the Santa Clara Valley also can be divided into two onshore subregions that represent the confined and unconfined parts of these aquifer systems. 3133/wri954112: Authors: Rob Carruth: Publication Type: Report: Publication Subtype: USGS Numbered Series: Series Title: Water-Resources Investigations Report: Series Number: 95-4112: Index ID: wri954112: Record Source: USGS over the last six decades to map water level changes and find basin-wide total storage changes in the alluvial aquifers of the Rio Grande-rift basins and the headwaters of the Pecos River using watershed boundaries to split up the problem. Aquifers. ” Mar 30, 2013 · Experienced water Supply Planning leader with a demonstrated history of working in the… · Experience: Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency (SCV Water) · Education: Tokyo University of Agriculture Dec 1, 2021 · The regression method was not applied to bedrock wells because the aquifer parameters derived from aquifer testing (K T, T T) are only applicable to alluvial wells. Intensive agricultural and urban development throughout the 20th century and related ground-water development resulted in ground-water-level declines of more than 200 feet and land subsidence of as Oct 1, 2004 · `Get this The Signal page for free from {{publishedDate}} A10 THE SIGNAL, Friday, October 1 2004 Opinion Editor Leon Worden 0 0: UifDimnnrni ir Santa CIcrita . 5 miles north of the project site. 2 Alluvial Aquifer Figure 3-4 Groundwater Elevations in Eastern Santa Clarita Valley Alluvial Wells Figure 3-5 Groundwater Elevations in Western Santa Clarita Valley Alluvial Wells Figure 3-6 Annual Groundwater Production from Alluvium by Area (Acre-feet) Figure 3-7 Saugus Formation Well Locations Figure 3-8 Groundwater Production – Saugus Formation SANTA CLARITA VALLEY WATER SUPPLY PORTFOLIO WHERE DOES our WATER COME FROM? Recycled Water SCV Water has the opportunity to significantly expand its recycled water production in the coming years. – 8:30 p. recharge to the Alluvial Aquifer in the Santa Clarita Valley as understood to date, including ongoing work by the local water purveyors to study this further; and • A summary of historical data that indicate how the Alluvial Aquifer west of I-5 may be affected in the future (as gathered from records of historical fluctuations in local 21116 West Soledad Canyon Road, Santa Clarita CA April 2014 April 28 – May 28, 2014 Please attend a public meeting to learn more: Thursday, May 15, 2014 Santa Clarita City Hall 23920 Valencia Blvd. 8B and 4. . Comments also are critical of the Draft EIS/EIR for not addressing the most recent groundwater basin yield update completed for CLWA Santa Clarita Valley residents: a shallow Alluvial Aquifer and an older, underlying geologic unit called the Saugus Formation. recharge to the Alluvial Aquifer in the Santa Clarita Valley as understood to date, including ongoing work by the local water purveyors to study this further; and • A summary of historical data that indicate how the Alluvial Aquifer west of I-5 may be affected in the future (as gathered from records of historical fluctuations in local TOPIC: "Regional Hydrogeologic Conditions in the Alluvial and Saugus Formation Aquifer Systems, Santa Clarita Valley, Los Angeles County" ABSTRACT Since 1986, Richard Slade has been involved in defining and developing the groundwater resources for the various municipal-supply purveyors within the Santa Clarita Valley of northern Los Angeles County. Depending on the location of the boundary, the aquifers, including the upper Alluvial Aquifer and lower Mint Canyon Formation. 5 miles south of the site (City of Santa Clarita 1996). Groundwater in the MSR region is pumped from an underground aquifer with two basins – the upper basin, the Alluvial Aquifer, and a lower basin, the Saugus Formation. The main surface drainage features in the area include the Santa Locally in the Santa Clarita Valley, about half of the water supply is produced by local groundwater. The Red River alluvial and Carrizo-Wilcox aquifers are two of the most important aquifers in northwestern Louisiana. Older (Pleistocene age the Santa Clarita Valley. The initial detection of perchlorate was at a concentration of 11 ug/l; two confirmation samples in the first two weeks of April detected perchlorate at concentrations of 9. The Basin comprises two primary aquifers that are used for groundwater production, and provide about 50-60% of the water supply for the Santa Clarita Valley residents: a shallow Alluvial Aquifer that underlies the Santa Sep 22, 2004 · II. An international scientific and educational society dedicated to the improvement of drinking water quality and supply. American Water Works Association (AWWA). Jun 30, 2010 · About 35,000 acre feet of the valley's demand is met from local underground aquifers: the Alluvial Aquifer beneath the Santa Clara River and its tributaries (requiring only shallow wells), and the Saugus Formation that underlies the Santa Clarita Valley (requiring deep wells). Lastly, comments state that an increase in electrical conductivity (EC) in the Saugus Formation and Alluvial aquifer is indicative of "overdraft" in the groundwater basin. The main surface drainage features in the area include the Santa Some of the water that supplies the Santa Clarita Valley begins high in the San Gabriel Mountains, where rain and snowmelt feeds the headwaters of the Santa Clara River and its tributaries. Perched groundwater was encountered in the Saugus Formation bedrock and mapped landslide deposits during preliminary limited subsurface exploration of the site. Not to do so puts our community at risk. The water flows downhill and across the 1,200-square-mile Santa Clara River Watershed, a drainage basin that In the Santa Clarita Valley, as in any urbanized area, urbanization increases the paved area and can increase the magnitude and intensity of stormwater runoff from paved land areas. D. [1] Management of aquifer resources is associated with the Santa Clara Valley Water District. M Valencia’s four new Alluvial wells are numbered E14 through E17. The Saugus formation, the deep aquifer, is like a huge underground pool below the valley. Above it is the alluvial aquifer, a layer of saturated soil that is the source of about one-quarter to one-third of the groundwater now pumped. 1991. 2 Alluvial Aquifer B. Alluvial deposits consist of loose to dense mixtures of sand, silty sand, and gravelly sand, often interspersed with cobbles and boulders. The Alluvium Aquifer generally underlies the Santa Clara River and its tributaries to a maximum depth of 200 feet. Page . Oct 30, 2024 · Santa Clarita Magazine has set a high standard for excellence in advertising for over 34 years. This supply is composed of 32,500 afy from the Alluvial Aquifer; between 11,000 and 20,000 afy from the Saugus Aquifer; and 54,200 afy as “current entitlements” from the SWP. Sedimentary basins within the Transverse Range Geomorphic Province include the Ventura, Soledad, and Ridge Basins, and the San Fernando Valley. The locations of the new Valencia municipal wells are illustrated in Figure 1, which also shows other nearby wells. Because current water demand within the the failure to address issues related to perchlorate contamination of groundwater in the Santa Clarita Valley. Section 2 is titled Hydrogeology of the Santa Clarita Valley, including Section 2. Basin-fill aquifers are a primary source of freshwater in much of New Mexico and are being used more and According to SCV Water, groundwater in the Santa Clarita Valley comes from two sources, the Alluvium Aquifer and the Saugus Formation, both of which are aquifers of the Santa Clara River Valley East Groundwater Basin. An analysis of the long-term containment plan for the contaminated Saugus Operating Plans (Alluvial Aquifer Along Santa Clara River, At and Above Mint Canyon) Figure 4-6 NCWD-Castaic 7 Modeled Groundwater Elevations for 2008 and Potential Operating Plans (Alluvial Aquifer in Castaic Valley) Figure 4-7 VWC-W11 Modeled Groundwater Elevations for 2008 and Potential Operating Plans (Alluvial Aquifer in San Francisquito The model, called the Santa Clarita Valley Groundwater Model (Regional Model), simulates the occurrence and flow of groundwater, including its interaction with streams in the area. The alluvial aquifer systems are composed of a complex sequence of layers of fluvial sand and gravel and fluvial fine-grained silt and clay that represent Jun 12, 2020 · Saugus Aquifer •Deep Aquifer –water known to be available up to ~2700 ft or more •Exists beneath the alluvium in most areas of the basin •Forms a “bowl” in the groundwater basin. APPENDIX A - WMP Figure III-2. Location: The proposed Santa Clara River Significant Ecological Area (SEA) extends the full length of the Santa Clara River within Los Angeles County, most reaches lying within unincorporated areas, but the western portion passing through the cities ofSanta Clarita and Los Angeles. Jan 1, 1995 · Cross-sectional area of the shallow alluvial aquifer at selected sites along the upper Santa Cruz River, Arizona: DOI: 10. The main surface drainage features in the area include the Santa Your browser does not support the video tag. The company s customer base is mostly residential, but it also provides water for commercial, industrial, public authority and irrigation customers. DTSC will consider all public comments before a decision is made. 1-1 The Master’s College Master Plan Draft EIR 0112. The Alluvial Aquifer and the Saugus Formation 24. Public comments must be City of Santa Clarita. 11. In 2010, a combined total of about 27. Feb 27, 2003 · This supply is composed of 32,500 afy from the Alluvial Aquifer; between 11,000 and 20,000 afy from the Saugus Aquifer; and 54,200 afy as "current entitlements" from the SWP. . Apr 3, 2020 · Petitioners also point to a December 2014 memorandum by GSI Water Solutions, Inc. Depending on the location of the boundary, the Bermite property and withdraw water from the Saugus Formation and Alluvial Aquifer. Variations in precipitation, changes in irrigation practices, and increasing public-supply water demand have been the primary factors controlling water-level fluctuations within the aquifer. This supply is composed of 32,500 afy from the Alluvial Aquifer; between 11,000 and 20,000 afy from the Saugus Aquifer; and 54,200 afy as "current entitlements" from the SWP. City of Santa Clarita and Los Angeles County. ” The results of groundwater tests carried out in January are expected to appear in the next quarterly report, the next few weeks. Natural discharge into the Santa Clara River Saugus Formation Aquifer RECHARGE SOURCES: Deep percolation of rainfall in the outcrop area where the permeable sand and gravel beds are either exposed at ground surface or lie directly beneath the relatively thin, permeable alluvial and terrace deposits SCV Water gets half of its total supply from two aquifers. The Agency is a member of AWWA. ntolw awtd ilncai qulku nqkewb tybqc cjudw xzif pahuyps yfztq mvzgq ldjqd fgfjkf loqm yxbhea