Cmake add dll dependency I used MXE to prepare building environment (install mingw32 and compile Qt5 shared libraries). In normal cases, if you know the output of COMMAND, then place it into add_custom_command(OUTPUT) flow. 8. Hello, I have the following problem, when including an external library to my project, in Qt, when using qmake, it was only necessary to do: INCLUDEPATH + = "$$ PWD / mylib / include" LIBS + = -L "$$ PWD / mylib / lib" LIBS + = -lthislib -lotherlib Currently, there seems to be no other way than to copy dlls manually in a post-build step. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION To force cmake to make /usr/include a dependency that is NOT optimized away, try this trick: prepend /. txt to prevent having a dependency between the different project teams working an App1, App2, etc (and I couldn't think of one that is on one site generic enough for all projects and on the other Once CMake has successfully built an executable which requires some shared libraries, by using 'ldd', we can easily get the list of shared library dependencies and where we can find them. I have a c++ project with a couple of executables set up with cmake. conker. The best answer nowadays (the question is from 2009) is IMO this one. in my own solution, there is a shared library(. Question Why . get_target_property(__dll_dbg opencv_world With newer CMake (>= 3. e. A subproject for a library. dll and its dependencies on the build folder in order to use it. set( CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS True ) at the front of the top-level CMakeLists file, all symbols* from all shared libraries built within the project will be automatically exported, thus producing the relevant . h files into add_executable. I use a visual studio generator for both of them. h" "implementation. The dependency's sources will be built along with the rest of the project, just as though the sources were part of the project's own sources. dll ends up correctly next to test_hello_world. Just simply add in your DEPENDENCY project this function and fill in include directories you want to see in the main project. I have started at the bottom (lowest level library) to simplify things for the moment. 0. CMake - Define dlls directory or files for a generated project. Repository B creates a shared library that we have a relocatable package for. The reason is, this stopped to be an issue when we started using the CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, and we were able to test our program directly from the bin directory SET(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin), without the necessity to call install. dll; c. Just to make clear that target_link_libraries expects the target name 'component' from within the subdir's CMakeLists. I think the tool DependencyWalker (depends. dll depends on various other (legacy) pre-built . cmake I can see it creates different properties for the Qt5::Widgets target to refer to the DLL, depending on the currently active configuration. Since your library libB needs a header from libA to compile, let's say libA is a dependency of libB. Managing the Qt dll dependencies any other way is a Bad Idea. And, you can nearly do it with CMake 3. CPack WIX install a file outside the install tree. You can specify target dependencies explicitly by add_dependencies command:. 1 I have created a project that is split into several directories, each of the directories creating a shared library with add_library(SubdirectoryProject SHARED ${ALL_FILES}) in CMake. dll and library. My target linked with several libraries using TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES with PUBLIC keyword, The INSTALL command looks like INSTALL(TARGETS foo DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin). ) install( DIRECTORY ${dir_where_dll_is_stored} DESTINATION . The dependencies of targets belonging to a runtime dependency set are installed in the RUNTIME destination and component on DLL platforms, and in the LIBRARY destination and component on non-DLL platforms. To create a library that produces a DLL: CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 3. On Windows, this works fine The build finishes successfully, but when I open the resulting exe file with Dependency Walker I get an unresolved dependency to myLib. 21), you may not want to use file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES) in some cases. to the path. CMake will care the rest. lib file of your third party library. CMake is an open-source, Handling DLL dependencies with the install and find\_library commands; Generating Visual Studio files with the Setup: Repository A creates a shared library that we have a relocatable packages for. According to the documentation target_link_libraries, add_dependencies concepts was ideologically split. In my project I rely on some third party shared library named foo. (I say <prefix>_LIBRARY"should" contain a DLL path, because then it'll always hold the value you set as the IMPORTED_LOCATION for a SHARED IMPORTED target. 7 onwards. Foo. From a CMake documentation point of view-- You should prefer make so to guarantee the correct build order. dlls, as well as a data file called bar. exe install openssl:x86-windows-static Make sure you run CMake with VCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET set to x86-windows-static or whatever platform you're on. If you add the documentation to the all target, then doing make install will also build the documentation. There’s no import library. With runtime dependencies, I mean stuff like configuration json files, pre build dlls, and other resources which are not needed to build but are needed to actually run an executable. If it is created within the project an ordering dependency In my case, I looked for something working using visual Studio (which supports multiple configurations in the build tree), the command would be slightly modified. This is what I do as well - any data or DLL dependencies I’ve wrapped into an install command. 8 cmake the following imported targets are referenced, but are missing. Use the CMake GUI to have SIFTGPU_INCLUDE_DIR pointing to the directory containing the header files and SIFTGPU_LIBRARY to the . 4 on windows 8. If you put. I imported it to the visual studio and built it. Jose Peiro Pardo Jose Peiro Pardo. txt is: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION There was such a problem: using cmake to install the compiled executable in a certain directory, along with all the dependent libraries You can use Dependency Walker to get the complete list of dll dependencies. For example, Z-lib compression. using the fixtures feature in cmake available from version 3. New to CMake, and I'm having a hard time understanding how to use generator expressions. See the DEPENDS option of ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET and ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND for adding file-level dependencies The code below does not add the dll files to the package. outpost. Your root CMakeLists. libB. I don’t think CMake is able to install such targets (though I also think it be able to guess that it’s a shared library by inspecting IMPORTED_LOCATION property). So far I didn't add a root level CMakeLists. The thing I can't achieve is to deliver shared Qt dlls to my built I have a cmake project that creates a shared library that uses FFMPEG from vcpkg, and installs the shared library along with FFMPEG . Commented So I elected to create a CMake function library which allows targets to specify what DLLs they depend upon. CMake Include dependencies of imported library without linking. "Add library" feature in QT opens a form. a $<TARGET_FILE:lib1> $<TARGET_FILE:lib2>) This should be platform-independent, because this is the command structure used to create archives internally by CMake. Repeat for every third party library, configure again and compile. External dependencies. bin and a config file called Using CMake to Generate Visual Studio Files and Handle DLL Dependencies. The obvious solution is to make sure both dll and exe are in the same folder. non-Windows-y) way, mainly due to the fact that its model of shared libraries is influenced largely by Linux . Since I have that 10-year-old bug where my installations of VS 2008 AND VS 2010 cannot create a new C++ project, I figured I'd bend my pick on generating a DLL Solution with cmake. I can clone and put them into my project as a git submodule and use add_subdirectory to use them in my project. dll's around too. After I got done installing the @JBeurer If you actually have to install these dependencies beforehand, this might not be such a good idea at all; Rather, CMake - install third party dll dependency. Both of those targets include this CmakeLists. See the FIXTURES_REQUIRED docs for a good overview and usage example. But just those. txt and a toolchain script, and they build my application OK. dll a Hi, I try to work around a shared library with a bad RUNPATH on linux. txt file. If i examine my dll with dependency walker, it shows no dependencies. You can also set the I wrote a small CMake project for a shared library: add_library(MySharedTarget SHARED "public. I've copied libpq. 7 with the same results. I did some Googling and found this: CMake link to external library, but that didn't seem to work. Hello, I’m attempting to discover GTest unit tests and execute the tests with CTest in Windows for a multi-level library project. Why so many people tend to use add_custom_command(TARGET) flow? This command flow is for some specific cases. exe is built? Description I create a new CMake file with this simple setup: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3. I’m on windows and using the MSVC compiler. A You want to statically compile. My Did you link your test application to the import library generated with your dll? You can't link to a dll. exe file will not be linked before . If you're using vcpkg you can install the dependencies as static like such vcpkg. A top-level target is one created by one of the add_executable(), add_library(), or add_custom_target() commands (but not targets generated The cmake documentation says the following about the DEPENDS parameter: The DEPENDS option specifies files on which the command depends. Instead of This will tell CMake that it must also include the headers for libA to the other projects that need it. The file will contain a number of SET commands that will set all the variables needed for library dependency information. exp; I know that this is a code smell, but the code base is way too huge to try and correct all of these cycles. First time dependencies are added in add_executable() call, but all of them should be source or header files, so you cannot add linker-dependency at this stage. Add DLL reference to CMake based C# project. But then I want to copy libpq. exe) built from my source and header files, and when executing that This question is highly related to CMake & CTest : make test doesn't build tests which has gotten a lot more attention. h: lib/lib_private. You can use add_dependencies to ensure that the test executable builds first, but that’s not the same as only producing a build product of the test runs successfully. I want somehow to force the cmake to include all (preferably excluding system libraries) libraries (SOs only) I link with to be included in the installation That’s where you do cd build && cmake . add_dependencies(< target> [< target-dependency>]) Make a top-level < target> depend on other top-level targets to ensure that they build before < target> does. dll; d. 1. dll) files using the RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET option. 18) PROJECT(DllTest) # Tell cmake we want it I’ve created a small demo repository for this: GitHub - kfsone/cmake-dlldep: Demonstrate how to implement a dll dependency in cmake. Shared libraries on Windows differ a lot from shared libraries on Linux. But I needed an easy way to compile them into a single dll. There are several ways to do this: If the dll is being built by a separate project, it's I find it most convenient to use CMake's install mechanism or obtain the location of the DLL from the imported target when using packages. I want to call Currently I'm trying to deploy a Qt application for Windows using MinGW and CMake from Linux. 4. Adding vcpkg as a submodule means that your users don't need to install it themselves, the CMake toolchain will install it on your behalf. The TARGETS keyword is immediately followed by a list of the targets created using add_executable or add_library, which are to be installed. g. dll (dynamic link libraries) dependencies and sub-dependencies will be copied to my build directory I have a task to build a DLL with MSVS that can be accessed from a Python script using ctypes. Similarly, you should add the PUBLIC keyword here also: While Vcpkg copy all dependency DLLs include one for Qt properly it's there is no option to do that for install. lib and . But, It does have the nice benefit of making the files show up in Visual Studio projects in the expected location. 21 the generator expression $<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS:> is helpful. Keep in mind, that it will gather all dependent libraries including system, you will need to filter them. 0 How to create dependencies in CMake. However, I'm curious, is it possible to make Qt catch this dependency via some CMake command and automatically add A. Hello, new to C++ and cmake, so apologies if I’m missing something obvious I’m trying to build a small project that depends on two packages I downloaded from vcpkg, “gamma” and “qtbase”. dll in a post build command, but it's not sufficient because it depends on other libraries. This is because CMake expects a SHARED library to always have an associated import library on Windows. txt should look like this:. Finally, we have an application C that links with/uses Repo-B and because of the interface automatically I have an external project and an imported shared library. I cannot find information on what each of the Pre and Post Include and I am using CMake on a linux environment using cmake 2. The include directories and implib all work correctly, but trying to install the shared library (dll) fails with the following error: ins execute_process() runs a command at configure time (i. txt. Share. 21), you can use the option RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES to automatically detect which dll to copy (note that you must install not only the compiled target, but also the compiled subtargets, for CPack to work properly): I am trying to use ExternalProject_add() to download/install dependencies. The BUILD_SHARED_LIBS variable may be enabled to change the behavior of add_library() to build shared libraries by default. Also, modern CMake encourages the use of target_include_directories() instead of include_directories(). From the other side, you needn't to bother about Makefiles produced by CMake. . windeployqt does all that for you. dll. The named target must be created by add_library() within the project or as an IMPORTED library. dll; Each project (or target in CMake's terminology) lies in its own subdirectory, and has its own CMakeLists. cmake import CMakeDeps, CMakeToolchain, CMake I'm trying to include libheif into my project using cmake. I have looked all over on how to include dll and libraries, but all the results either need me to use the cmake GUI, Linking against an ExternalProject_add dependency in CMAKE. my CMakeListst. org] on behalf of Marek Vojtko (Firaxis) XercesC::XercesC is probably UNKNOWN IMPORTED target. But all other libs will still copied. 3. Can you help me in generating the dll file using cmake in the above case. How does this tell cmake You can add a custom command to run cmake -P get_runtime_deps. I want to build an application that depends on the OpenCV (version 3. Currently due to the way CMake works, even without this macro, the output of find_library() is the IMPORTED_LOCATION on non-Windows platforms, but the IMPORTED_IMPLIB on Windows Moreover, you'll need to add_dependencies(myproj mylib) to insure that . I have a CMake project where I link with fmt::fmt which is specified in the conanfile. (And I often write small batch scripts to set up this development environment, and then optionally start cmake-gui. Improve this answer. By default the library file will be Installing Targets¶. Examples: api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l1-2-1. The INTERFACE variant of user-defined Based on How do I set the options for CMAKE_AR?, it looks like the better way to do this would be:. test. It is using CMake to generate the UT framework as configurable static or dynamic libraries using the final syntax like: cxx_library(gtest "${cxx_strict}" src/gtest-all. Anyway We have a pre-built . dll now copied <TARGET_FILE:Qt6::Core>is wrong. As case I use GTest for unit-testing that is linking as shared libraries. cmake. dll with cmake. It is a waste of bytes. The buildsystem will have a dependency to re-link <target> if the library file changes. I am trying to create a simple CMake that retrieves the DLLs of Qt and copy it in the directory in which cmake creates my executable. The OBJECT_DEPENDS source file property Add a library to the project using the specified source files. 18) PROJECT(DllTest) # Tell cmake we want it to automate generating an export stub for the dll SET(CMAKE_WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS ON) ADD_LIBRARY( mylib SHARED (on the IRC channel I mentioned that I tried that solution but it didn’t copy zlib’s DLL) I currently want to create an installer with cmake, but don't add all necessary DLLs by myself to CMakeLists. Add a library target called <name> to be built from the source files listed in the command invocation. Any ideas what commands I need to use to use the shared libraries? EDIT: Personally, I find it much simpler just to expect the Path to include the locations of the DLL files as opposed to copying them. CMake: How to set dependency from executable to custom target. Projects typically install some of the library and executable files created during their build process. 21; it looks like SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES doesn’t take generate expressions for IMPORTED_IMPLIB or IMPORTED_LOCATION, and you still need Zeroth, an update. I'm trying to use add_custom_command to create a post-build command to copy Qt DLLs to the executable directory. boost, openssl I build the external libraries (as they come with a cmake to build in general). This IMPORTED_RUNTIME_ARTIFACTS will only traverse DLLs known to CMake via IMPORTED targets. I want to use ExternalProject to build both, the Hello guys, i am just trying to use a library for a robot in my qt6 project. It showed all the other dlls were system dlls and my application was probably loading them from the system, whereas the dlls I needed to add, it showed those dlls as missing dependencies when I used it on the cpprestsdk_2_10d. macOS frameworks are installed in Each <item> may be:. sln is created. Library linking in GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES return dlls that do not physically exist and are part of the concept that Microsoft refers to as API sets. dll, which depends on a. In addition there's a top-level CMakeLists. h: lib/lib. cc) But it defines cxx_library and some other functions internally. So I have a DLL that is being built with CMake that requires a specific manifest file to be embedded. In this blog post we demonstrate how to use CMake to build a large toolkit like Intel® Threading Building Blocks (TBB). The way my In your Shared Libraries CMakeLists. path/to/source), add_custom_command() and add_custom_target() run a command at build time (i. So one solution should be to use fixup_bundle, like here suggested, so hopefully he copy all DLLs, which he can detect with a dependency walker and are on path. exe) is the right answer for this. My real problem here is: how to install the executable and its dependencies. C++ build process - lib dependencies. 3 How to package c++ dependencies on linux. 0. 1 CMake manage dependency (libsodium) 3 How to Since the installation is likely to happen to the same machine (on wich your library is to be compiled), and the Boost library is already installed (since it can be found), you should export your library with its dependencies via Config. Hello, First time at here. As of the next version of CMake (3. txt: # # Test executables # add_library(library_obj OBJECT) I'm using Vcpkg for simplicity but you should compile your dependencies as static libraries instead of shared. 0 CMake undefined reference to class. Umer Javaid This post explains using add_custom_command and add_custom_target in CMake to automate tasks like file generation and external tool integration. I’m currently trying to bundle all external dependencies with my final executable, that way I can move it around without needing to move . dll, called Foo. A subproject for unit-tests The dependencies of targets belonging to a runtime dependency set are installed in the RUNTIME destination and component on DLL platforms, and in the LIBRARY destination and component on non-DLL platforms. 1 Like alex (Alex Reinking) April 15, 2020, 8:08am The DEPENDS option of add_custom_target() and add_custom_command() commands for adding file-level dependencies in custom rules. I can also recommend [CMake] Mingw64: add a statically linked library adds libstdc++ dependency William Zeitler william at williamzeitler. There is no need to add anything to the install target. dll, which has no dependency; b. add_custom_target(combined ALL COMMAND ${CMAKE_CXX_ARCHIVE_CREATE} libcombined. com Sat Jun 15 15:33:38 EDT 2019. The C# Create a file named <file> that can be included into a CMake listfile with the INCLUDE command. A subproject for a main application. Since this is at least the 3rd place in the web where I found examples with equal names for subdir and link-item, I got a little confused and Project dependencies in CMake are not managed by changing add_subdirectory() order. obj and lib1. 2 CMake install target dependencies. Suppose that the project depends on serveral 3rd-party libraries. The VS_DOTNET_REFERENCES property is typically used for Visual Studio managed references only. macOS frameworks are installed in The FetchContent module provides functionality to download content (typically sources, but can be anything) and add it to the main project if the dependency also uses CMake. dlls are not copied to the build/Release/ directory as . DLL using lib2. dll files I'm using CMake to build an application made up of four projects: a. It has no ability to differentiate between 32-bit and 64-bit shared libraries, for one thing, so it's irritatingly common to get wrong-arch libs returned on Linux. The . How to with CPack generate the WIX package? 0. There are known issues with this the scanner. add_library(foo SHARED IMPORTED) set_target_properties(foo PROPERTIES The program has a dependency on libpq that's che C PostgreSQL library. dll', 'System', and my other references, but I don't know how to include them via CMake. 0 with CMake support and meet the very similar situation, i. Windows DLL names are case-insensitive, To create a library that produces a DLL: CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 3. The optional <type> specifies To add an external DLL path for CMake, you can use the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable to specify the directories where CMake should look for external dependencies. This module has the VTK library (version 7. dll file i need it to be something else like mylib. cpp") target_include_directories( MySharedTarget INTERFACE $<BUILD_INTERFACE:${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}> # when using within the build, the include directories is the current source dir Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company We build our documentation by adding it with add_custom_target with the ALL option specified so it builds with the all target. 6) viz module. But it take much time to compile these libs, and I can not manage cmake variables in my projects, and install() command make my package contains many things that I don't need. dll" to something else? add_library(mylib SHARED <src>) So instead of creating a mylib. One or more files corresponding to each target will be Let’s say I have two targets that I am working on Windows. I think it's a good method. I'm working on project that use some third-party libraries. What I want to achieve:. cmake --build path/to/build). This won't work for Qt libs and Mingw libs itself, because these would need to be compiled statically, too. Fundamentally, This would involve adding the correct custom commands and @donturner You don't have to add . @NimaGhorab Short answer: MinGW treats dynamic libraries in a weird (ie. 12: If the CONFIGURE_DEPENDS flag is specified, CMake will add logic to the main build system check target to rerun the flagged GLOB commands at build time. For my own code, I have CMake put the dlls in the same folder as the executable so no copying is I don't know what you're particularly interested in From a conceptual point of view-- I think you're right. When I compile my project, the cmocka. I tried this way: Added in version 3. dll) and a executable(. And the possibility of Cyclic Dependencies of Static Libraries. As of CMake 3. the command works in parallel of find_package( OpenCV REQUIRED ). (Which would be a good thing, as it works poorly. 1 cmake - undefined reference to. You need to do more than just copy dll's to get Qt apps to run, there are directory structures/dependencies that have to be mirrored exactly in your binary directory. My issue, which I have “solved”, is for the unit test executable to find the relevant dependency DLLs on Windows when built as shared libraries. But CMake doesn't allow adding dependencies for one file more than once. Every of the libraries is in different directory and was listed to a variable with LIST(APPEDN LIBRARIES ${3rdParty1_LIBS}) # it could be 3rdParty1, 3rdParty2 or 3 blabla. lib file. then asks for type of library (internal, external or CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED ( VERSION 2. CMake - install third party dll dependency. Fortunately, CMake is very clever at handling dependencies, so your job is pretty easy: libA. Your set_property() command using the VS_DOTNET_REFERENCE_<refname> property was close, it just needs a small change:. A top-level target is one created by ADD_EXECUTABLE, ADD_LIBRARY, or ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET. (I use from conan. Basically, that means a DLL which has symbols on-board. add_dependencies(< target > [< target-dependency >])Makes a top-level <target> depend on other top-level targets to ensure that they build before <target> does. lib file like follows: target_link_libr If you have vcpkg as a submodule for your project, define a manifest for the libraries you want vcpkg to build, and are using the vcpkg CMake toolchain - then you will get everything you want. I load the PostgreSQL package, CMake find it and the program it's built. 21 as follow: You need to include the directory containing qt6core. s. exe. txt to configure my project, a test project only. From the docs quoted above: if the target is an executable or library, a file-level dependency is created. h with some code that I need in my own project. Code-completion still wroks. dll), which is however neither used by my project nor exposed in the headers of foo. dla. exe in my build hierarchy, so it executes fine (I don't really know how it works behind the scene, but I guess the vcpkg CMake toolchain On windows, the right way to copy Qt dll dependencies is to run windeployqt. The usual workflow is to install all 3rdparty dependencies via package manager, build and install a package via cpack on that same machine. For example, a Windows resource DLL or a managed C++/CLI DLL that exports no unmanaged symbols would need to be a MODULE library. 21, which allows you to get a set of dependent libraries via parameter RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET in the install command. && make to build the project. I add a premake (I could have used a cmake) to each external library and I configure so I can see the project in VS as well as the cpp and the hpp files. 4. I'm trying to build a SQLite3. Otherwise, place it directly into add_custom_target call. But currently I have no idea how is best way to use it on a target, following code won't work, Here, the EXPORT option tells CMake to create an export called MathFunctionsTargets. CMake: add dependency to IMPORTED library. 2. After building if From the OP: i. Our build server puts our builds in an opt folder, either /opt or c:/opt and I link thru various import and module or config normal methods. I am using CMakeLists. Unneeded details are hidden below: @m. Depending on your needs, you have to call culture-aware or key-signed DLLs, in which case you can add more parameters to the CreateInstance call in the factory in one place. In Qt5WidgetsConfig. dll files are generated. cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3. Feeding a custom wxs file to CPackWIX. DEPENDS inter-target will not add a file-level dependency because inter-target is a custom target, not an If the DLL that hosts the class changes, you don't have to change all the clients, just the factory. 9 CMake, Exe cant find DLL. Most of the confusion regarding how to integrate shared libraries with a portable build system like CMake Context I’ve been struggling to design a robust system within cmake for handling runtime dependencies. txt of you main project (well, relative to super-repo root) CMake: add dependency to IMPORTED library. Follow answered Mar 1, 2019 at 6:17. Makefiles uses the internal cmake -E cmake_depends to generate dependencies from the source files (header files in add_executable are skipped). ) -- Daniel Schepler _____ From: CMake [cmake-bounces at cmake. In the context of the buildsystem definition as a whole, it is largely irrelevant whether particular libraries are SHARED or STATIC-- the commands, dependency specifications and other APIs work similarly regardless of the library type. dll was appended automatically. This leads to a “file Could not resol I agree and just wanted to add the general rule that a header/include dependency most likely needs also a link dependency. txt file should do the job:. dll file in my project. exe / devenv. I’m using vcpkg in manifest mode. I'm trying to organize auto-copying runtime dependencies of executable targets to its built directories. in my real world project there are more applications then just my App1 (I added some details about this to the question). dll is not in the same folder as your myapp. exe to be in the same folder. the bar library) can be propagated to the final target. As you noted, the highly flexible ExternalProject module runs its commands at build time, so you can't make direct use of Project A's import file since it's only created once Project A has been installed. So I have red this topic: Copying dependent DLLs to executable directory? But I can’t use If a library does not export any symbols, it must not be declared as a SHARED library. Such option would be very useful for most of projects using CMake that create their installers using CMake is an excellent cross-platform build tool for automatically generating Unix Makefiles, Windows NMake Makefiles, Microsoft Visual Studio® Solution projects or Apple Xcode® projects for MacOS. I ended up creating my own macro that uses a few gen expressions, file(GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES) and a foreach to install the dependencies. . The following snippet included to the end of CMakeList. – drescherjm. Consists of custom CMake modules. dll) is located in the same folder. 1 CMake and dependencies. CMake: How to add a dependency that is not a "link" dependency. exe, which depends on a. The qt6 I am trying to use the RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY system to install the shared libraries and dlls that have been linked to in my project. create a super-repo with all your dependencies (or alternatively, write a script that downloads or clones them) write a shell script that builds all the source-only dependencies; hardcode the include dirs, libraries and compile flags of the dependencies into the CMakeLists. cmake: dependencies on object libraries. I strongly encourage to use CMake 'install' rule which - as I understand - is dedicated for the purpose you would like to achieve. Here an example: I want to install one executable that depend on two libraries of my cmake and one 3rdparty (pre-compiled). A simple copy of the files works fine. txt file, consider adding the PUBLIC keyword to ensure that the transitive dependencies (i. 1. Then you can also create a fake target to make integration very easy and hope that they’ll switch to CMake someday. cmake file. Previous message (by thread): [CMake] Cross-Compiling with CMake and QtCreator Next message (by thread): [CMake] Mingw64: add a statically linked library adds libstdc++ dependency Messages sorted by: Having CMake copy the dependent dlls to the same folder as the executable is the approach I use since I started using CMake in 2008 at work. A library target name: The generated link line will have the full path to the linkable library file associated with the target. 21 CMake: How to add dependency on linker script for Testing is a different stage in the CMake/Ctest/CPack suite, so you’re unlikely to find a way to conditionally compile/link an executable based on test results. I. I would like to add the suggestion to rename the subdir 'component' in the example to 'componentdir'. Dependencies added to an IMPORTED target are followed transitively in its place since the target itself does not build. It expands to a list of paths (in an unspecified order) to the locations of all the SHARED libraries in its transitive dependencies. 11 you can use target_include_directories. c) after running CMake using command prompt Project. If this variable is created before creating some target, if the target is RUNTIME, it will define where the output of the target will be placed. lib files. If you want to include Project A's import file, you'll have to install Project A manually before invoking Project B's I would add an POST_BUILD step to your target as follows:. How to package c++ dependencies on linux. add_library(lib1 ) add_library(lib2 ) find_package(lib3 REQUIRED) add_executable(exe ) target_link_libraries(exe PRIVATE lib1 lib2 Since CMake 2. c optWriteNlpEmpsFile. cmake. I'm working on Windows with Clion where I should config this with CMake. dll, that we load with LoadLibrary(). 11 CMake library dependencies. Follow answered Nov 7, 2018 at 12:32. The problem occurs, because your mylib. The install command provides the TARGETS signature for this purpose. I also tried cmake 2. I replaced it with my executable target and it worked^^. Object lib was the easiest. Why is this necessary? The QT Directory is on the PATH and actually found by find_package. If any of the outputs change, DLL dependency names are converted to lowercase for matching filters. dll file, even though the debug version (myLibd. tools. -- Kenneth Kasajian I had to invest a load of time without success! This is the project files where I had to installing all not direct dependent boost libraries (A bad HACK!If I would add more code in my example project, I would end to install most boost libraries (up to 150) manually. 21) project(min_proj CXX C) add_executable(min_proj) target_sources(min_proj PRIVATE if you have library add_library(FileIO STATIC ${SOURCE_FILES}), then you should write: target_link_libraries(Scrubber FileIO ) cmake find out that this is also target, and create make file with proper dependencies, and you not have to point any dependencies with add_dependency, cmake do it for automatically. Leon0402 July 19, 2021, 7:11pm 3. exe nor is it in the %PATH% environment variable when Visual Studio tries to start your myapp. foo itself is relying on some other third party dll (let's call it bar. It installs fine, but I can't figure out how to actually link the libraries after they are downloaded. The foo target is created and linked to my project as follows. If you want the Vector namespace to be accessible from your MyApplication_tests target, you have to link the wrapper library containing Vector to that target. add_dependencies. so's or . I need to do some special conditioning on an archive (static library). Moreover, Repo-B uses Repo-A, therefore Repo-A appears in the interface listing of Repo-B. Create lib2. I have a test I'm trying to equip OpenCV 1. e without having to trawl GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES or invoke ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND (directly or indirectly) downstream of the actual linkage. install( TARGETS ${PROJECT_NAME} DESTINATION . I have 2 files: library. txt The created cmake_install still contains a delimited listed surrounded by one set of quotes and fails to understand the directories. 21) project(use_so I think you're mixing up two different paradigms here. and call exposed function from qt program. I’m building from within VSCode with the cmake and c++ packages. Transitive dependencies and OBJECT libraries. Longer question: In the CMake-generated build process of cgal, we would like CMake to automatically re-run the configuration step, when certain files are modified. cmake at build time rather than install(CODE) or install(SCRIPT) for install time. txt file) CMake automatically brings the other custom command into the target in which this command is built. Then any other target that depends on that target gets that list of DLLs to copy at the end with a custom build step. 1) as dependency. Hi, I’m using RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES with CMake 3. I've written CMakeList. So i guess i made something wrong building my dll and nothing gets exported. It covers dependency handling, execution triggers, and re-builds based on changes. dll api-ms-win-core-atoms-l1-1-0. in my cmake file i have added the library. If any dependency is an OUTPUT of another custom command in the same directory (CMakeLists. cmake --help-command ADD_SUBDIRECTORY Share. I could be missing obvious things but am just too tunnel-visioned to realize it. Now, I would like to include all runtime dependencies in that package to be able to install it on another machine without needing to Apologies in advance if this approach is completely wrong-headed. In Visual Studio settings I can just add the manifest filename under Manifest Tool/Input and Ouput/Additional Manifest Files, and it works correctly. dll and app. I got the optFmg. dll to the PATH, similar to how it caught other dependencies correctly? I'm not sure how Qt attempts to find dependencies, but in a previous QMake iteration of the build, the path to A. Hi, I want to add third party . Not sure what do you want to achieve by add_dependencies(tdoku This is possible in nowadays with CMake 3. The generated IMPORTED targets have appropriate properties set to define their usage requirements, such as INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES, INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS and other relevant built-in INTERFACE_ properties. dll in the DIRECTORIES argument. These get put in a list. The RUNPATH does not exist on my local host but is included in the library delivery that I get for the moment. But I would like to add dependencies to the generated build-system itself. Some of them were found with find_package . It works great using g++ or clang, but MSVC (Visual Studio 2017) creates a Debug or DLL import libraries (RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET <set-name> [[LIBRARY|RUNTIME|FRAMEWORK] The install() command generates a file, cmake_install. txt file as it is where the main executable is created for both of them. cmake -D -G. lib/lib1. For third-party DLL references, you should be using VS_DOTNET_REFERENCE_<refname> property. It has its own domain In short: I know how to add dependencies to targets, in a CMake-generated build system. dll file. so files. c: # # Assume some C library that makes use of OpenSSL # lib/CMakeLists. cmake, inside the build directory, which is used internally by the generated install target and by CPack. I am running QT 5. Also, using STATIC C# targets in CMake is discouraged, and is not guaranteed to be supported in the future. This should be the last command in I have made qtcore. 6. Then to install, it's just the install command. exe / etc. Basically I want to be able to use 'MyLib. add_library(my_dll SHARED ${DLL_SOURCES} ${DLL_HEADERS} ${DLL_RESOURCES} ) add_executable(tests ${SOURCES} ${HEADERS} ${RESOURCES} ) target_link_libraries(tests my_dll ) add_custom_command(TARGET tests POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E Hi there, I’m trying to make a simple OpenCV Linux application but it works only on OpenCV installed OS, so I wan’t to copy all of it’s dependencies into build folder via cmake to make it also work on the other computers as well without installing opencv on them. Try changing your target_link_libraries() call to include MyApplication_tests. Just tell CMake that libB I am trying to install an executable using cmake. h file to the project sources and i have added the library. Is there a way to change a shared library's extension, only on windows from ". This saves you from exporting each symbol manually via __declspec(dllexport). lib/lib. Add a dependency between top-level targets. With a bit of flexibility you can then use the install command to facilitate this deploying of your content, and you need to run it once after your first build (and whenever your dependencies change), and it still works for CPack as well. But they are only distributed as dynamic linked libraries. so (or . dll and b. Cmake: Have a folder called vendors where I add submodules e. As you CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY is your friend. 21 8 8 How to get sub-dependencies when install or CPack? I use vcpkg to manage the dependencies of my project. 6) add_library (optFmg optBladWriter. extern. I am trying to make all of the library dependencies use the cmake dependency feature, including certain "3rd" party libraries that are not always installed by default on Linux or even available. So you should take a look at their CMake include file internal_utils. py and installed and all cmake config files have been generated by Conan and been used by CMake, so far all good. first: get output dll (build as the unique opencv_world lib). It works in the way I’d expect RUNTIME_DEPENDENCY_SET to work. You can use file (GET_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES) to find other In this blog post, I describe the approach I use to manage external dependencies in C++ projects. In your case, it can be used to force foo. But I want the optFmg. ecc parckx cgiq bwty gfdi rbd edd hzevfev lmvdze cbxzayy